Potatoes Can Speed ​​Up Kidney Failure? Doctors Prompt: For Kidney Health, Eat Less of “3 Vegetables”

At present, many people suffer from high levels of uric acid. Too high uric acid can easily lead to nephritis, gout, kidney stones, and even kidney failure and other diseases, seriously threatening people’s daily life.

Excessive uric acid is actually closely related to people’s daily diet and lifestyle. If you consume too much “purine” substances, uric acid will be too much , damage the kidneys, induce gout and other diseases.

As we all know, seafood, various beans, and many meats are high in purine substances. Regular consumption will increase uric acid and induce various kidney diseases including gout. So are vegetables suitable for high blood pressure? Uric acid for human consumption?

Potatoes cause kidney failure?

Potatoes are high starch foods, and many patients want to know whether the purine content is high or low.

In fact, potatoes are rich in dietary fiber and low in purine content. Each 100g of potatoes contains only 18mg of purine substances, which is a low-purine food.

In addition, eating some potatoes usually has the effect of neutralizing uric acid in the body. Therefore, people with high uric acid can eat potatoes with confidence.

Doctor Tip: For Kidney Health, Eat Less of “3 Vegetables”

< strong>1. Spinach

Spinach is a very common home-cooked dish in daily life. It is rich in calcium, iron, zinc, vitamin A and other nutrients and is very popular among people.

The oxalic acid in spinach can affect the function of the kidneys. After oxalic acid is absorbed by the human body, it combines with calcium ions to form calcium oxalate, which can inhibit the metabolic function of the kidneys, making it difficult for a large amount of uric acid to be excreted in time, and damage the kidney tissue.

2. Seaweed

Every 100 grams of seaweed has up to 400 mg of purines, which belong to Standard high-purine foods are very damaging to kidney function.

And seaweed is mostly in the form of seaweed soup, and the purine is easily soluble in water. If the cooking time is longer, the purine content will double. Eating a lot of it can make uric acid soar rapidly, induce gout, and aggravate it. Kidney burden.

3. Mushroom food

Mushroom food such as oyster mushroom, mushroom, king oyster mushroom , is recognized as a food with high nutritional value, especially when eating hot pot, it is very popular.

But if you eat too much, you will take in a lot of purine substances, which will increase the content of uric acid and cause gout attacks. Therefore, for people with high uric acid, eating less fungi foods may stabilize the uric acid value.

Before kidney failure, there may be 3 signs in the body, and you should be vigilant if you have one

1. Frequent waking up at night

A healthy person, with sufficient water supply, urinates about 6 to 8 times a day, and the urination volume is about 800 ml.

If you drink less water, you may urinate more frequently every day, and the amount of urine each time is not much, so you should pay attention to it. It may be that the concentration of uric acid exceeds the standard, and a large amount of uric acid stimulates the bladder and causes abnormal urination. Causes frequent urination.

2. Foamy urine is formed

When there is a problem with the kidney tissue, there will be a A large number of bubbles appear, and it is not easy to dissipate for a long time.

This kind of abnormal urine, or high uric acid content in the body, a large amount of uric acid accumulated in the kidneys, resulting in a large amount of protein loss, which is excreted with the urine, forming foamy urine.

3. Pain all over the body

The concentration of uric acid in the body continues to rise, and it wanders in the body over time. , it will form urate crystals, a lot of toxins and uric acid will damage the waist and abdomen joints, neck and shoulders, limbs and other cartilage tissue, resulting in pain all over the body.

Generally speaking, neck and shoulder pain and low back pain that appear in the early stage of kidney disease will cause people to become inconvenient to move in the later stage.

Do 2 things diligently, gout is no longer disturbed, and kidney function is as strong as iron

1. Adhere to traditional Chinese medicine conditioning

2. Add water frequently p>

If you want to keep your kidneys healthy, you must not only take good care of your kidneys, but also drink enough water every day. The kidneys can help to excrete waste, uric acid and excess water from the body.

Recommendation: People with high uric acid should drink about 3000 ml of water, and drink slowly in small sips, which has a positive effect on reducing uric acid and protecting the kidneys.


Uric Acid Gout Body Study (hURAT1) Endogenous Uric Acid Synthesis Symptoms; Wang Xuqing, Xu Zheng