Positive cases appear at construction site in Haidian, Beijing, strengthen site and hotel epidemic prevention

Chinanews.com, Beijing, May 11 (Reporter Du Yan) Lin Hang, deputy head of Haidian District, Beijing, said at a press conference today that in response to the positive cases at the construction site in Haidian District, strengthen the construction site and Epidemic prevention and control work in the hotel.

3 new confirmed cases

Lin Hang said that on May 10, 3 new local confirmed cases of new coronary pneumonia were added in Haidian District, Beijing, and all of them have been transferred to designated hospitals for treatment. . The relevant information is reported as follows:

Case 1, living in Unit 1, Building 7, Anning Jiayuan, Qinghe Street, Haidian District, working address is Building 1, Yard 2, Xueyuan South Road, Zhongguancun Street, Haidian District, May 9 As a close contact of an employee of the Shunyi District Rural Commercial Bank data center, they were quarantined in a centralized manner, and the nucleic acid test result was positive on May 10. Relevant risk points:

May 3rd, 14:37 Baixianglin West Point (Qinghe Branch); 14:40 Happy Glory Supermarket (Anningzhuang Branch).

May 5th, 19:22 Anning Jiayuan South Gate Conch Shop.

May 6, 18:10 Zaoyang Fresh Bao Store (40 meters west of the intersection of Anningzhuang Qian Street and Anningzhuang East Road); 20:35 Wumart Convenience Supermarket (Xi Sanqi Store).

May 7, 12:00 Happy Glory Supermarket (Anningzhuang Store); 12:58 Baixianglin West Point (Qinghe Store).

Cases 2 and 3 are family members of case 1, and the nucleic acid test results were positive on May 10. Relevant risk points:

May 3, 14:16 Cao Ji Xu Xian Baozi, Mixue Ice City (Anningzhuang store).

May 6th, 19:30-20:30 Meilianmei Supermarket (West Sanqi Tianyuan Branch).

May 7th, 13:10-13:13 Kangleban sugar-free food (No. 18, Anningzhuang East Road).

Lin Hang introduced that Haidian District implements closure and control management on Anning Jiayuan Community in Qinghe Street, and implements preventive management in the surrounding areas of the community. Buildings and risk sites have been temporarily closed for management, and nucleic acid testing has been carried out on relevant personnel and the environment. A total of 2,028 personnel samples and 50 environmental samples were collected. Except for the positive nucleic acid test results in the case and one family of the case, the rest of the results were negative.

Up to now, a total of 52 close contacts and 12 semi-secret cases have been investigated, and control measures have been implemented.

Strengthen the epidemic prevention of construction sites and hotels

Lin Hang said that in response to positive cases at construction sites, the epidemic prevention and control of construction sites and hotels will be strengthened.

She said that the construction site strictly implements closed management, and all personnel entering the construction site strictly implement measures such as code verification, temperature measurement, and registration; real-name registration and dynamic updates for employees entering and leaving the construction site to accurately grasp the construction The information of on-site employees should be “clear and clear”; strictly manage the personnel who enter and leave the construction site to transport and receive materials.

Lin Hang said that he supervised the hotel to strictly check the health treasure, itinerary card, temperature measurement, letter of commitment, check the list of high-risk areas and the 48-hour nucleic acid test certificate; instruct the hotel to do a good job in emergency prevention and control work , set up and correctly use temporary isolation observation rooms; do a good job of ventilation and disinfection, increase the frequency of cleaning and disinfection, keep records and signs of cleaning and disinfection work, maintain good ventilation, control crowd density, and avoid cross-infection. (end)