[Popular Science] The heat is coming, beware of becoming “rabbit eyes”

[Source: Changsha Maternal and Child Health Hospital subscription number]

Summer is hot and the air is hot Humid heat, this is the high incidence period of bacterial reproduction and transmission. The Eye and Ear Nose and Throat Clinic of the Children’s Health Center of Changsha Maternal and Child Health Hospital has recently received patients with “rabbit eyes” one after another.

People are commonly known as “pink eye disease”, and there is still a saying “don’t look at other people’s red eyes, or you will be infected! “Is it really?

Pink eye, scientific name is acute or subacute conjunctivitis, also known as acute catarrhal conjunctivitis. It has the characteristics of acute onset, short incubation period and strong infectivity.

is shown as:

Acute conjunctivitis is generally spread by contact:

How to care for acute conjunctivitis daily?

1. Do not share towels and washbasins with others;

2. Separate personal items and clean and disinfect them after use;

3. Pay attention to hand washing and personal hygiene, and do not rub eyes with hands;

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4. Do not enter public places and swimming pools to avoid cross-infection;

5. Eye drops and eye ointments must be reserved for special persons ;

6. Do not apply heat to the eyes.

Expert Profile

Yang Zhuo

Deputy Chief Physician, Director of the Department of Ophthalmology, Otolaryngology, Changsha Maternal and Child Health Hospital, member of the Eye Care Special Committee of the China Maternal and Child Health Association, member and secretary of the Health Care Management Special Committee of Hunan Nursery and Child Care Institutions. He has been engaged in eye, ENT, and throat specialist work for more than 10 years, and has published several professional papers in national academic core journals. Academic expertise: monitoring of retinal diseases in premature infants, diagnosis and treatment of lacrimal duct diseases in infants and young children, early intervention and diagnosis and treatment of refractive errors and strabismus amblyopia in children and adolescents, diagnosis and treatment of common diseases of eyes, ears, nose and throat.

Expert Profile

Luo Yi

Changsha Maternal and Child Health Hospital Eye, Ear, Nose Laryngology, attending physician, master of medicine, academic expertise: pediatric ophthalmology, good at screening of children’s eye diseases, screening of retinopathy of prematurity, diagnosis and treatment of lacrimal duct diseases in infants and young children, correction of refractive errors, etc.

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Expert Profile

Li Xinxiu

Changsha City Attending physician of Otolaryngology Department of Maternal and Child Health Hospital, master of medicine, academic expertise: children’s eye care, refractive error and early intervention treatment of strabismus and amblyopia.

Children’s Health Center Otolaryngology p>

Changsha Maternal and Child Health Hospital Child Health Center Department of Otolaryngology is a child ear and hearing health professional of China Maternal and Child Health Association The chairman unit of the committee, the “Changsha City Children’s Neonatal Hearing Screening and Testing Center” designated by the Hunan Provincial Health and Health Commission, the member units of the Hunan Province and Changsha City Children’s Optometry and Pediatric Eye Disease Alliance, and the Changsha City Children’s Eye Disease and Optometry Screen Check and manage the center. Responsible for the business guidance and personnel training of the city’s vision and hearing screening work, the diagnosis and treatment of eye, ENT, and throat related diseases in pregnant women, the rehabilitation of children with low vision and hearing impairment, and the diagnosis and treatment of common eye, ENT, and throat diseases in children.

The department has 14 excellent medical team members, including 3 deputy chief physicians. Has advanced diagnosis and treatment equipment such as: international brand high-definition fiber nasopharyngolaryngoscope, ENT comprehensive treatment table, diagnostic brainstem auditory evoked potential system, pure tone audiometer, children’s behavioral audiometry system, slit lamp microscope, synoptic machine, children’s Refractive screening instrument, ophthalmic biometric instrument, corneal topography, multi-functional comprehensive amblyopia treatment instrument, comprehensive refractometer, wide-field fundus imaging, non-mydriatic fundus photography and other equipment.

Phone: 0731-84196898

Manuscript: Children’s Health Center

Typesetting: Hospital Office

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