Popular Science | Ginkgo – Prevention and Treatment of Cardiovascular Diseases

The cardiovascular system supplies every cell in the body with the oxygen and nutrients necessary for life. Cardiovascular disease is one of the most common diseases in human beings and has become the leading cause of death in the world today.

In my country, with the accelerated aging of the population, the improvement of people’s living standards, the acceleration of the pace of life, and the development of dietary habits toward high calorie and high lipids, high blood pressure, high blood lipids, heart failure, stroke, etc. Cardiovascular disease has become one of the serious diseases that endanger human health and life.

Professor Mancia from the University of Milan, Italy emphasized that although there are many causes of cardiovascular disease, the direct causes of death are stroke, diabetes, hypertension, hyperlipidemia, etc. , blood sugar control, can delay the death caused by its complications;

If these risk factors are not well controlled, 20% will directly become cardiovascular disease. However, between the two, the lack of clinical diagnosis and the 80% of patients who have not reached the standard of treatment after diagnosis are the gray areas that really need to strengthen the management and control of risk factors.

Cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases include

1. Heart disease, that is, part or all of the heart muscle is necrotic due to lack of oxygen. Many heart diseases are caused by blood clotting.

2. Arteriosclerosis, that is, the process of gradually depositing and forming fatty plaques on the arterial wall. The fatty plaques thin the blood vessels, reducing the amount of blood flowing to the heart and possibly clotting the arterial blood vessels, resulting in heart disease.

3. Heart pumping failure, that is, the heart is damaged and the pumping function is weakened but not completely lost.

4. Stroke, a heart attack in the brain, just like the heart, the part of the brain that is deprived of oxygen during a stroke also dies. A stroke is the result of a decrease in blood flow to the brain.

The active ingredient flavonoids in Ginkgo biloba have good curative effect on coronary heart disease and angina pectoris, and are related to reducing blood lipids, improving blood rheology, reducing lipid peroxides, and scavenging free radicals such as superoxide anion free radicals. It achieves the purpose of protecting the heart and cerebrovascular system by dilating coronary arteries, improving microcirculation, and inhibiting platelet aggregation.



Due to increased blood pressure and insufficient vascular perfusion, tissue ischemia leads to a large amount of superoxide anion free radicals, which makes lipid Peroxidative damage, leading to increased malondialdehyde content, this pathological process is closely related to the occurrence of hypertension.

In the process of treating hypertension, ginkgo preparations can directly capture and scavenge free radicals such as superoxide anion free radicals and hydrogen peroxide, and block them by acting as a hydrogen atom donor. And terminate the chain reaction chain of free radicals, while preventing and inhibiting free radical reaction and lipid peroxidation reaction pathological aggravation, inhibiting lipid peroxidation and its metabolites MDA and conjugated diene and other toxic and side substances generation, restore blood pressure normal.


Treatment of coronary heart disease and angina pectoris

Oxidized low-density lipoprotein is closely related to coronary artery disease. In the case of myocardial hypoxia, oxygen free radicals increase, susceptibility to low-density lipoprotein oxidation increases, and antioxidant function decreases, resulting in a significant increase in oxidized low-density lipoprotein and malondialdehyde, and a significant increase in vitamin C content in patients with coronary heart disease. decline.

The main component of ginkgo preparations, flavonoids, can inhibit lipid peroxidation, oxidatively modify low-density lipoproteins, remove free radicals such as superoxide anion free radicals, and make oxidized low-density lipids in patients. Protein and malondialdehyde decreased significantly, vitamin C and other content increased significantly, to achieve the effect of treating coronary heart disease.


Treating cor pulmonale

The platelet aggregation function (PAG) in patients with cor pulmonale increased at each time, the slope increased, and the red blood cells increased secondary , the compliance decreases, the blood viscosity increases, and the blood is in a state of easy coagulation. Ginkgo biloba preparation can reduce platelet aggregation function at various times, reduce the slope, and increase the depolymerization rate.


Treatment of hyperlipidemia

With the increase of age and lack of physical activity, the blood vessels of many people are gradually aging: the elasticity of the blood vessel wall decreases, Slow blood flow, increased blood viscosity, arteriosclerosis or thrombosis, prone to dizziness, numbness of hands and feet, etc. Ginkgo helps thin the blood, inhibits thrombosis, improves blood circulation, and has few side effects.

Dr. David Mandalay of the United States called Ginkgo a “very creative” drug! Ginkgo biloba can reduce serum cholesterol and triglyceride, and increase the content of high-density lipoprotein, thereby improving blood lipids, preventing arteriosclerosis, and effectively reducing the occurrence of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.

A large number of experiments have proved that ginkgo has significant curative effect in preventing and treating cardiovascular diseases!