Poor sleep quality may be caused by disease, friends who wake up in the middle of the night, be careful of these 3 diseases

A normal person spends about one-third of his life in bed. Quality sleep is not only a guarantee of energy the next day, but also a help for the body’s natural recovery , is very important. But modern people often suffer from insomnia and early awakening. Some people may think that this is caused by excessive stress or drinking tea and coffee during the day. In fact, the real reason for early awakening is more complicated than these.

If a person often wakes up suddenly around 3 am and has difficulty falling asleep, it may be caused by certain diseases , at this time, don’t take it hard, you should see a doctor, you should see a doctor, these three kinds of diseases that can cause early awakening, please pay more attention.

1. Depression

Although many people now Depression complex”, but the real depression is actually more serious than we think. First of all, we must know that depression is a disease that requires drug treatment, and cannot be cured by a strong and optimistic attitude. The typical complications of depression are insomnia and early waking up. If a person often wakes up suddenly in the dead of night, feels a sense of loss and discomfort in his heart, and has difficulty falling back to sleep, it may be a sign of depression.

Depression is mostly caused by mental stress and poor social relationships. May suffer from depression. At this time, you should actively adjust your mentality, try to find a suitable breakthrough, or ask for the help of a psychiatrist, and use sleeping pills and tranquilizers under the guidance of the doctor to assist in sleep recovery, so as to prevent further deterioration of the disease.

2. Hormone imbalance

The quality of sleep is also affected by hormones Level regulation, the hormone that controls sleep and wake up is called melatonin. When falling asleep at night, due to the gradual dimming of light, the brain controls the increase of melatonin secretion, and people will feel sleepy and then fall asleep. The reason why you don’t sleep well with the lights on. When the body sleeps enough, the concentration of melatonin will return to a lower level, and the person will wake up. However, if the secretion of melatonin is abnormal and the level of sleepiness is not reached before falling asleep, even if you can fall asleep, you will wake up soon.

Factors that affect melatonin secretion include eating habits and work and rest arrangements. If you often eat greasy food or stay up late, it is easy to disrupt hormone secretion Normal, induce insomnia and early awakening, please pay more attention.

3. Liver Disease

In Chinese Medicine, 1-3 am It belongs to the active period of the liver meridian. If the liver fire is strong and the liver meridian is not smooth, it will lead to wake up in the middle of the night. According to modern medical analysis, the liver is the main organ for metabolism and detoxification. If the liver function is not healthy, it will lead to irritability and depression, and when the blood concentrates in the liver area in the middle of the night, it will also cause people to wake up unexpectedly.

Generally speaking, liver detoxification is carried out at midnight, that is, from 11:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m. the next day. Entering a sleep state during this time period can be effective. It has a good protective effect on the liver, which is why it is better to go to sleep between 11:00 pm and 1:00 pm the next day. Therefore, friends with poor liver should go to sleep as soon as possible, which can nourish and protect the liver and reduce the possibility of waking up in the middle of the night.

[This article was updated by “Glory of the Doctors” Exclusively produced by the media, the pictures come from the Internet. Author Cotton, please do not reprint or copy without authorization]