Poor sleep is 10 years old: Do these 5 things well and sleep until dawn

Traditional Chinese Medicine Health Science

Sleep is “the best way to relax your body”. A good night’s sleep is extremely important to us.

However, many people will have this feeling, obviously they have enough time to sleep, but they still feel tired and weak the next day. Where is the problem?

Lack of deep sleep is harmful

< /p>1Increased risk of dementia and worsening of aging

University of California, Berkeley researchers found that people who lack deep sleep , the risk of developing Alzheimer’s will increase significantly in the future.

When the human body is in deep sleep, the body’s endocrine system will start to work to clean up the metabolic waste accumulated during the day. If you sleep lightly or do not sleep all the time, the procedure cannot be carried out, and the accumulation of metabolic waste will accelerate the aging of the human body.

2weak heart and higher risk of high blood pressure

long-term lack of deep sleep People with more fragile hearts have a higher risk of developing high blood pressure.

A study by Harvard University found that when people are in deep sleep, various life activities of the body decrease, blood pressure drops, and heart rate slows down. At this time, the heart rate is 10~ 30 times. After a hard day’s work, the heart can get enough rest.

3Constipation, flatulence, and indigestion frequently occur

During deep sleep, the Gastrointestinal function will also be rested. A study published in the world’s top academic journal “Nature” pointed out that there is a connection between the human gut and the brain, called the “gut-brain axis”.

In simple terms, the brain can affect the function of the gut; and the gut can affect a person’s emotions, emotions and behavior. If you don’t get enough deep sleep, you are more prone to constipation, flatulence, indigestion, and negative emotions.

4Puffy body, kidney problems

During deep sleep, the filtering function of the kidneys Less urine is produced than during the day, and if you don’t sleep well at night, water will accumulate, resulting in swollen eyelids, feet, and legs when you wake up early.

Take a test, how is your deep sleep?

1Deep sleep duration: about two hours

After falling asleep, the human body goes through several sleep cycles, including light sleep, light sleep , medium sleep, deep sleep and rapid eye movement sleep, the latter two belong to deep sleep, with an average cycle of about 90 minutes.

If you count 8 hours, you will experience about 4-5 deep sleeps. Young people sleep about 2 hours a night. Because of the decline in total sleep time, the elderly will experience deep sleep. The time is correspondingly shorter.

2Whether deep sleep is sufficient: Judging from the state of waking up

Wake up and feel good Refreshing breath and not drowsy, indicating that deep sleep meets the needs of the body.

Feeling tired early in the morning, uncontrollably sleepy during the day, and yawning all day long. If you can’t wake up without an alarm clock, and you get more sleepy the more you sleep, it may be a sign of a deep sleep problem.

The more I sleep, the more tired I am, what is the problem?

1Sleep too long

a lot White-collar workers like to sleep until noon on weekends. Often, this condition is called “sleep drunkenness.”

Many people don’t know that this method is actually bad for your health, because “sleep drunkenness” disrupts the biological clock in the brain that controls the body’s daily cycle.

During sleep, blood circulation slows down and the supply of nutrients and oxygen to the brain is greatly reduced. If you sleep too long, brain cells may not get enough oxygen and nutrients, and thus their activity will be weakened.

Excessive sleep time will reduce the activity of muscles and tendon tissues, and the muscles will get less oxygen and nutrients from the blood, so they will become relaxed and weak, and naturally feel tired.

It is more important to note that frequent “sleep drunkenness” is likely to increase the risk of diabetes, heart disease, and obesity.

2Liver fire

Many people turn over and over when they sleep at night, feeling bored, Dreams, this may be caused by exuberant anger.

The mind and liver blood cannot be rested, and they have been consumed at night, and it is easy to feel tired in the morning.

People with such symptoms can drink some rose tea as appropriate. Rose tea has the effect of calming emotions and relieving fatigue.

3Blood deficiency

Blood deficiency is the loss of yin blood in the body and insufficient blood production Or a pathological state in which the nourishing function of the blood decreases.

People with blood deficiency often suffer from insomnia because the blood does not nourish the heart. So I woke up in the morning exhausted.

People with blood deficiency can eat more silky chicken, black sesame, longan meat, chicken, hairy blood, red beans and other supplements.blood food.

4Yin deficiency

People with yin deficiency will have obvious internal heat, which leads to night Anxiety, it is difficult to fall asleep, and the sleep is not heavy. When sleeping, I like to toss and turn, stretch my arms and legs, and even put it outside the quilt to be comfortable.

People with yin deficiency should eat more foods that are cool and moisturizing, nourishing body fluid and nourishing yin, such as fresh vegetables, foods high in vitamins and high-quality protein, dendrobium, tremella Also a good choice.

If you want to sleep well, stay away from 6 bad habits

Healthy sleep is what everyone wants to have, but almost everyone has experienced symptoms such as inability to fall asleep and wake up easily. In fact, sometimes some bad habits can also affect our sleep.

1Have a full meal before going to bed

There is a saying in traditional Chinese medicine: “Stomach disharmony, sleep restless.” If you eat too much before going to bed, your stomach needs to be digested more quickly. A stomach full of food will constantly stimulate the brain, making the brain excited and unable to fall asleep peacefully.

It is recommended not to eat 2 hours before going to bed, especially to eat less high-protein foods.

2Pillow too high or too low

The height of the pillow has a significant impact on sleep quality big impact.

If the height of the pillow is too high, it will seriously affect our respiratory tract, and it is easy to snore, which will cause neck discomfort in the long run.

If the pillow is too low, it is easy to stiffen the neck, or due to too much blood flowing into the brain, dizziness, swollen eyes, etc.

Under normal circumstances, the height of Asian adult pillows is 8~13cm.

3sleeping with pillows and hands

Put your hands under your head when you sleep, in addition to affecting the blood In addition to causing numbness and pain in the upper limbs, it is also easy to increase the intra-abdominal pressure, which may also induce reflux esophagitis over time.

4Sleeping with head covering

Sleeping with face covering can easily cause breathing difficulties. As the concentration of carbon dioxide in the quilt continues to rise, the concentration of oxygen continues to decline, and the long-term inhalation of humid air is extremely harmful to the brain.

5staying up late

Some people like to sleep after staying up late, but their biological clock is disordered The resulting adverse consequences are unavoidable. Therefore, even if you stay up late and sleep for more than ten hours, you will still feel sleepy and lack of concentration when you wake up.

6Playing with mobile phones before going to bed

“2018 Chinese Internet Netizens Sleep White Paper” data show : Nearly 90% of netizens are accustomed to brushing their mobile phones before going to bed, with an average time of 65 minutes. This is true of young people, and middle-aged and elderly friends are no exception.

Using a mobile phone for a long time after 9 p.m. can significantly increase the level of fatigue and even affect the level of concentration during the next day.

5 easy ways to sleep well

Sleep well and the quality of life will improve, so how can we have better sleep?

1Control your stomach

Too full or too hungry can affect sleep. If you’re really hungry, eat some small carbohydrate-rich snacks, such as whole-wheat crackers, oatmeal, etc., which can trigger the release of serotonin in the brain and help to relax.

2Correct sleeping position

Chinese medicine believes that the correct sleeping position should be Lie on your right side and bend your legs slightly.

At this time, the heart is in a high position and is not easily oppressed; while the liver is in a low position, the blood supply is better, which is conducive to metabolism; the food in the stomach moves towards the duodenum by gravity Promoting, can promote digestion and absorption.

At the same time, the whole body is in a relaxed state, and the body can get a good rest.

3Do not drink strong tea, coffee before bed

coffee and strong tea, which contain Substances such as caffeine that make people excited, drinking before going to bed can easily lead to difficulty falling asleep. Some people are even more sensitive to caffeine and should not drink it after two o’clock in the afternoon.

Excessive amounts of caffeine each day, even if not at sleep time, can lead to irregular sleep patterns.

4Do not overuse the brain before going to bed

Many people think that the environment at night is relatively quiet and suitable Work, but if it is nerve-racking work, the brain is in a state of excitement, and it is difficult to sleep even in bed.

So it’s best to completely relax your brain before going to bed, don’t bring electronics to bed, and don’t think too much about complicated things.

5Keep the bedroom quiet and dark

Melatonin, the pineal gland of the brain A hormone secreted by the body that can shorten the time to fall asleep and be awakened, reduce the number of awakenings, thereby prolonging the time of deep sleep and helping to improve sleep.

Dark environments produce melatonin, which promotes sleep. Block out outside light sources with heavy curtains, or cover up annoying sounds with fans or white noise, and it’s also easier to fall asleep.

For people who occasionally have sleep problems, proper sunlight exposure during the day can also assist the body to synthesize melatonin and help improve sleep.

But for people with poor sleep quality, especially middle-aged and elderly people, their ability to synthesize melatonin is reduced, and exogenous melatonin can be appropriately supplemented if necessary. white.

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