Police report: 3 people including Zhang Mou were put on file for investigation and investigation for refusing to perform personal and unit responsibilities

Chengdu Public Security News, recently, the Jinjiang Sub-bureau of Chengdu Public Security Bureau received clues from relevant departments and found out:

Zhang Mou (male, 30 years old, employee of the S19 Club bar) was supposed to abide by the epidemic prevention regulations such as staying home and refusing to visit, but he refused to cooperate with the closed management and went out to the restaurant to drink tea and play cards without authorization, which caused the spread of the epidemic risk.

After the outbreak of the epidemic, Dong Mou (male, 31 years old), the relevant person in charge of the S19 Club bar, neglected to report employee information and did not implement site management in accordance with epidemic prevention and control regulations, causing Zhang Mou Others leaked, causing the risk of epidemic spread.

According to Article 330 of the “Criminal Law of the People’s Republic of China”, Zhang, S19 Club bar and their responsible supervisor Dong are suspected of obstructing infectious diseases To prevent and control crimes, our bureau has filed a case for investigation in accordance with the law.

Xiang Moumou (female, 26 years old), the legal representative of Mingdu Tea House, refused to implement the regulations of the Jinjiang District Epidemic Prevention and Control Notice and opened the business without authorization, causing the risk of epidemic transmission. Suspected of violating Article 50 of the “Public Security Administration Punishment Law of the People’s Republic of China”, the Jinjiang District Public Security Bureau has filed a case against Mingdu Tea House and the person in charge according to law.

At present, Zhang has been isolated and treated at the Chengdu Public Health Clinical Medical Center, and all relevant close contacts and sub-close contacts have strictly implemented control measures according to the requirements of epidemic prevention and control. The epidemic-related communities and related risk sites have been controlled.

Reminders of public security organs Strictly abide by the epidemic prevention and control regulations, and implement the “four-party responsibilities” of territories, departments, units, and individuals are the obligations of the general public and units. For those who refuse to implement preventive and control measures and are suspected of violating the law, the public security organs will seriously pursue legal responsibility according to law.

Source | Chengdu Public Security

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