Poetry|Zhou Lizhi: Ancient Road Tea Garden

Wen/Zhou Lizhi

In this tea garden, the eyes of bees are more calm than ours
. As if they were the masters, and I was the uninvited guest. So much dust was stirred innocently
Fortunately, here, the colorful lines
are all overwhelmed by the fragrance of tea, flattened
The tongue is hidden like a tongue

Some tired time , are slowly stretching
they exhale new breaths, which reminds me of
snail tentacles, shaking, stretching
with its own softness, testing the external hardness

The ancient road winds its way, every step
the local accent sings, and the tight clusters of leaves squeeze out the heart
I have to let some past events have nowhere to hide
They flee in succession , retreat and escape to the veins and branches. Holding into balls of dewdrops
It seems that it has never been harvested

[Author’s profile]

Zhou Lizhi, member of Shandong Qingzhou Writers Association. Some of his works have been published in Jianghe Literature, Gonggeng, People’s Navy News, Yalu River and other newspapers and periodicals.

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