Please stop eating these 5 kinds of fish, which may contain formaldehyde and heavy metals, fishmonger: found

Having more than every year is the yearning of the working people of our country for a better life. Whenever it is a festival, there is always a piece of fish on the table, especially in the modern society. With the gradual strengthening of people’s awareness of health care, eating fish seems to have become a must for health care.

In each region, there are special delicacies about fish, such as squirrel mandarin fish, yellow river boiled carp, sweet and sour fish, etc. With its delicious taste, it grabs people’s taste buds and makes people drool.

Fish not only tastes delicious and has high nutritional value, but also contains DHA, which promotes brain development, which is our Commonly known as brain gold, whether it is an adult or a child, after eating it, it can improve memory and enhance brain vitality.

In addition, fish meat contains unsaturated fatty acids, which are easily digested and absorbed by the human body, which can improve the immunity of the human body. also has a positive effect. But everyone must pay attention that although fish is delicious and nutritious, it does not mean that all fish can be eaten without any scruples. The following five kinds of fish may contain formaldehyde and heavy metals. I hope you will know more.


Please stop eating these 5 kinds of fish, which may contain formaldehyde and heavy metals, fishmonger: found< /p>

1. Large deep-sea fish

Nowadays, with the deepening of people’s exploration of the ocean, the fishing of large deep-sea fish is more extensive. Tigers, Bandong star spots, and fish sellers are becoming more and more frequent customers on people’s dining table. The taste is very delicious and tender, but it contains a deadly toxin – ciguatoxin.

A study found that the bigger the fish, the more toxins accumulated in the body. Fish and small fish eat shrimp. After layers of toxins accumulate, these large deep-sea fish will accumulate more ciguavirus in their bodies. Even heating or freezing will not destroy its toxicity. Once symptoms such as numbness of hands and feet, nausea and vomiting occur , please seek medical attention as soon as possible.

2. Contaminated fish< /p>

Although people are paying more and more attention to the protection of the environment, there are still some cases of ocean pollution. The special smell is likely to come from polluted waters, so you should buy it carefully.

Poisonous fish mainly include fish contaminated with phenol, heavy metals or pesticides, fish containing biological toxins, etc. Tasteless fish is the result of phenol pollution. In addition, larger sharks, tuna, swordfish, tilefish, etc. are prone to mercury poisoning, so we must take more precautions.

3. Salted fish

Salted fish should be a kind of pickled food that many people like to eat very much, especially people in Chongqing, Sichuan and other places like to eat salted fish. However, some studies have shown that idle fish contains a large amount of dimethyl nitrite, which will be converted into dimethyl nitrosamine, which is highly carcinogenic, after entering the human body.

In addition, salted fish is a preserved food. A lot of salt is added during the production process. Eating too much can easily lead to increased blood pressure and a burden on the kidneys, especially People who already suffer from hypertensive nephritis and urinary system diseases must eat less salted fish to avoid aggravating the disease.

< strong>4. Sashimi

Influence in Japan, South Korea and other countries Eating leftover tickets seems to have become a fashion trend, especially for many young people, eating sashimi is usually regarded as a symbol of high-end life. However, eating sashimi is not good for individual health and is very susceptible to infection Liver fluke disease and even liver cancer.

Liver fluke disease is a parasitic disease mainly caused by hepatobiliary lesions. Eating raw or half-cooked freshwater fish and shrimps and freshwater snails containing liver flukes and live cysts is very likely to be infected. The clinical symptoms include fatigue, epigastric discomfort, indigestion, abdominal pain, diarrhea, liver pain, and liver swelling. Dizziness and dizziness are more common, and severe infection can cause liver cirrhosis, ascites, and even death in the advanced stage.

5. Dead fish

Many people like to be cheap when buying fish, and many merchants also cater to this psychology of consumers and sell dead fish at low prices. In fact, fish is very easy to spoil after death. Because the surface of the fish body, gills and intestines contain a certain amount of bacteria, the dead fish body is more likely to become a good place for bacteria to multiply.

There are many reasons for fish death, such as changing seasons, sudden changes in weather, water pollution, etc. Death, if the fish die due to water pollution, the human body will cause great harm to the body after eating.


What precautions should I take when eating fish?

1. Do not cook live fish immediately strong>

The quality of the fish just after slaughtering is not the best, because the fish will have a process of expelling acid, which needs to be placed The taste will be more delicious after a period of time. Small fish such as grass carp and silver carp should be refrigerated immediately, and then cooked after two hours, while large fish need to be refrigerated for more than two hours.

2. Try to steam it

Among all the cooking methods, steaming is the healthiest. It not only has a low temperature, but also uses less oil, which can better protect most of the nutrients in the fish. Or stewing will cause some of the nutrients in the fish to be lost in the soup, and the high temperature of the barbecue is likely to produce harmful substances, and the amount of oil used for grilling and frying the fish will also be more, which will destroy the low-fat healthy characteristics of fish.

3. Try not to eat fish liver

Eating the liver of various fish on the Internet seems to be a trend nowadays, but eating a large amount of fish liver in a short period of time will cause vitamin A Acute poisoning. Raw fish contains thiamine enzyme, which can decompose vitamin B1, so the fish should be processed and cooked as soon as possible after death, and the thiamine enzyme should be destroyed in time to prevent the loss of vitamin B1.

4. Pick an 8-point fish

< span>Generally speaking, a fish with a size of 8 is more suitable. The size of the fish determines the taste and safety of the fish. If the fish is too small, it may not grow up and mature, the meat is not delicious enough, and the fish bones will also be There are more fish, and fish that are too large have rough meat and are more likely to accumulate harmful substances in their bodies.

5. Avoid eating fish on an empty stomach< /p>

Because fish meat contains a lot of purine substances, it needs carbohydrates to be decomposed. If you eat fish on an empty stomach, it is very easy to lead to an increase in purine content in the body, which will cause The acid-base balance in the body is unbalanced, so it is best to eat rice or steamed bread before eating fish to help break down the purine substances in fish.

Do you like to eat fish at ordinary times? Although there are many benefits to eating fish, everyone must pay attention to the precautions for eating fish, and eat fish scientifically and rationally according to their actual situation, so as to better exert the nutritional value of fish.