Please stop eating these 5 kinds of fish, may contain formaldehyde and heavy metals, fishmonger: found

In the mouths of food and health professionals, we often hear a sentence: animal meat is not as good as poultry, and poultry is not as good as fish.

Fish is rich in high-quality protein, which is the most suitable for human body to absorb and utilize. The unsaturated fatty acids contained in fish have a regulating effect on human lipid metabolism, and the vitamin B group vitamin A contained in fish has a beneficial effect on human vision, brain, and various organs of the body.

There are many ways to do it, whether it is cooking or frying, it is very delicious, but when eating fish, it is recommended that you drink less beer, When beer and seafood products are used together, it is easy to suffer from gout.

But eating fish is also very particular, because some fish are really not suitable for people to eat, and even some fishmongers never Do not feed it to your family, which contains high levels of heavy metals and parasites, which is not good for the human body.

The nutritional value of fish

Fish, as a common daily food, has a wide variety and is rich in protein, fat, vitamins, minerals and other nutrients.

[Protein]: The protein content of fish muscle is about 15%~25%. Compared with the protein contained in poultry and livestock, it is easier to be digested and absorbed by the human gastrointestinal tract.

[Fat]: Fatty fish contains an average of 1% fat- 3%, the specific content is related to the species, such as eel, tuna and other high fat content, cod low fat content.

And fish contains a lot of unsaturated fatty acids, which is an important source of essential fatty acids for human beings, and has the effect of lowering blood lipids and preventing atherosclerosis.

【Vitamin】:The liver of sea fish is rich in vitamin A and vitamins D, is one of the important sources for the body to obtain vitamin A and vitamin D, which can promote the body’s absorption and utilization of calcium, which is conducive to maintaining bone health and protecting eyesight.

Minerals: Fish contains 1%-2% minerals, including iron, Calcium, potassium, sodium, zinc and other minerals are rich in nutrients.

—The benefits of eating fish

1. Promote growth and development, activate brain cells, and are very beneficial to children’s brain intelligence development.

2. Improve human immunity and disease resistance, resist a variety of fungi, prevent viruses and flu.

3. Lower cholesterol, prevent thrombosis, and prevent cardiovascular disease.

4. The fish meat is tender and easy to absorb, and has the effect of strengthening the spleen and nourishing the stomach.

Picking and eating fish is actually a science.

If you are not careful, you may eat toxins!

Please stop eating these 5 kinds of fish, may contain formaldehyde and heavy metals, fishmonger: found h1>

The first type – just slaughtered fish

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in large In most people’s perception, live fish is the freshest and tastes good. When buying fish, merchants usually provide live fish slaughtering services, which is convenient for consumers to take.Cooking at home is not only convenient, but also guarantees the deliciousness of fish to a great extent.

For fish sold in the market, whether wild or artificially raised, there are more or less toxic substances on them, which will After the slaughter, the toxins in the body have not been completely metabolized. Cooking the fish at this time not only cannot guarantee the taste of the meat, but also residual toxins will enter the human body.

The best way to eat is to cook the fish 2 to 3 hours after slaughtering to ensure the best taste of the fish.

Second—fish with incomplete scales and sunken eyes< /span>

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Eat fish, the most important thing is fresh, fresh fish, the fish eyeball is full and prominent, the cornea is transparent, clear and elastic; in addition, there is transparent mucus on the body surface, and the scales are shiny And it is closely attached to the fish body and is not easy to fall off.

Stale fish with sunken eyes, opaque mucus, dull scales and more shedding.

Even if it is still alive when purchased, it will spoil faster than fish with intact scales, so the meat quality and nutrition are poor. would be great.

Third – large fish, pelagic fish

Some people think that eating delicious food is a reflection of enjoying life. In fact, the bigger the fish, the more at the top of the food chain, and the more harmful substances it contains, such as heavy metals.

Scientists have found that larger fish, especially deep-sea fish such as tuna and hairtail, are located at the top of the food chain and at the bottom of the food chain. Biological, high levels of heavy metals such as mercury in the body can stimulate the human body and easily increase the risk of cancer.

Eating big fish often will lead to excessive intake of metal elements, which will also damage the brain and even make people irritable. Feeling, so the doctor recommends that you should not be too big or too small when choosing fish, and medium size is the best.

Fourth – very red fish

Normally, the fish should be light pink and slightly whitish. If the fish you bought has a very red color, it means that the fish may have deteriorated, and you should not continue to eat it.

Because there is also a substance called histidine in the body of this fish, after the live fish is processed, if it is stored improperly, it may cause A large number of bacteria grow in it, so that the protein of the fish itself is decomposed by bacteria and converted into histidine and other chemical substances. At this time, the fish will turn red, which means that the fish is not fresh and is not suitable for continued consumption.

Fifth—Charred Fish

Barbecue is a favorite of many people. Through charcoal fire, you can add a barbecue oil aroma to the food, making the food taste sweeter, but in the process of barbecue , Because the fire is difficult to control, the phenomenon of burning often occurs.

Many people think that charring does not affect food consumption, and throwing it away is too wasteful. This practice is very dangerous. Toxic substances, when eaten by the human body, will cause harm to the body and endanger health, so when the fish is burnt, you must not cause unnecessary harm to yourself for fear of waste.

When buying fish, pay special attention to identification

1. Look at the body. Severely polluted fish have irregular shapes, large heads and small tails, curved vertebrae and even deformities.

2. Look at your eyes. Poisoned fishThe eyes are cloudy, dull, and some even bulge outward.

3. Look at the appearance. The scales were partially detached, the skin was yellow, the tail was gray-blue, some muscles were green, and some fish maws were swollen. This is caused by chromium pollution or the extensive use of ammonium carbonate fertilizers in fish ponds.

4. Look at the gills. Gills are the respiratory organs of fish, equivalent to human lungs. A large amount of poison may accumulate here. The gills of poisonous fish are not smooth, rough and dark red.

5. Smell the smell. Normal fish have a distinct fishy smell, while contaminated fish have an abnormal smell.

Fish contaminated with different poisons have different odors. The smell of kerosene is polluted by phenols; the smell of garlic is polluted by trinitrotoluene; the bitterness of almonds is polluted by nitrobenzene; the smell of ammonia and pesticides are polluted by ammonia salts and pesticides. Gills with high phenolic content can also be ignited.

Extended reading – what is caviar and what is its nutritional value?


Caviar Called caviar, sturgeon roe, salmon roe and other pickled products. In a narrow sense, only sturgeon eggs can be made into caviar.

Caviar, round and full of granules, tastes fishy and salty when the mouth bursts, and is known for its rare yield and dark color For “black gold”.

Nutritional Value:

Caviar is rich in protein, vitamins, trace elements, fats and amino acids and other nutrients, vitamin A, vitamin B, vitamin C, which are not only good for the eyes, but also can play a role in beauty and beauty, if you eat it for a long time It can also play a role in health care.
