Please favorite! The latest medical treatment process of Binzhou People’s Hospital is as follows

Qilu Evening News Qilu One Point correspondent Guo Qinghua reporter Chen Tiantian

The current epidemic situation is severe and complex. To reduce the risk of infection, Binzhou People’s Hospital announced the latest medical procedures and routes for patients.

General patient outpatient consultation process:

No fever, health code and itinerary code are green code . Patients with no epidemiological history will enter from the south gate of the outpatient building (Yellow River 7th Road) through the gate for temperature measurement and other epidemic prevention and control audits; to pass the gate, a health code or ID card is required, and children can be admitted by their parents with their children’s ID card multi-code application for health codes; in order to reduce gatherings, multi-function self-service machines can be used in the lobby on the first floor of the outpatient clinic and on each floor to register with valid identity information such as ID card, social security card, health code, medical insurance electronic certificate, WeChat medical treatment code, etc. , wait for the number to be called for treatment after self-registration in the corresponding professional area; the hospital implements time-based appointments for diagnosis and treatment to reduce queuing and crowd gathering. You can make an appointment through Binzhou People’s Hospital WeChat service account, Binzhou People’s Hospital mobile APP, telephone (0543-3284114), on-site triage desk, clinic, self-service machine, etc., and arrive at the clinic 15 minutes in advance of the appointment time If you need to be hospitalized, follow the guidance of the medical staff to the “check-out window” of the new crown nucleic acid collection point on the north side of the parking lot of the hospital for nucleic acid collection. , and the electronic version of the nucleic acid test negative report or the paper version of the report printed by the self-service machine can enter the inpatient area.

Want to check the nucleic acid testing process:

No fever, health code and itinerary code are Those with green code and no epidemiological history are required to pay attention to the WeChat service account of “Binzhou People’s Hospital”, issue nucleic acid bills during the consultation service, and go directly to the nucleic acid collection office after successful payment and appointment. “Window” for specimen collection; nucleic acid reports can be queried on the official account and mobile phone information; if a paper version of the report is required, after receiving the negative nucleic acid result, go directly to the self-service machine at a collection point in the East Gate of the hospital to print the report.

Persons who go to the nucleic acid testing point of willingness to check and complete the inspection can enter from East Gate 3 of Binzhou People’s Hospital on Bohai Eighth Road (the entrance to the parking lot of the first hospital), and the testing point is in the northwest of the outdoor parking lot of the hospital.

Persons with the following conditions can go directly to the fever clinic: body temperature ≥ 37.3℃, or dry cough, sore throat, nasal congestion, runny nose, eyes Adult and pediatric patients with symptoms related to new coronary pneumonia such as conjunctivitis, muscle soreness, changes in smell and taste, diarrhea, etc., must actively cooperate with the requirements of epidemic prevention and control to go to the fever clinic; patients with epidemiological history (including those with a history of Patients who intersect, patients in isolation and control points, and patients with a history of living in medium and high-risk areas) will all go to the fever clinic for investigation; patients with red and yellow health codes and travel codes (including adults and children) will all go to the fever clinic for investigation.

Patients going to the fever clinic of Binzhou People’s Hospital can go to the East Gate 1 of Binzhou People’s Hospital (the northernmost part of Binzhou People’s Hospital) on Bohai Eighth Road (the northernmost part of Binzhou People’s Hospital) .