Playing with mobile phones before going to bed for a long time may cause cancer? Reminder: There are 4 more hazards, don’t turn a blind eye

Playing with mobile phones before bed may increase cancer risk?

Playing with mobile phones can be said to be the last thing many people do before going to bed. According to the “2020 White Paper on Sleep of Chinese Residents during the National Household Period”, 61% of people will play mobile phones before going to bed. As everyone knows, a small action may actually hide the risk of cancer behind it.

1. An authoritative study of 460,000 people: Night lights may increase the risk of thyroid cancer

What is Night lights? Common night lights include: small night lights at home, outdoor street lights and car lights, and various electronic companions such as mobile phones and tablet computers when staying up late.

The international authoritative journal Cancer published a study on nighttime light and cancer risk, which found that too much light at night may increase the risk of thyroid cancer.

It is understood that this study has a total of 464371 participants, with an average follow-up time of 12.8 years. Through the comparative analysis of the amount of exposure to light sources at night, the group with the most exposure to light sources is more likely than the group with the least exposure. , the risk of developing thyroid cancer increased by 55%.

How harmful are night lights? Of course, this is only an observational study, and stronger evidence is needed to prove whether there is a causal relationship between nighttime lights and thyroid cancer.

However, the hazard of night light still needs to be paid attention to. Dr. Liu Tianrun, Physician of Thyroid Disease Diagnosis and Treatment Center of the Sixth Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yat-sen University explained that the blue light produced by the light source at night can affect melatonin (Adjustable sleep) has inhibitory effect. Long time exposure to night light source will disturb the circadian rhythm, which can affect people’s cardiovascular, endocrine and nervous systems.

Visible night light sources are not only related to the risk of thyroid cancer, but prolonged exposure to night light sources, such as playing with mobile phones and electronic products before going to bed, may also bring various safety hazards to the body.

Second, what are the health risks of turning off the lights before going to bed and playing with mobile phones?

1. Dry eyes and damage to vision

When playing with mobile phones, the eyes are too focused, which will reduce the number of blinks, and the cornea will lack tears Moisturizing can cause dry, itchy, and even painful eyes. In the long run, it may also damage the eyesight and see things blurred.

2. Sleep disorders

If you always play with mobile phones before going to bed, the central nervous system of the brain is in a state of excitement, and the more you play, the more exciting it becomes, making it difficult for people to fall asleep. Deep sleep, even when forced to sleep, is difficult and can cause mild dizziness and headache.

3. Injury to the cervical spine

I often lie on the bed and play with my mobile phone. Too high pillows will Bend the head forward and increase the stress on the lower cervical spine, which can cause cervical spine degeneration. Lying high on the back for a long time will also stretch the cervical vertebrae, resulting in the lordosis becoming straighter and even arching.

4. Be ugly

Staying up late to play mobile phones will also reduce the body’s immunity, which may affect the facial skin and easily lead to pigmentation , dull complexion and other skin problems.

Third, how to reduce the harm of playing mobile phones before going to bed?

Playing mobile phones before going to bed can bring so many negative effects to the body unknowingly, but it is easier to “quit” playing mobile phones before going to bed, is there any way to reduce the damage Woolen cloth?

1. Don’t play mobile phones in a dark environment

People will dilate their pupils in a dark environment, and a bright screen contrasts with the dark surrounding Ambient, lighting contrast is too large, it will make the eyes tired.

2. Control time

Using a mobile phone for a long time at night will reduce human melatonin, so you can gradually reduce the time you use mobile phone, try to control it in Within 20 minutes.

3. Adjust the screen brightness and angle

When using the phone at night, try to lower the light . Too much contrast between the light and the surrounding environment can easily cause eye fatigue. When using it, try not to face the phone screen directly to your eyes, preferably 45° downward, and keep a distance of 30-50cm between your eyes and the phone.

4. Don’t lie down to play

Lying on the left and right side will exert the greatest pressure on the left and right eyes, which can easily cause the vision deviation of the left and right eyes. The supine position is more helpful for protecting eyesight than lying on the side and prone.

Fourth, besides sleeping, don’t play with mobile phones during these time periods

Nowadays, people are suffering from “mobile phone disease”, what kind of thing You can leave them alone, but don’t leave your phone behind. Although mobile phones have many connections with our daily lives, these times, it is really necessary to put them down.

1. When going to the toilet

Going to the toilet requires more attention. If you go to the toilet and play with your mobile phone, you will be distracted. Extend the time to go to the toilet. Not getting up for a long time will also increase the pressure on the blood vessels, cause hypoxia, and increase the risk of hemorrhoids.

2. While eating

Playing with mobile phones not only affects the frequency of eating, but also increases the chance of bacterial infection by touching mobile phones with hands. Although human organs can metabolize bacteria out of the body, too much exposure will increase the burden on organs and easily cause health problems.

3. When walking or crossing red street lights

The survey showed that Pedestrians who cross the road and play with their mobile phones are 4 times more likely to run a red light than the average person, and they also take 2 seconds longer to cross the road. These “people with bowed heads” cross the road without paying attention to the surrounding traffic conditions, which can easily lead to accidents. Worldwide, more than 270,000 people die in road traffic accidents every year, and pedestrians are distracted by mobile phones as one of the important reasons.

The mobile phone is a tool that modern people cannot give up. Although it improves the quality of life and work efficiency of human beings, if it is not used properly, it will also threaten the life and health of human beings. Therefore, although the mobile phone is good, it is still necessary to pay attention to health first!


[1] “Playing with mobile phones before going to bed and turning on the night light will increase the risk of thyroid cancer”. Guangming.2021-08-25

[2] “Swipe your phone for 8 minutes before going to bed, your brain may be excited for 1 hour, if you have to play, pay attention to these 6 points”. Guangming.2022-03-07

[3] “Crossing the road and playing Mobile Phone