Play escape room three times a week and get a lung infection, can you blame the room?

A news from Fujian in the past two days has made netizens uneasy.It is about a little girl in Fuzhou, Fujian I am a lover of escape room, for two consecutive months,played room escape two or three times a week,had chest tightness, pain and dry cough. Symptoms, went to the hospital for examination and was diagnosed with pulmonary cryptococcosis. How is this going? Does Escape Room Cause Lung Infection? Can I still play the secret room?

Poke the video below to hear what Zeng Hanhua, Deputy Chief Physician of the Department of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, has to say. Underscore can also go directly to the text version.


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ActuallyA careful look at the news reveals that Escape from the secret room to infection, in fact,there are still many conditions in the middle, not to say that you will be recruited as soon as you play the secret room, Lungs appear. Department of infection.

OneWhat is pulmonary cryptococcosis?

This disease is a kind of fungal disease, the main factor of pathogenicity is the fungus that invades the human body.The most vulnerableis our lungs. I have come into contact with many patients with this type of pulmonary fungal infection in my daily outpatient clinic, these patientsor Long-term heavy use of antibiotics, or long-term use of some hormones, and some patients with long-term chronic diseases,< span>The resistance of these people is relatively poor. So look back at this news, in which mentioned this little girlusually staying up late, it can be inferred that she is suffering from The disease may be because of staying up late, resulting in a decline in resistance, and there are fungi in some corners of the secret room.

Second, is it impossible to play escape room?

This is not the case either. Because most of us normal peopleinhale a small amount of the fungus,usually have no obvious adverse consequences. But that doesn’t meanpeople with normal immunity won’t get infected, if a single inhalationor long-term exposure to fungi If these fungi colonize the lungs,and then evolve into pulmonary mycosis.

Third, daily needs What problems should pay attention to to avoid pulmonary mycosis?

contact should be reduced or avoideditems that may contain fungi, Or reach some related places, such as dark and damp places. When cleaning,especially in places with a lot of dust,it is recommended to wipe with a damp cloth first,Reduce dust flying. Because the dust may carry variousmold. Followed byavoid contact with suspected moldy grains,food, straw,or flowers and plants, etc. If it is unavoidable to clean up these things, it is strongly recommended to wear a mask, take protective measures, due to< /span>The possibility of mold in these placesis very high.

In addition, During the demolitionabandoned building,< span>Flying dustis also more likely to carry mold.We should also avoid contact, and stay away from these places. The lastjustis that many air conditioners are not used for a long time in summer.When we turn on the air conditioner,< span>Also pay attention to cleaning the air conditioner filter, because the air conditioner filter is also prone to mold growth. Therefore, when the air conditioner is turned on during the season, should pay attention to strengthening cleaning, minimize the risk.

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