Pingyin County People’s Hospital won the 6th “Huamou Cup” Hospital 6S Lean Management Culture Innovation Award

Reporter Wang Xiaomeng correspondent Zhang Longmin Kang Xiujuan

May 9-10, at the first “Public Hospital High Quality Development Promotion Action (Shenzhen)” Summit Forum and the sixth In the “Huamou Cup” National Hospital 6S Lean Management Competition, Pingyin County People’s Hospital won the “2021 Hospital 6S Lean Management Cultural Innovation Award”, and Wang Daohua, Director of the Hospital Promotion Office, won the honor of “National Hospital Excellent Lean Management Promotion Office Director” title.

This competition is hosted by Shenzhen Hospital Managers Association, Huamou Consulting Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd., Shenzhen Huayi Repair System Hospital Management Consultant Co., Ltd. hosted it and successfully opened on the online platform “Huamou Academy Online”. Nearly 100 hospitals participated in this competition, and the online live broadcast room had more than 50,000 popularity. The “Huamou Cup” has been held for the sixth time, and has been welcomed and loved by medical institutions all over the country. Under the background of the new normal of anti-epidemic, the new payment model of medical insurance and the medical reform in the new era, the high-quality development of the hospital has entered a new era. At the forefront, 6S lean management continues to help the managers of the medical department to promote the development of hospital management, so that the people can get better hospital services.

The competition established primary medical institutions and specialized hospital groups, continuous improvement group, secondary hospital group and tertiary hospital group. According to the evaluation criteria of the 6S management competition, the judges evaluated the participating medical institutions one by one in terms of the organizational importance of the 6S management of each participating medical institution, the construction of the maintenance management system, the improvement effect, and the reporting situation. After the initial selection of entries from 100 medical institutions, a total of 21 hospitals were shortlisted for the finals of the competition.

6S lean management has comprehensively improved the hospital’s overall environment, medical care quality, safety, and cultural connotation, laying a solid foundation for the hospital’s leapfrog development to a tertiary hospital. a solid foundation. The hospital will take this opportunity to use scientific management tools to continuously improve the quality, continuously improve the quality of medical services, enhance the awareness of hospital quality management, improve the hospital’s refined management level and innovation ability, and create a “hospital with compassion and benevolence for doctors.” A unique Pingyi brand with culture and warmth”.