Pig heart transplant man dies, experts: patient has not passed the high-risk stage

(People’s Daily Health Client Reporter Kong Tianjiao) “The pig gene-edited heart was transplanted into a human, and the patient passed the hyperacute rejection period after the operation. But within 1-3 months after the transplant In the acute rejection period, problems may occur due to various reasons such as rejection and infection.” On March 12, Zhang Haibo, deputy director of the Ninth Ward of Cardiac Surgery Department of Beijing Anzhen Hospital, told a reporter from the People’s Daily Health Client that the patient survived two This month is already a relatively large success, and xenotransplantation will not cool down because of this.

According to the news released by the University of Maryland Medical Center in the United States, a patient who received a pig heart transplant at the center died on the 8th. This is the first time that humans have successfully transplanted a genetically modified pig heart into a patient. Two months ago, the man was in stable condition after receiving a genetically modified pig heart transplant. The People’s Daily Health Client followed up on the report. Experts said that the effect was 1-3. We will find out after a month.

According to the University of Maryland Medical Center

The transplant patient is a A 57-year-old man with end-stage heart disease, ineligible for human heart transplantation and the use of a cardiac assist device, received a xenograft. The man died 2 months later, what was the reason? Will this have an impact on subsequent xenotransplantation?

Zhang Haibo told reporters: “Technically, this case is mainly due to the improvement of transgenic technology. The gene editing technology is to remove the genes with strong rejection response in pigs, and then add human genes. There have been breakthroughs in research. For example, the modification of ten genes related to this case has been successfully carried out, and it has proved to be very effective to safely survive the super rejection reaction. Now that the patient died in two months, it is also necessary to consider whether ten genes are not enough. If the problem of xenogeneic rejection cannot be completely solved, or if there are signs that the altered genes have any side effects, researchers will continue to conduct in-depth research and progress.

Zhang Haibo said that at the beginning of the patient’s treatment The super rejection reaction has passed, and the acute rejection reaction will appear within three months. During this time, if the patient has rejection, it is necessary to use stronger immune drugs to suppress the rejection. This is a key The time period determines whether the patient can survive and pass the high-risk stage.

Although it is unfortunate, it cannot be said to be a failure. All new technology breakthroughs will have certain problems, and it is necessary to accumulate experience and make improvements. Zhang Haibo explained that this patient has made a great breakthrough in the professional field after the super rejection period. Xenotransplantation will not cool down, but it will actually inspire more people to study, which also promotes the use of xenotransplantation in gene editing. , improvement, and further research in animal experiments have brought the dawn of xenotransplantation.