Physical examination + vaccination, the elderly feel more at ease

“Auntie, your health is fine, all indicators are normal, don’t worry about getting vaccinated!” A few days ago, the Zhangguizhuang Community Health Service Center in Dongli District, Tianjin City conducted a health checkup for the elderly and vaccinations for people over 60 years old. The combination of work allows the elderly to fully understand their physical condition, dispel the concerns of vaccination, and speed up the progress of vaccination for the entire population.

Early in the morning, a queue was formed in the medical examination area of ​​Zhangguizhuang Community Health Service Center. The staff’s instructions are registered first, and then the whole health check-up process, such as TCM constitution identification, electrocardiogram, B-ultrasound, and blood drawing, is carried out in an orderly manner.

Mrs. Wang Furong, who is 80 years old this year, after a series of examinations and a positive answer from the doctor, she can be considered as thorough. not worried. “The doctors checked me very carefully and seriously. Because of my poor health, I have always been worried about not getting vaccinated. I finished the examination today and confirmed that my body is all right, so I am relieved to get vaccinated.” Aunt Wang said .

“We started the physical examination for the elderly in advance, so that they can have a certain degree of physical condition before vaccination. I understood, and then I vaccinated with peace of mind,” said Tang Wenqi, deputy director of the Zhangguizhuang Community Health Service Center. In order to ensure the smooth vaccination of the elderly over the age of 60, there are vaccination signs and staff guidance throughout the process, and medical staff can answer questions for the vaccinators anytime, anywhere. At the same time, for the elderly with limited mobility, medical staff will be vaccinated at home to ensure that the elderly can complete the vaccination without leaving home.