Physical examination found these 5 kinds of diseases, don’t panic! Doctor’s Tip: Basically no treatment, don’t waste money

The physical examination is based on the principles of early detection, early diagnosis and early treatment. It is a cause that benefits oneself, family, country and people. We advocate that physical examination is able to detect latent diseases in time, and make positive adjustments to prevent the occurrence of more serious diseases. #Xiafang Health Guide#

There are many conscientious units that provide their own employees every year Arrange a physical examination, through which you can know your physical condition in time, which is ideal for physical fitness.

Young people may be more positive about physical examinations, but some elderly people especially reject physical examinations, and children always arrange physical examinations. I dragged it on, as if no medical examination was equivalent to no disease, and I did not dare to open it after receiving the medical examination report, for fear that it would be a late stage of cancer.

thyroid nodules, liver cysts, breast hyperplasia, etc., these terms look like diseases on the medical report In fact, many medical terms on the medical report just look scary. In fact, there is no need to worry too much and do not need to over-treat, especially the following 5 diseases, don’t be stupid Stupid waste of money.


The 5 kinds of diseases are found in the physical examination, don’t panic! Doctor’s Tip: Basically no treatment, don’t waste money

Type 1 Diseases that do not require overtreatment – cervical erosion

Many medical terms make it difficult to study medicine , People who don’t know much about medicine feel very scary. The word “erosion” is easy to give people a bad connection. They think that it is caused by girls’ lack of self-love, and it is easy to be linked to cervical cancer. In fact, this can be regarded as a medical history. A naming blunder.

Now the name of cervical erosion has been officially abolished in clinical medicine, and it has been changed to “cervical columnar ectopic epithelium” ‘, during a woman’s long life, the two types of epithelial coverings undergo dynamic changes as the body’s estrogen levels change.

Cervical erosions are mostly normal physiological phenomena, which need to be combined with cervical cytology results for further diagnosis. There are no exceptions in the results, so no special handling is required.

Speaking of this, I have to mention uterine fibroids, generally less than 5 cm are safe , don’t worry too much. According to statistics, 20% of women over the age of 30 suffer from uterine fibroids, which is equivalent to one in every 5 women suffering from uterine fibroids. The word uterine fibroids is too easy to make people feel Think of cancer!

In fact, this “tumor” is not another “tumor”, and most of the tumors of uterine fibroids are benign.

A second disease that does not require overtreatment—chronic superficial gastritis

Modern people have frequent stomach problems due to unhealthy living and eating habits. It is too apt to describe the high incidence of gastrointestinal diseases in the modern population.

Some people suffer from abdominal distention, abdominal pain, diarrhea, and fear of stomach cancer. Chronic superficial gastritis, feeling frightened, hurried to ask the doctor what was going on.

Actually, the detection rate of chronic superficial gastritis in clinical medicine is as high as 80~90% , as long as a gastroscope can be checked out, it can also be said that there is an over-examination situation.

Chronic superficial gastritis, the full name in clinical medicine is “chronic superficial gastritis of gastric mucosa”, which is a A conventional pathological diagnosis, generally functional dyspepsia or non-ulcer dyspepsia, does not require drug treatment, but should follow the doctor’s advice to adjust living habits.

If the test result is chronic atrophic gastritis, you should be highly vigilant, it may be a precancerous lesion Signs, you need to go to the hospital regularly for review, and follow the doctor’s orders to take medicines, adjust the diet to relieve the condition, and restore health as soon as possible.

3rd disease that does not require overtreatment – pelvic effusion

When it comes to the disease of pelvic effusion, most people may think of women’s disease, which is indeed in the It is high in the age group of females, and pelvic effusion sounds like the hair is standing upright.

The pelvic cavity and abdominal cavity of the human body are not completely solid tissues. Secretion of a small amount of fluid that normally lubricates and protects the pelvic and abdominal organs and tissues. Almost every woman has pelvic fluid to varying degrees.

Generally less than three centimeters can be regarded as the normal range. If there are no other uncomfortable symptoms, excessive treatment is not required. During ovulation, menstruation or just after menstruation, the effusion may increase slightly, and there is no other abnormality. Even if it is slightly more than 3 cm, there is no need to make a fuss, just treat it with normal heart.

4th disease that does not require overtreatment—pulmonary nodules< /strong>

In routine physical examination, the detection rate of pulmonary nodules is not low, usually about 50~60% , At present, there are nodules in the lungs, and you need to go to a professional outpatient clinic for a detailed examination.

Nodules in the lung are usually benign and do not require treatment, but as long as the lung is detected If there are nodules in the lungs, it is necessary to carry out a series of examinations for pulmonary nodules, because pulmonary nodules also have the possibility of malignant transformation. In this case, do not panic too much, do not let it go, let it develop, care for life and health is the right thing to do Take responsibility for yourself.

It is best to go to an authoritative hospital for a detailed examination of the whole body, or you can check in multiple hospitals, and then compare the results. Treat the disease and take preventive measures.

A colleague went to the hospital for a physical examination and found nodules in the lungs. At that time, the doctor said that the nodules in the lungs are usually Benign, if the boundary is clear and the echo is good, it is basically benign, and no treatment is required, as long as you come to the hospital for review at any time.

Also pay attention to exercise regularly, ensure a normal work and rest, do not smoke, drink, and eat too much More spicy and stimulating food, pay attention to nutritional balance, to ensure that the body’s immunity is strong, basically there is no problem.

It can be seen that there is no need to worry too much about nodules in the lungs, and a detailed examination should be done in time. You can rest assured if no risk factors are found, but you should be careful not to ignore the physical examination. You should go for an examination every year, which can prevent the deterioration of the nodules and treat the disease in a timely manner.

5th disease that does not require overtreatment – eczema

Eczema is a very common skin disease with strong recurrence, often manifested as papules and small blisters , ulceration or even erosion and other skin lesions, and also accompanied by severe itching symptoms,

eczema It is a kind of allergic inflammation of the superficial dermis and epidermis caused by internal and external factors, which has a certain self-healing property, especially for mild eczema. can heal itself.

In fact, we can see some patients with mild eczema in our lives, even if no ointment is applied, eczema will occur after a period of time will gradually fade away.

Some people have eczema, which is itchy and painful, and is very worried. , however, if your doctor tells you to, use a moisturizer for most eczema. A seemingly ordinary moisturizer can better protect the skin barrier and reduce the tingling sensation.

Therefore, if the symptoms of eczema are mild, you do not need to go to the hospital for excessive treatment, you can do it yourself at home Easy fix.


Expansion and Extension – Precautions before physical examination, it is recommended to understand

1. Please make an appointment for the physical examination; avoid alcohol the day before the physical examination, limit high-fat and high-protein diet, and avoid the use of drugs that affect liver and kidney function.

2. Three to five days before the examination, the diet should be light, and no pig liver, pig blood, etc. Bloody food, after 12:00 pm the day before the examination, please completely fast (including drinking water).

3. Blood drawing and liver and gallbladder ultrasound should be performed on an empty stomach; bladder, prostate, uterus, and accessories should be done B overtime, do not urinate; if there is no urine, drink water until the bladder is full.

4. When doing X-ray examination, it is advisable to wear cotton underwear instead of clothes with metal buttons, and please take off the bra Necklaces, mobile phones, pens, keys and other metal objects. Pregnant and potentially pregnant female subjects, please inform the health examination service personnel first, and do X-ray examination with caution.

5. Women are not suitable for gynecological examination and urine test during menstrual period; bladder should be emptied before gynecological examination; The best choice for breast far-infrared review is within one week after the physiological period. Unmarried women are not suitable for gynecological examinations, and those with special needs must sign relevant agreements before conducting corresponding examinations.

6. Please measure blood pressure, height and weight before medical examination.

7. On the day of examination, blood should be drawn and abdominal ultrasonography should be done before eating.

8. Clothes to be worn during the physical examination are also required: wear comfortable and lightweight clothing and shoes that are easy to take off socks, jewelry and necklaces, and women who don’t wear metal bras and underwear with metal tabs.

9. When there is a thermal imaging item in the physical examination, it is necessary to empty the stool and urine before the examination, and also need to fast ,water.

Finally the doctor said:

When there is excess waste in the body, the body can remove it in an orderly manner through various channels to a certain extent.

Therefore, it is necessary to deal with the early stages of chronic diseases caused by lifestyles such as fatty liver, diabetes, gout, and some cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. Symptoms, we can bid farewell to these hidden dangers by activating the body’s “self-healing” system, with the help of a balanced diet, more exercise, and maintaining a good mood, without rushing to take medicine.