Personalized correction of Qingdao Eye Hospital, ICL surgery for myopia allows people with high myopia to remove glasses

Qilu Yidian reporter Tai Xuechao

The “screen reading era” has made the group with high myopia become larger and younger. Glasses are not easy, their thousands of degrees of myopia are often beyond the correction range of femtosecond laser surgery. In recent years, the team led by President Wu Xiaoming of the northern branch of Qingdao Eye Hospital has carried out a series of research and clinical applications in ICL surgery, making it a reality for patients with high myopia to get rid of glasses.

With ICL surgery, one thousand degrees of myopia can also be removed

Yang Li (pseudonym) and Li Lin (pseudonym) is a pair of university alumni. Before going to university, the heavy academic pressure made them immerse themselves in their studies and actively prepare for the big test in life – the “gaokao”. After the results were announced, they were admitted to their ideal university. Years of hard work also made the two wear thick “bottleneck” glasses early. High myopia has brought great trouble to the two of them. Once they put on glasses, their eyes will look very uninspired. When they take off their glasses, they can’t even tell who is passing by to say hello. After choosing to wear contact lenses, if they are not careful, Red, dry and uncomfortable eyes.

Not long ago, the two came to the northern campus of Qingdao Eye Hospital. After examination, they found that they were both high myopia and astigmatism, and the cornea was too thin. The purpose of the mirror, such a result disappointed both of them. After learning that ICL lens implantation can correct their myopia, they came to the outpatient clinic of President Wu Xiaoming in the northern campus. President Wu introduced the unique features of ICL surgery to them. In line with the surgical indications for ICL implantation, the glasses were successfully removed through ICL lens implantation. It is understood that ICL lens implantation surgery has been carried out in the northern branch of Qingdao Eye Hospital for many years, providing patients with personalized myopia correction solutions to meet the needs of different types of patient groups, and helping hundreds of patients get rid of the “bottom of the wine bottle” through ICL surgery every year. ” troubles.

Permanent “contact lenses”, ICL surgery is not afraid of difficulties

Conventional myopia above 600 degrees is called high myopia, and the distance caused by high myopia It is not as simple as the thickness of the lens, but it also brings great inconvenience to people’s life and work. In the interview, Dean Wu Xiaoming mentioned that many patients who choose ICL surgery are because of work or hobbies. “One of the patients I have a deep impression on is a sailing enthusiast. Frame glasses are a big hindrance to water sports. Come to us. The inspection of the northern hospital found that the right eye had 650 degrees of myopia and 215 degrees of astigmatism, and the left eye had 775 degrees of myopia and 225 degrees of astigmatism. During the inspection, it was found that the patient’s right eye cornea was thin, which did not meet the indications of traditional femtosecond laser surgery. The patient also has a strong desire to remove the lens. After consultation with our experts, the patient meets the conditions for ICL lens implantation surgery, and a lens that can correct astigmatism is customized for him. Go to your favorite sports.”

ICL implantation is a special intraocular lens implanted to achieve the purpose of correcting vision, just like implanting a permanent ” Contact Lenses”. Dean Wu Xiaoming introduced, “As in the previous case, high myopia of 800 degrees or even more than 1,000 degrees, some of which are also combined with astigmatism, are often encountered in outpatient clinics, and traditional femtosecond laser surgery needs to cut thicker corneas, and the corneas are relatively thick. Thin patients can not meet the basic requirements of thickness, and may retain some myopia or astigmatism after surgery, but ICL lens implantation can achieve their needs of removing the lens.”

An additive method Before surgery, expert evaluation is required.

Nowadays, refractive surgery is not only for removing glasses, but for seeing more clearly and more comfortably. Compared with femtosecond laser surgery, ICL has a wider correction range. Myopia within 1800 degrees and astigmatism within 600 degrees are within its correction range. If femtosecond laser surgery is a “subtraction”, ICL surgery is a “subtraction”. “Addition”, it has a small incision and does not cut the cornea, does not change any tissue in the eye, the operation is reversible, and the lens can be taken out if other operations are needed in the future.

Qingdao Eye Hospital experts also reminded that although the indications for ICL lens implantation surgery are very wide, it does not mean that every patient with high myopia can undergo myopia surgery, and what kind of myopia surgery can be done still needs to go to the hospital Only after professional inspection and evaluation can it be determined, and scientific and professional methods should be adopted to correct it. In addition, the potential harm of high myopia cannot be ignored, the eyes are often more fragile, and the incidence of various eye diseases has increased significantly. Therefore, it is recommended that patients with high myopia should have a professional fundus examination every six months.