Personality not only changes fate, but also affects life expectancy! These types of personalities are more likely to attract diseases!

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Liu Jian, Deputy Director, Chief Physician, Professor, Department of Cardiovascular Medicine, Peking University People’s Hospital


Different people have different personalities, and different personalities will not only affect fate, but also health and longevity.

Scientists have studied the relationship between personality and health, and have successively proposed four types of personality A, B, C, and D. Compared with the peaceful and tolerant Type B personality, the aggressive Type A personality and the anxiety-prone Type D personality are more prone to cardiovascular disease.

Anger-suppressed, sulking Type C personality is associated with a variety of cancer risks.

Character not only changes fate,

also affects disease!

1. Type A and Type B in opposition to each other

In the late 1950s, American cardiologist Meyer Friedman observed a phenomenon that many heart patients would usually sit on the front half of the sofa while waiting for a consultation, so that the leather on the front of the sofa would The sleeve wears out very quickly. Through research, Dr. Friedman and Dr. Ray Rosenman came up with the theory of “Type A personality” and “Type B personality”.

Dr. Friedman’s book published in 1996 summarized Type A personality as: urgency of time, competition and hostility. Type A personalities often feel impatient, impatient, and angry. They are pushy, impatient, and like to achieve success in a competitive job, often overworked constantly, with additional missions and responsibilities. Encountering trifles can make him angry, agitated, and take his anger out on others.

B type personalities, on the other hand, rarely experience time crunch and do not force themselves to rush to complete each task. Moreover, they feel justified in tolerant of diversity of thought and behavior, without hostility, and tolerant of the minor faults of others. Achievement or not, Type B personalities feel natural, and their level of self-expectation is in a state of balance with their perceived level of ability.

A type of personality is hard-working, enterprising, dedicated, and has high standards for themselves, which is conducive to the pursuit of career achievements. Many leaders from all walks of life in society Is a type A personality. Type Bs are sometimes misunderstood as being inactive and lazy, but they are also thoughtful and creative.

Studies found that Type A personality has a certain risk of cardiovascular disease. Compared with type B personality, the plasma level of catecholamines and serotonin in the type A personality population is higher, more prone to arrhythmia, hypertension, coronary heart disease and other diseases.

2. Sulking Type C

Scientists have also studied the relationship between personality types and cancer, and classified the personality type susceptible to cancer as “C-type personality”, where C is the acronym for Cancer in English.

Type C personality is mainly characterized by resignation, sulking, sensitive and thoughtful, and tends to suppress strong feelings, especially anger. This type of people is prone to immunosuppression and endocrine disorders, which can lead to colon cancer, lung cancer, breast cancer and other cancers.

3. Distressed and depressed type D

Type D personality is characterized by negative affect and social inhibition. Often manifested as social anxiety, inhibiting self-expression in social interactions, not good at dealing with interpersonal relationships, and often negative emotional states such as worry, irritability, and unhappiness.

The study found that patients with hypertension and coronary heart disease mostly belong to type D personality; the prognosis of patients with coronary heart disease with type D personality worse.

How can I make changes for health


A person’s character is formed in life and can also be changed in life. If you feel that your personality characteristics may have adverse health effects, you can try to make changes from the following four points:

(1) Timely decompression: Relieve emotions in time, do not over-press anger, depression and other emotions, you canTalk to a friend.

(2) Control your emotions: Calm down when things happen, take a deep breath for 10 before getting angry Next, let yourself calm down and slowly control your emotions.

(3) Personality independence: allowed to exist With different personalities, don’t deny yourself completely when you encounter failure, enhance your self-confidence, and don’t pay too much attention to the evaluation of others.

(4) Seek support: with relatives , friends, colleagues, etc. to establish good interpersonal relationships and seek beneficial social and emotional support.

Type A and D personality protect the heart,

these 8 points Be sure to do it well!

The American Heart Association (AHA) released the “Life’s Essential 8” 8), helps you keep your heart healthy.

1. Healthy eating

Currently proposed ideals The dietary pattern is the DASH diet (DASH) or the Mediterranean dietary pattern, advocating:

eat more than five:more Eat fruits, vegetables, nuts and legumes, whole grains, and increase your intake of low-fat dairy products;

Eat three less: strong>Less salt, red and processed meat, and sugar-sweetened beverages.

2. Regular exercise

It is recommended that adults Weeks should be at least 150 minutes (2.5 hours) of moderate-intensity or 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity exercise. Children over the age of 6 should have 60 minutes of activity each day, including play and organized activities.

3. Stay away from tobacco

In addition to advice for smokers Quitting smoking also includes staying away from vaping, vaping, and second-hand smoke from leading preventable causes of death, about one-third of which are from heart disease.

4. Get enough sleep

recommended for most adults People need 7-9 hours of sleep every night, and minors need longer. The younger the age, the longer the sleep time. Children aged 5 and under are calculated based on the daily sleep time, and the ideal sleep time is 10 to 16 hours per 24 hours.

Enough sleep can promote recovery, improve brain function, and reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.

5. Reasonable weight

We still recommend using weight Index (BMI) as a measure. Cardiovascular health is best when the BMI is 18.5 to 24.9 kg/m2. But there are differences in BMI ranges and associated health risks among people of different races, ethnic backgrounds or ancestry.

6. Lipid levels

Higher levels of Non-HDL or “bad” cholesterol increases cardiovascular risk. It is recommended to select non-high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (Non-HDL) as the preferred indicator for monitoring blood lipids because it can be measured in the non-fasting state and reliable measurements can be obtained in all patients.

It is considered optimal when non-HDL cholesterol is less than 130 mg/dL (about 3.4 mmol/L).

7. Blood sugar levels

Chronically high blood sugar levels Can damage the heart, kidneys, eyes and nerves. Because HbA1c levels can better reflect the long-term glycemic status of patients with diabetes or prediabetes, monitoring of HbA1c or fasting blood glucose levels is recommended as an evaluation.

Fasting blood sugar is less than 100 mg/dL (about 5.6 mmol/L) or glycated hemoglobin is less than 5.7%.

8. Blood pressure levels

Hypertension is the heart Maintaining blood pressure within a healthy range reduces stress on the heart, arteries, and kidneys, leading to longer periods of health.

It is recommended that blood pressure be controlled below 120/80 mm Hg as the best level.

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This article is synthesized from:①2022-05-07 Brother Jian said that the heart “character can not only change fate, but also life span” ②2022-07-21 Brother Jian said the heart “8 elements of cardiovascular health, have you reached the standard? 》Editor of this article: Wang Zhen Review director: Yang Xiaoming