Personality determines lifespan? Cancer likes Type C personality best? The sooner you know about these, the better!

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Expert of this article: Wang Xiaohuan, Doctor of Medicine, Fudan University

The word “cancer”

is not unfamiliar to everyone

sometimes even people “talk about cancer” “Change”

RecentlyA post about#Why cancer likes C-type personality the most#The topic of rushed to the hot searchcaused the attention of many netizens

Netizen CommentsWhat kind of personality do people have? Does Cancer Really Like Type C Personalities? Some people say“Cancer and blood type are also related”Is this statement correct? Let’s see it together 01What is a Type C personality? Does cancer like this character best?

Type C

“ C” is taken from the initials of “Cancer”, also known as “Cancer Character”. The characteristics of this type of personality are: hesitant, not good at expressing emotions, avoiding conflict, and excessive self-restraint.

We often hear the saying “Worry becomes a disease”. Therefore, many people associate this C-type personality with cancer. tied together.

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But in fact, this is a kind of conceptual confusion, span>The term “cancer personality” is not scientific.

Long-term unrelieved negative emotions may have an impact on health, but at present there is no clear Experimental results or data can fully prove which personality type is associated with a higher incidence of cancer.


< does it matter?

In addition to “cancer personality”, there was also a “cancer blood type” statement.

Similarly,There is no necessary link between cancer and blood type. At present, there is no research that can fully prove which blood type cancer prefers, and there is no scientific basis for the claim of “cancer blood type”.

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There are many factors that cause cancer, and most studies cannot comprehensively Considering all the influencing factors, therefore, the terms “cancer personality”, “cancer blood type”, etc. have limitations.


What exactly is associated with cancer?

Then some people have to ask, since cancer is not necessarily related to personality and blood type, what factors are related to cancer? In fact, the pathogenesis of cancer is complex and there are many causative factors. So far, cancer is still a difficult problem that the medical community is trying to overcome. If the causative factors of cancer are generalized, they can be divided into the following categories: (1) Genetic factorsStudies have confirmed that there are certain genetic factors in the pathogenesis of common malignant tumors such as breast cancer, kidney cancer, liver cancer, and gastric cancer. However, carrying a certain oncogene does not necessarily mean that you will get cancer, it just means that the carrier is more susceptible to cancer under the same other conditions. (2) Age factorAging is an important factor in the occurrence of cancer. As we all know, cells in our body are constantly dividing, replicating, producing new cells and eliminating old cells every day. However, with age, the body’s ability to generate new cells will gradually weaken, and the probability of “errors” in division and replication increases. When these “errors” are not corrected or cleared in time, they will inevitably “accumulate” There is a “out of control” scene, which leads to the occurrence of cancer. However, with the development of society, more and more studies have confirmed that cancer is no longer the “patent” of the elderly, and cancer has gradually developed towards younger people. (3) Life FactorsIf you treat cancer The causative factors are divided according to congenital factors and acquired factors, then the acquired factors account for more than half of the cancers, and among the acquired factors, the cancers caused by poor eating habits and living habits can account for more than half.

Gallery copyright image, reprint without authorization span>As we all know, alcoholism, smoking, staying up late, high-sugar and high-fat diets are all unhealthy habits. Up to now, quite a few studies have fully confirmed that these bad habits increase the risk of cancer. In addition to the above factors, there are also external environment (such as working in a place with long-term ionizing radiation, carcinogens in the living environment, etc.), infectious factors (such as pyloric spiral Bacillus, hepatitis B virus, human herpes virus, etc.) and other factors are related to the occurrence of cancer.


Cancer is not contagiousBut the causative agent is contagious?

There are genetic factors in the occurrence of cancer, so many cancers with genetic predisposition are called “familial cancer”, but in fact “familial cancer” not only includes these cancers with genetic predisposition, but also Some cancers are caused by “infectious agents”. The term “infectious” here does not refer to cancer. Cancer itself is not contagious, but causative factors are contagious< /span>. Because some cancers are related to viruses.

Which causative factors cause cancer?

Helicobacter pyloriis a high risk factor for gastric cancer;

Liver cancer is related to hepatitis B virus. According to research, people infected with hepatitis B virus are 11.3 times more likely to develop liver cancer than healthy people;

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cervical cancer and human papillomavirus Related, according to research, 99.7% of cervical cancer patients can detect high-risk human papillomavirus DNA;

In addition, hepatitis C virus, EB Viruses are also closely related to the occurrence of liver cancer and nasopharyngeal carcinoma, respectively.

It is worth noting that it does not mean that infection with these viruses will definitely cause cancer, but the risk of cancer is indeed greatly increased. All in allKeep cancer away To develop good habitsPay attention to hygiene and check up on timeExercise and improve your immunityis the right waysend< span>BookFuLee

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