Persistently soaking your feet with hot water every night is better for your body, is it science or a rumor?

Shortly after the beginning of summer, the human body’s metabolism is the most vigorous season of the year, because in summer, the temperature gradually rises, in this sultry season, get up and move casually It is easy to sweat when you move, which is very energy-intensive for the human body.

But many people mistakenly believe that the most important job after the beginning of summer is to prevent heat stroke. If you think so, you are wrong . Especially shortly after the beginning of summer, the temperature difference between morning and evening is still relatively large.

The main feature of Lixia is that the temperature rises significantly, but the temperature difference between morning and evening is large , the weather is humid and hot, especially with abundant rainfall, and the rainy season lasts for a long time. In this season, it is easy to let cold and dampness enter the body, causing a series of symptoms in the body, such as lethargy, loss of appetite, cold hands and feet, etc.

So, in order to resist the cold and dampness in the beginning of summer, our ancients came up with ways to deal with it a long time ago, such as occasionally boiling a bowl of ginger Soup, because ginger is relatively warm, it has some functions to keep out the cold. For some common colds, drinking ginger soup can play a very good role.

Another method used by the ancients to keep out the cold is to insist on soaking their feet in hot water. Blister feet have been passed down for thousands of years and are still in use today.

“Hot water foot bath” can be traced back to the Jin Dynasty. At the beginning, people soaked their feet for the purpose of washing their feet. However, the ancients found that insisting on soaking feet in hot water can promote the internal circulation of the body and make the feet more active.

Afterwards, foot bathing in hot water became a popular way of keeping healthy. I didn’t realize it at first, but after more than 100 days, the function is immeasurable.” Traditional Chinese medicine often talks about a sentence: “Soak your feet in summer, and the heat can be cured.”

Therefore, in the beginning of summer, do not Few people insist on soaking their feet in hot water for more than half an hour every night, in order to achieve the effect of eliminating cold and dampness. But seeing this, many people also have doubts:It is better for the body to soak feet in hot water every night? Is it science or a rumor? Early understanding, early benefit!

After the beginning of summer, is it good for the body to insist on soaking feet in hot water every night? In order to Solve everyone’s doubts and listen to what people have said!

A Mr. Wang from Jiangxi in his 60s said: : “When I was young, I also needed to work on the mountains in the winter and fish in the river to make a living. As a result, when I was young, my body became very damp. As I got older, my body began to become Puffy, swollen, and cold hands and feet.”

Mr. Wang continued: Six months ago, At the suggestion of a friend, I insisted on soaking my feet in hot water for more than half an hour every night, and found that many symptoms of the body have improved a lot!”

It seems that insisting on soaking your feet in hot water can indeed bring a lot of benefits, so what are these benefits? Traditional Chinese medicine revealed that insisting on soaking your feet in hot water every night will bring three major benefits to the body! p>

First, consume body calories

< p> Bathing feet in hot water can relax the body and mind, restore muscle elasticity, and consume a lot of calories. A new study by Loughborough University in the United Kingdom found that taking a bath for 1 hour consumes the same amount of calories as walking for half an hour. Especially in hot water feet The best effect is when the body is slightly sweaty.

So, for some friends who don’t like sports, you might as well stick to the bubble fever every night Water feet can help consume some excess body calories.

Second, replenishing yang qi

One of the biggest benefits of hot water foot bathing is naturally to remove the moisture in the body, because in the process of foot bathing, the body’s circulatory system is opened, which accelerates the body’s metabolism and can remove moisture from the body. It is excreted through sweating and other methods to make the body stronger.

Third, stress relief

Modern people live a fast-paced life and carry various pressures of work and life during the day. After a busy day, if they come home and insist on soaking their feet in hot water, During the process, you can let yourself enjoy a moment of tranquility and relaxation, so as to reduce stress, and after soaking your feet, you can sleep better.The quantity will also be better.

So, often soaking your feet in hot water is good for your body, but you should also pay attention to several issues when soaking your feet in hot water. The temperature of the hot water should not be too high, but the soaking time should not exceed half an hour, and everything should have a degree.

So, regardless of gender, age, or age, stick to hot water from now on Feet!

People often say: “The rich take tonics, the poor have their feet”, every time Foaming feet at night can not only relieve fatigue, help sleep, but also remove dampness and cold.

“Adding material” to the foot soaking water during foot soaking can increase the health care effect of foot soaking. Especially for those with cold, dampness and yang deficiency, add some wormwood bags to the foot bath bucket, which can ventilate and drive away the cold, not to mention more comfortable after soaking. After soaking, the spleen and stomach will be better, not cold or deficient, and the state of the whole person will also appear energetic!

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“Compendium of Materia Medica” records that mugwort has the effect of warming the meridians, dispelling cold, dispelling dampness and warming the palace, but only this one is not enough for foot soaking. Therefore, I strongly recommend this “herbal foot soaking bag” to every friend.

It contains mugwort, safflower, old ginger, motherwort and other ingredients, which are combined together, each ingredient can exert the greatest effect, It is very suitable for removing dampness, detoxifying and replenishing yang in winter.

There are four traditional Chinese medicine ingredients in this foot bath bag:

Artemisia argyi warms the meridians and dispels cold, dispels dampness and warms the palace; safflower can dispel blood stasis and relieve pain, disperse dampness and swelling, speed up body metabolism, and remove toxins in the body; Motherwort warms meridians, dispels cold, dispels dampness and clears collaterals, which is beneficial for women Palace cold has a great regulating effect; old ginger promotes blood circulation, warms the body, maintains the figure, loses weight, and can improve dysmenorrhea, cold belly, and puffiness.

Traditional Chinese medicine pays attention to the formula ratio of the monarch, ministers and assistants. Adding wormwood, motherwort, and safflower to ginger can dispel cold, dispel dampness and help sleep. utility!

Therefore, often add a foot soaking bag to hot water to soak your feet, It can play a multiplier effect. After half a month, you will find that there will be many good changes in your body. Friends who often stay up late to work overtime, or feel unwell, quickly start with a foot soaking bag, and try soaking your feet in hot water for a while!

Only need a meal, you can spend the whole summer in peace, not disturbed by humidity, why not do it?


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