People’s Daily commented on the alkaline water hoax: “strong supervision” is required to cure “pseudoscience”

“For health, drink alkaline water” “Drinking alkaline water can cure diseases”… Recently, a water company in Kunming, Yunnan claimed that alkaline water has therapeutic effects, which caused concern. At present, the local market supervision department has been involved in the investigation and removed the products involved. If there are illegal facts, they will be resolutely investigated and dealt with according to law.

Alkaline water “cure” is a long-standing wellness hoax. In 2015, the China Consumers Association pointed out that the claim that weakly alkaline water is good for health is a misunderstanding by some businesses. This is a commercial marketing derived from the foreign “acid-base constitution theory”, and this “theory” is also judged as a scam abroad. Many doctors have pointed out that water that meets drinking standards is good water, and a healthy life requires moderate drinking water. In the face of commercial marketing related to common sense of life, consumers may wish to be more rational and prudent to verify. Only by keeping their eyes open can they avoid being deceived.

Take health care products as medicines, exaggerating “efficacy” as “efficacy”; let “patients” speak out and “impress” the audience by telling the changes; In the name of free, they conduct health lectures and physical examinations, but actually sell products and services… In recent years, from magnetic therapy mattresses, health care power stones, to quantum health clothes, anti-gravitational wave radiation clothes, etc., many “health products” and their Marketing methods are endless. These products seem to have “technological” content, but in fact they have no scientific basis. The purpose of the routine is to “money”. Recognize this clearly and stay vigilant at all times, the common people can be less fooled, and the market environment can be more orderly.

Wellness scams are often the result of careful packaging. In general, “scientific gossip” comes first, then “health anxiety” is created, and then precise sales are made. Such scams are highly concealed and deceptive, making it difficult for many consumers to distinguish the true from the false. This requires intensifying efforts in cleaning and remediation, maintaining strength and improving accuracy. For example, cracking down on illegal additions of health food, false propaganda, pyramid schemes and illegal direct sales is an important part of vigorously rectifying the market order of related products. It should be said that the relevant departments have already done a lot of work in this field, but there is still a lot of work to be done, especially to improve the professionalism of forensics and law enforcement, to maintain the heat of anti-counterfeiting propaganda, and to allow some people who wear health care Even commercial scams in scientific guise have nowhere to hide and nowhere to drill.

Looking at it from another angle, behind the healthcare scam, people’s health needs are reflected. On the one hand, the demand for health preservation among middle-aged and elderly people has not decreased but increased; on the other hand, the demand for health preservation is gradually spreading to the younger generation. According to some survey reports, more than 70% of the “post-80s” and “post-90s” are aware of health preservation; other data show that health preservation ranks among the top three consumption lists of young people aged 18-25. Because of this, some merchants and platforms saw market opportunities, but went astray due to the temptation of interests. In this sense, how to meet the health needs of the masses more scientifically is a big question that must be answered in the development process.

Actually, people need both health awareness and health knowledge. In the face of the health needs of the masses, we should vigorously promote and popularize the correct outlook on life, health preservation, and health, follow authoritative guidance, and publicize health preservation knowledge that can withstand research through various channels. This is an area of ​​knowledge and popular science that requires continuous effort. We must pay attention to the accuracy of knowledge, and at the same time pay attention to the use of down-to-earth methods and simple language, so that the masses can trust and use it well and spread it. In fact, strengthening market supervision and improving health literacy requires a two-pronged approach and mutual cooperation, so as to enhance people’s knowledge reserve, scientific literacy and screening ability. This is also an important aspect to improve the ability and level of comprehensive social governance.

Health and wellness is a good lifestyle pursued by modern people, and it cannot and should not become a profit-making trap for individuals. Say no to health care chaos, use supervision to defend integrity, use science to crush rumors, and continue to develop orderly and healthy health care services, which will surely better meet the growing health needs of the masses, and make people really healthy and happy.

Source: People’s Daily Commentary