People with “one thin and two thick” have a shorter life span! Many of them still think it’s a blessing, and they don’t hesitate to die

Health and longevity is the wish of many people, and whether a person can live a long life can actually be seen from the face and physical characteristics. As the old saying goes, “healthy or unhealthy, look at the face”, the face and physical characteristics of the human body are like a health barometer, which can reflect the physical condition in time. For example, people with “one thin and two thick” body are more likely to be targeted by diseases, and their life expectancy is relatively shorter.

A person with 1 thin pan and 2 thick pans is more prone to disease and has a shorter life span >

thick waist >People with thick waists are mostly abdominally obese, showingnow an apple-shaped body, that is, the waist is larger than the hips, and the limbs are thinner. abdominal obesityThe most typical feature is a large belly, commonly known as “beer belly” and “general belly”. Because it looks more “rich”, it is also considered by many people as a symbol of luck and a good life.

actually Big mistake! It is well known that obesity is the source of all diseases.The lethality of abdominal obesity is far greater than that of systemic obesity. abdominal obesity, also known as central obesity, visceral obesity, patientsfat is mainly deposited under the skin of the abdomen , and around and inside the liver, pancreas, gastrointestinal tract and other organs in the abdominal cavity, can cause abnormal blood sugar, abnormal hormone secretion, glucose and lipid metabolism disorders, accelerated formation of atherosclerosis, elevated uric acid, etc. Wait. These metabolic disorders affect each other and cause and effect each other, which can eventually lead to type 2 diabetes, fatty liver, hyperlipidemia, hypertension, coronary heart disease, cerebral infarction and other cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases , people’s lifespan is shortened. Currently,the latest standard for defining abdominal obesity in my country is: male waist circumference≥90 cm, women’s waist ≥ 85 cm.

It is important to note that 14% of people with normal body mass index (BMI) also have abdominal obesity. So, don’t think you’ll be fine if you don’t look fat and have a normal BMI.

Thick neck

We allKnow that the neck is cylindrical. Some people have thin and long necks, so they are praised as “swan necks”. And some people’s necks are thick and short, they look like a ball, they are round, and they are really ugly.

From a health point of view, a thick neck is a reflection of an unhealthy body. It turns out that the neck circumference can not only reflect the distribution of subcutaneous fat in the upper body of the human body, but also indirectly reflect the concentration of free fatty acids in the whole body. The distribution of subcutaneous fat in the upper body is closely related to the risk of heart disease. At the same time, with the increase of neck circumference, the “good cholesterol” in the body will be obviously insufficient, which will cause more cholesterol in the cells to be unable to be transported to the liver for metabolism and give to the body. Bury the hidden danger of hyperlipidemia and increase the prevalence of coronary heart disease.

It is generally believed that the alert value of neck circumference is: 38 for males and 35 for females.   If this value is exceeded, it is necessary to be vigilant and take measures. Neck circumference measurement method: The body is upright, the eyes are looking straight ahead, and the tape measure is placed horizontally on the subject’s neck. The upper edge of the posterior seventh cervical vertebra (that is, the most protruding part of the back of the neck when you lower your head), and circle forward to the bottom of the Adam’s apple, that is, the thinnest part of the neck for measurement.

Seeing this, many people may think that every part of the body needs to be thin, and the body will be healthier. In fact, it is not. Thin thighs are more prone to high blood pressure! There is a pain called “90-pound upper body, 120-pound leg”. Thick legs may be the body problem most people want to improve. Actually, thigh meat is not without merit.

Shanghai Jiaotong University study found that for overweight and obese people , the thicker the thighs, the lower the risk of high blood pressure, while those with smaller thigh circumferences(less than 50 cm for women and less than 51 cm for men)more prone to increased blood pressure , The reason is that people with more leg fat have a stronger metabolism. Another American Heart Association study, which analyzed nearly 5,997 adults with an average age of 37.4 years, found that people with thick legs( higher levels of leg fat) and were 61% less likely to have high blood pressure.

High blood pressure is known to damage blood vessels, In severe cases, it can lead to systemic atherosclerosis, affecting the blood supply and oxygen supply of important organs such as the heart, liver, and kidneys, increasing the risk of cardiovascular diseases such as myocardial infarction and heart failure, and thus affecting life expectancy. So, don’t pursue “little legs” anymore. Generally speaking, the appropriate range of leg circumference is 50-60 cm. Such thighs not only look more toned, but also bring many benefits to the body, such as protecting knee joints and helping to control weight. Finally, I suggest that everyone quickly take out a ruler, measure your own indicators, and see if you have reached the standard!

The pictures in this article are all from

-Chinese Family Doctor Magazine Original production by New Media Center-

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