People with high blood pressure, watch your fingers more, if there are no three abnormalities, the cerebral infarction may be far away from you

Hypertension is a cardiovascular disease that refers to an increase in systolic and/or diastolic blood pressure in arteries at rest. Hypertension is a systemic disease characterized by elevated arterial pressure, which may be accompanied by functional or organic changes in organs such as the heart, blood vessels, brain, and kidneys.

October 8th every year is “World Hypertension Day”. Intimidating, I have to mention the many ferocious complications it causes.

Once hypertension is not effectively controlled for a long time, target organ damage will occur, eventually leading to heart failure, angina pectoris, and stroke , including cerebral hemorrhage, cerebral infarction, renal failure and even uremia, which greatly threatens the life and health of patients.

Our country has a large hypertensive population. Relevant data show that the prevalence of hypertension in the Chinese population is 23.2%, and the number of patients is about 245 million. The prevalence of hypertension among young people aged 18-34 is 5.2%, which is about 19 million people. It can be seen that hypertension is no longer an exclusive disease of the elderly and is developing towards younger people.

From 2012 to 2015, the prevalence of hypertension among adults in my country was about 27%, equivalent to every 1 in 3 adults has hypertensive disease.

It is well known that high blood pressure is closely related to obesity and excessive salt intake. In fact, high blood pressure is also related to the stress people are subjected to. Perhaps your blood pressure “quietly” rises because of pressure from all aspects of life.


5 ​​major factors are the triggers of high blood pressure, and one should also be paid attention to

1. Genetic factors

the occurrence of hypertension It has a lot to do with genetic factors. It is understood that about 60% of hypertensive patients have a family history of hypertension, which can be passed on to the next generation through genes.

Hypertension caused by genetic factors usually has an early onset, and patients should always monitor their blood pressure and take timely measures. Treatment should last at least one year.

2. Environmental factors

Environmental factors can also trigger high blood pressure. The common trigger is often in a state of high concentration or overuse of the brain. Long-term exposure to such an environment will stimulate our brain nerves, resulting in a continuous increase in blood pressure.

3. Age factor

Hypertension is common in the elderly. With age, the functions of various organs in the body begin to decline, and blood vessels will also be affected to a certain extent, resulting in vascular sclerosis and Blood vessels elastically cross. In addition, the ability of the heart to pump blood decreases, causing an increase in intravascular resistance, resulting in a continuous increase in blood pressure.

4. Mental factors

Mental factors may also induce high blood pressure, which are more common in emotions, such as anxiety, tension, excitement, anger, etc. These neural factors will stimulate our brains Nerves, resulting in increased blood flow, resulting in increased blood flow to the brain, which over time can lead to increased blood pressure.

5. Eating habits

Eating habits are very common for hypertensive patients, and inattentive daily diet is an important cause of hypertension.

Common bad eating habits include excessive consumption of high-fat foods, high-salt foods, high-sugar foods, spicy foods Stimulant food, etc. After a long period of bad eating habits, it may also cause atherosclerosis and induce a series of serious cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.


People with high blood pressure should watch their fingers more. If there are no 3 abnormalities, the cerebral infarction may be far away from you

– abnormally prominent blood vessels in the fingers

Human blood vessels are hidden under the skin. It is difficult for normal people to see blood vessels without pressing or squeezing them. It is normal for men to protrude blood vessels because they are young and vigorous.

If you can’t see your blood vessels clearly on weekdays, but suddenly there are obvious blood vessels for a period of time or a certain age, it is very It may be an abnormal phenomenon caused by a blood vessel that is about to become blocked, causing the blood flow to slow down.

—finger stiffness and tingling

< p data-track="27">Excessive blood pressure can cause abnormal blood flow. Hands and feet are the end positions of blood transmission. Often, poor blood flow will cause our fingers to become numb. In such a situation, we should be highly vigilant. It may be caused by our blood vessels being blocked. Thrombosis occurs.

It is recommended that you go to the hospital for a regular checkup every year. If such a problem occurs, you must not ignore it and let it go. .

—numbness, tingling in fingers

Occasional numbness in the fingers may be due to temporary compression. If this feeling persists, it may be a precursor to cerebral infarction. The attack causes numbness and stuttering of the fingers, accompanied by dizziness, nausea, vomiting, weakness of the hands and feet, etc.

If you have these symptoms, it is not your own high blood pressure, you need to go to the hospital for examination as soon as possible. Infarction should be treated with thrombolysis as soon as possible, otherwise, once the disease occurs, hemiplegia will be mild, and life will be lost in severe cases.


Foods that are good for blood pressure

① Leafy vegetables: celery , Chrysanthemum, Amaranth, Shan Cai, Leek, Daylily, Shepherd’s Chestnut, Spinach, etc.;

② Rhizomes Types: watermelon, asparagus, radish, carrot, water chestnut, water chestnut;

③ Melons and fruits: watermelon , winter melon, tomato, hawthorn, lemon, banana, fruit, red date, mulberry, eggplant;

④ Flowers, seeds, nuts : Chrysanthemum, apocynum, sesame, pea, broad bean, mung bean, corn, buckwheat, peanut, watermelon seed, walnut, Sunflower seeds, lotus seeds heart

⑤ Aquatic products: kelp, seaweed, jellyfish, sea cucumber, green vegetables, seaweed, Oysters, abalone, small shrimp, whitebait

⑥Animals and others: milk (skimmed), pig gall, Bezoar, honey, vinegar, soy products, black fungus, white fungus, mushrooms.


Extended – Dietary Health Tips, it is recommended for hypertensive patients to see

[kelp and corn silk to treat hypertension ]

Ingredients: kelp, corn silk.

Preparation steps: Wash 30g of kelp, cut into filaments, rinse the corn silk a little, and mix with kelp shreds Put them together in a casserole, add some water and cook them into soup.

[Winter Melon and Grass Carp Soup for Hypertension] span>

Ingredients:Winter gourd 250~500g, grass carp 200~250g.

Procedures:After peeling the wax gourd Cut into slices and set aside. Wash the grass carp after removing the scales and internal organs, then fry it in a vegetable oil pan until golden brown, then put it in a casserole together with the wax gourd, add an appropriate amount of water, and cook for 3 to 4 hours, then add salt and monosodium glutamate. Serve with a little seasoning.

[Mung bean and black sesame for high blood pressure] span>

Ingredients: 500g each of mung beans and black sesame seeds.

Preparation steps: Take mung beans and black sesame seeds and stir-fry them together. Take 30g each time, 2 times a day.

【Chrysanthemum Oolong for Hypertension】

Ingredients: Hang chrysanthemum, oolong tea (or Longjing tea) in appropriate amount.

Preparation steps:Rinse the chrysanthemum and put it together with oolong tea Pour into a cup and brew with boiling water.

Conclusion:Man lives only once, Therefore, we must take good care of our bodies. Blood vessels are an important part of the human body. Hypertension cannot be ignored. The formation of some diseases is often related to our daily diet and work and rest.

If you want to have a good body, you must adjust your routine and do more activities that are beneficial to your body. It is of great help to the body. Don’t forget to keep a good mood and keep exercising on weekdays.