People with chronic stomach disease, these 5 kinds of changes in discomfort, beware of stomach cancer

Gastric cancer is a malignant gastric disease with a very high incidence. In 2020, there will be 1.09 million new cases of gastric cancer worldwide, with China accounting for the 480,000 cases.

In addition, the mortality of gastric cancer is also very high. Most of the patients have already entered the intermediate and advanced stage, which makes the patients lose the best time for treatment.

So in daily life, we must do a good job of preventing gastric cancer. The cause of gastric cancer is generally related to long-term various chronic gastric diseases.

Especially after some uncomfortable symptoms of the patient gradually aggravate, gastric cancer will develop in the later stage.

So, from chronic stomach disease to gastric cancer, what symptom changes will patients experience? In response to this question, the following will give you the most detailed answer.

What symptoms change from chronic stomach disease to stomach cancer?

I. Intermittent stomach pain turns into persistent stomach pain

Patients with chronic stomach disease will experience different degrees of stomach pain, especially when < strong>Dietary conditioning is not done well, the body is cold, etc., the stomach pain is slightly more obvious.

But stomach pain in chronic diseases is intermittent and can be managed with drugs, diet, etc. Once you have stomach cancer, this stomach pain can turn into persistent stomach pain with a progressive characteristic.

Second, loss of appetite changes to anorexia

For people with a series of chronic gastric diseases such as chronic gastritis or atrophic gastritis, loss of appetite often occurs in daily life.

However, as long as symptoms are relieved, the patient’s appetite will remain normal. However, after suffering from gastric cancer, this loss of appetite can be transformed into persistent anorexia.

No apparent interest in any food, possibly nausea after eating.

3. Indigestion symptoms are becoming more and more obvious

After eating by patients with various chronic stomach diseases, the food cannot be digested quickly. Excessive accumulation in the stomach, resulting in some bloating or post-meal fullness, abdominal pain, acid regurgitation, hiccups< /strong> and other exceptions.

With a modification of your diet, or some corresponding stomach medication, these discomforts will quickly ease. Once suffering from gastric cancer, this series of indigestion symptoms of the patient will be very obvious, and any method cannot be relieved.

Fourth, abnormal defecation changes to black stools

< p>For some elderly patients with stomach problems, it is very likely that repeated diarrhea or constipation will occur when defecation in daily life, but this situation will repeated diarrhea or constipation. strong>Changed as the condition improved.

With gastric cancer, abnormal bowel movements will be exacerbated, and patients will also experience stomach bleeding.

This blood is oxidized to black, causing the patient to pass black stools. In severe cases, hematemesis is highly likely.

V. Weight loss turns to rapid weight loss

Due to the occasional discomfort such as loss of appetite in patients with chronic stomach disease, it will lead to weight loss changes, such as transient weight loss.

But with diet modification and proper medication, things will get better soon.

After suffering from gastric cancer, the tumor growth rate in the stomach is extremely fast, and it will continue to absorb nutrients from the body, resulting in the patient’s The weight loss is very rapid.

In conclusion, for people with chronic stomach problems, the daily A series of discomforts will recur. If there is no early treatment and daily care, it is very likely to develop into gastric cancer in the later stage.

After the progression from chronic gastric disease to gastric cancer, the patient’s series of discomfort will increase. In particular, the above five symptoms changed significantly, and all the symptoms had the characteristics of continuous aggravation.

Therefore, for old patients with stomach problems, if these symptoms occur repeatedly, they must be admitted to the hospital for examination and appropriate treatment as soon as possible, so as to maintain their own health.