People who love long “nodules” and “polyps” generally have these two characteristics! Check it out in time

Many people find that they are prone to nodules during physical examination. In fact, it is not only related to genetics, but also related to physical fitness!

Feng Chunxiang, chief physician of the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Eye Hospital of the Chinese Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences, pointed out in an article in Health Times in 2022 that phlegm-dampness constitution is relatively easy to form knots Nodules and polyps need to be paid more attention, adjusted in time, and restored to normal constitution, then the occurrence of nodules and polyps can be avoided. ①

People with phlegm-dampness constitution love to grow “nodules” and “polyps”

The so-called phlegm-dampness constitution means people After the water-dampness in the body stops, the dampness gathers into phlegm, and the phlegm-dampness condenses to form the constitution state. These phlegm-damp will travel along the patient’s meridians and gather in a certain place between the five viscera and six fu-organs.

The vast majority of people with this type of physique are obese and have a lot of body fat, especially the abdomen will be particularly soft. Many of these people have oily skin, especially the oily head and face.

In addition, the overall physical ability is weak, daily fatigue and weakness, lack of energy and physical strength, especially tired after a little activity or intense work , A small number of severe cases will also have chest tightness and even difficulty breathing.

If there is such a situation for a long time, it is recommended to go to a large-scale traditional Chinese medicine hospital for “preventive treatment” specialist conditioning. ①

Phlegm-dampness constitution generally has these two characteristics!

Dr. Feng Chunxiang said that there are genetic factors in the formation of this constitution, but most of them are acquired. These people generally have two characteristics:

First, they like high-fat and high-sugar diets, such as fatty meat, cream, and chocolate. etc.;

Second, the diet is irregular, because of busy work or other reasons, often too busy to eat, and then rely on overeating To make up for it, in the end, you will be hungry and full, and the spleen and stomach will be completely ruined. ①

Improve and regulate phlegm-dampness constitution and remember these 10 points!

In addition to paying attention to eating less cold and greasy food and ensuring a regular diet, you can also try some methods to improve:

1. Eat some tuckahoe cakes

Dr. Feng Chunxiang suggested that if the condition is not serious, People, you can try diet therapy. For example, eat more cakes made of Poria, because Poria itself has the functions of infiltrating dampness and invigorating the heart and strengthening the spleen. The cakes made by grinding it into flour have the advantages of removing dampness and strengthening the spleen at the same time. ①

2. tangerine peel, coix seed, yam, jujube p>

Li Quanwang, Chief Physician of the Oncology Department of Beijing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine Dongfang Hospital, published an article in Baijia, Beijing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine Dongfang Hospital in 2022, saying that tangerine peel functions to regulate qi and strengthen the spleen, combined with barley, yam, The spleen and dampness function of jujube is a good medicinal diet, especially suitable for people with phlegm-dampness constitution accompanied by abdominal distension and diarrhea. ②

3. tangerine peel, white lentils, tuckahoe, lotus seeds

Dr. Li Quanwang published an article in the hospital’s Baijiahao in 2022, saying that tangerine peel functions to invigorate Qi and invigorate the spleen, combined with the functions of white lentils, Poria, and lotus seeds (removing the core) to invigorate the spleen, remove dampness and soothe the nerves. A very good medicated diet, especially suitable for people with phlegm-dampness constitution accompanied by abdominal distension, insomnia and dreaminess. ②

4. Have some winter melon porridge

Wang Xinzhi, Chief Physician of the Department of Encephalopathy, The First Affiliated Hospital of Henan University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, said in a Health Times article in 2015 that winter melon porridge clears heat and removes dampness. Choose 100 grams of fresh winter melon or 15 grams of winter melon seeds, 100 grams of rice, and 50 grams of raw yiren. If you use fresh wax gourd, just wash off the hoarfrost on the skin of the melon, do not cut the skin off. When cooking the soup, cut the winter melon into thin slices with the skin, wash the rice, put it into the pot together, add water and cook it into porridge. You can add a little salt to your taste. ③

5. Massage Fenglong Point

In 2019, Zhong Weiquan, chief TCM physician of Foshan Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Guangdong Province, said in an article in Health Times that Fenglong acupoint can be stimulated to remove dampness and phlegm.

Method:Sit upright, bend knees, drop feet, outer knee eye to outer ankle The midpoint of the line connecting the points is Fenglong Point. Massage twice a day, once in the morning and once in the evening, for 5 minutes each time, if you have a feeling of soreness and can tolerate it better. Since this acupoint is rich in muscles, you can use the pulp of the index finger, middle finger, and ring finger to press the acupoint during massage. Use the middle finger to press the acupuncture point first, then press it vertically to a certain depth, and then use the rubbing method. The force should be from light to heavy, steady and steady continued. ④

6. Press Zusanli

Dr. Li Quanwang published an article in the hospital’s Baijiahao in 2022, saying that Zusanli is on the front and outer side of the calf, and it is the nose of a calf. 3 cun below, a finger transverse to the anterior border of the tibia. It can regulate the spleen and stomach, invigorate the middle and invigorate qi; it can make gastrointestinal peristalsis powerful and regular, and can improve the activity of various digestive enzymes, increase appetite, and help digestion.

Methods:Press bilateral Zusanli once a day with your thumb or middle finger , Press each point for 5-10 minutes each time, press 15-20 times per minute, and feel sore and hot. ②

7. Drink some green calyx Plum Teaspan>

Dr. Feng Chunxiang published an article in People’s Daily Health in 2022, saying that for patients with nodules, some tea substitutes can be used to help restore a certain extent . You can use 2.5 grams of white plum blossoms (green calyx plum) and 2.5 grams of roses to soak in water and drink. , and even breast nodules can be helpful. ⑤

8. Drink some dandelion tea

Dr. Feng Chunxiang said in an article in People’s Daily Health in 2022 that some patients with nodules will make tea with dandelion. Dandelion has the effect of clearing away heat and detoxifying, if the nodules or polyps have been around for a long time , a little dandelion tea is fine. If the gastrointestinal function is not good, the spleen and stomach are weak, it is not suitable for drinking.

It should be noted that nodules and polyps are mostly pathological products due to phlegm, qi and blood stasis together, so it is necessary to drink tea instead of tea. It cannot fundamentally solve the problem, does not have a therapeutic effect, but can only play an auxiliary role. The treatment of nodules should also be prescribed by a doctor. ⑤

9. Be sure to exercise

< span>Dr. Li Quanwang published an article in the hospital’s Baijia account in 2022, saying that the phlegm-dampness constitution is often manifested as physical fatigue, soreness and weakness of the limbs and unwillingness to move, which is caused by the poor circulation of qi and blood. Promote the operation of qi and blood, expel phlegm and dampness from the body, help the recovery of spleen function, and play a role in regulating qi and strengthening the spleen.

You can choose sports that suit you, such as badminton, table tennis, jogging, etc. Running on blood.

10. Be sure to stay up late

Dr. Li Quanwang published an article in the hospital’s Baijiahao in 2022, saying that lack of sleep is particularly likely to cause depression, and maintaining adequate sleep can prevent damage to the function of the spleen.

This article is synthesized from:

① 2022-04-29 Health Times “There is a physique that loves long knots”

② 2022-04-14 North Traditional Chinese Medicine Oriental Hospital “”National Cancer Prevention and Control Week” to regulate phlegm and dampness and prevent tumor occurrence”

③ 2015-12-24 Health Times “Fat people eat wax gourd” Porridge”

④ 2019-04-26 Health Times “Moxibustion at Fenglong Point for Potbelly”

⑤ 2022-04-29 Health Times “Drinking Flower Tea to Condition Nodules”

Editor: Ren Xuan

Reviewer: Yang Xiaoming