People who like to sweat and those who don’t like to sweat, who is healthier?

When it’s hot, it’s really uncomfortable to sweat all over my body, sticky, and my clothes stick to my body.

But some people say: sweating more is actually good, detoxification and weight loss are all good, just save money for sweating.

Is this really the case?

(Source: soogif)

In our brain, there is an “air conditioner remote control”, which is the hypothalamus, the body temperature regulation center.

When the ambient temperature is low, it commands brown adipose tissue to produce heat, skeletal muscle tremors (shivering when it feels cold), and blood vessels constrict, turning on “thermogenic mode”[1].

(Source: soogif)

When the ambient temperature is high, it will activate the “cooling mode” by accelerating the evaporation of water and dilating the blood vessels. The sweat glands are the most obedient “little soldiers”. It will take away heat and let the body cool down [1].

(Source: soogif)

In addition to cooling down, sweating is also in charge in many areas, contributing to the harmonious development of the body. For example, it can maintain skin health and balance trace elements in the body [2].

Ideal is plump, reality is skinny. Let’s look at them one by one.

1. Can sweating help detoxify?

All say that sweating can accelerate the excretion of toxins from the human body, and some people want to rely on sweating to prevent and cure diseases. This sounds appealing, but so far there is little strong evidence to support these claims [1,3].

(Source: soogif)

99% of sweat is water, and less than 1% is sodium chloride (that is, the main component of salt), potassium, urea nitrogen, etc., which can almost be regarded as pure water [2] ].

To a certain extent, sweating does excrete some metabolic wastes and toxins from the body, but compared with other ways of excretion in the body (such as liver, kidney and gastrointestinal excretion) , the effect is very small, and it is not the main excretion route of the human body [2].

That said, sweating a lot doesn’t do much to detoxify [4].

If you want to be healthy, it’s more practical to shut your mouth, stretch your legs, and get a good night’s sleep.

(Source: soogif)

2. Can sweating a lot help you lose weight?

Look at the top, the main component of sweat is water…

The weight you lose by sweating is also water. As long as you drink water, it will come back quickly, so why bother yourself!

(Source: soogif)

When you sweat quickly, water is the most lost, followed by electrolytes, such as sodium chloride and a small amount of potassium. Too much sweat at once may affect the balance of water and electrolytes in the body, causing Various discomforts, such as dizziness, lack of energy, cramps, etc.

In addition, sweating will lead to a decrease in urine output. If you do not drink water, it will lead to the accumulation of some “toxins” mainly excreted from the kidneys, such as uric acid and creatinine.

(Source: soogif)

How much each person sweats depends largely on the activity of the body’s sweat glands to the sympathetic nerves and how strongly the body responds to sympathetic stimulation. It is mainly related to genes and their own physical conditions [5].

In general, men are more likely to sweat than women; people who are heavier also sweat more; they sweat more in the afternoon than in the morning[4 ].

(Source: soogif)

As mentioned above, sweating is a physiological phenomenon that is beneficial to the body to regulate body temperature, but there are some abnormal sweating, but it may be a certain These diseases are caused by the need for early medical treatment.


Hyperhidrosis is divided into primary and secondary hyperhidrosis.

If there is no other reason, excessive sweating of the whole body or parts (such as armpits, palms, soles, face, etc.) will wet clothes and shoes, seriously affecting life, it is best to Go see a doctor [6].

Image source: Zhanku Hailuo


Consider anhidrosis or hypohidrosis when the following symptoms occur: little or no sweating of the whole body or part of the body; Symptoms include cramping or weakness, flushing, and feeling hot [4].

It’s all there!

Don’t worry about sweating more or less, health is the most important thing!

Reviewer: Yan Yan| Chief Physician, Department of Dermatology, Hospital of Plastic Surgery, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences


[1]Hussain J., Cohen M. Clinical Effects of Regular Dry Sauna Bathing: A Systematic Review[J]. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med, 2018, 2018: 1857413.

[2]Gagnon D., Crandall C. G. Sweating as a heat loss thermoeffector[J]. Handb Clin Neurol, 2018, 156: 211-232.

[3]Crinnion WJ Sauna as a valuable clinical tool for cardiovascular, autoimmune, toxicant- induced and other chronic health problems[J]. Altern Med Rev, 2011, 16(3): 215 -225.

[4]LA Goldsmith. Disorders of the eccrine sweat glands and sweating: Introduction. In: Fitzpatrick’s Dermatology in General Medicine. [EB/OL]. [Dec. 14]. http:https ://

[5]Minota K., Coon E. A., Benarroch E. E. Neurologic aspects of sweating and its disorders[J]. Neurology, 2019, 92(21): 999-1005.

[6]McConaghy J. R., FosselmanD. Hyperhidrosis: Management Options[J]. Am Fam Physician, 2018, 97(11): 729-734.

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