People who defecate at this time of day may live longer! Doctor: A movement after going to the toilet is very important!

Going to the toilet is a “big event” every day

However, many people suffer from it

Either sit on the toilet for at least half an hour

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Exhausted for the tuba< /span>

Either drink a glass of cold water and have diarrhea…

It’s been a long time,

Not only can I not eat well and sleep well, but

the stomach is also torturedenough!

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Constipation, diarrhea>12 weeks< /p>

Beware is a sign of disease

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Defecation is an important reflex behavior of the human body, if there is Constipation, diarrhea symptoms and more than 12 weeks, are long-term abnormal bowel movements, which are likely to be related to digestive system diseases. Three types of diseases are more common.

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1. Insufficient gastric motility

< p>Big chunks of food are chewed into the stomach and generally stay for about 4 hoursabout 4 hours. Stomach acid secreted by the gastric mucosa dissolves the harder outer shell of food, breaking it down into more digestible chyme, or small boluses, which are then sent into the small intestine.

The stomach has a strong peristaltic digestion function, if span>Insufficient gastric motility, the ability to decompose food is weak, and the accumulation of large pieces of food is easy to cause Stomach bloating, overeating and acid regurgitation also increase the digestive burden on the intestines, making it easy for constipation.

2. Duodenal ulcer

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The duodenum is about 25cm in length, the shortest in length, the largest in diameter, and the deepest in the small intestine And the most fixed part, directly connected to the gastric sac, receives pancreatic juice, bile and gastric juice at the same time, and is an important digestive hub.

But at the same time, gallstones, stomach stones, etc. may also enter the duodenum and destroy the intestines. mucous membranes, causingulcers, infection, or bleeding, resulting in incomplete digestion and breakdown of food, resulting in Symptoms of diarrhea, constipation, or blood in the stool.

3. Chronic diseases of the large intestine

The large intestine consists of the cecum, appendix, and colon , rectum and anal canal, of which the colorectum plays a major role. Food scraps digested in the small intestine contain a lot of water, while the large intestine is responsible for recycling this water and expelling it from the body.

Generally, food residues stay in the large intestine for 12 to 24 hours. Certain chronic diseases, such asimbalance of gut flora, irritable bowel syndrome, ulcers, obstructions, etc., can lead to It stays too long or too short, causing constipation or diarrhea. In the long run, it can also increase the risk of developing intestinal polyps or tumors.

“Time to point” bowel movement

is one of the hallmarks of longevity

Many experts and scholars believe that in order to achieve longevity, at least “three good” must be achieved:< span>Eat well, sleep well, and line up well. What does it mean to be “well organized”?

1. Regular bowel movements on time and by point< /p>

After the stool is formed, the intestinal tract will be 2~3 times a day, every time 1~ A velocity of 2 cm pushes it into the left colon, where it is stored in the sigmoid colon.

but in < strong>After getting up in the morning and within 2 hours after meals, due to postural reflex or gastrocolic reflex, the colon will peristaltic as a whole, advancing at a speed of 10cm per hour, which may directly contribute to defecation. Therefore, people who regularly defecate between these two time periods indicate good gastrointestinal digestion.

2. No blood in normal state


We describe the healthiest form of poop as

/span>Banana-like, brownish-yellow semi-solid, about 300 grams at a time, other similar to dry, hard, sticky, non-formable, etc., may be Indicates gastrointestinal problems. In case of unexplained blood , black tarry stools, occult blood in the stool, etc., you should be alert to gastrointestinal bleeding or tumors.

3 , normal bowel movements

< span>The best time for a bowel movement is no more than 10 minutes. Excessive bowel movements may indicate constipation and other problems. If you sit for more than 30 minutes each time, it is easy to cause the anal pad to sag and form hemorrhoids.


One action after using the toilet is very important

That is-

Look Back

Poo Shape< /strong>

Poo Color

The smell of poop

has a lot of health information

SometimesAdvance insight into critical illness

< p>The doctor from the Oncology Department of the Second Hospital of Zhejiang University said, “Looking back after you poop”, it’s really a good habit!

Healthy poop, a look Forms

Defecation First, pay attention to the shape and texture of your stool.

A normal person’s stool should be Banana-shaped, smooth and soft on the outside, which means you’re in good health.

If the stool is an individual hard mass, it means the hard mass in the body. /span>Lack of fiber and water, need to eat more fruits and vegetables.

Some people have stool that is watery, which is what people say diarrhea, which is a symptom of diarrhea and requiresdrink plenty of water to replenish electrolytes to prevent dehydration.

If the stool is often sticky, it means that the High oil content or poor digestion of fats at risk for chronic pancreatitis.

Healthy poop and color

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Normal stools are mostly pale yellow to light brown in color, but the perfect one isgolden banana stools.

But now, in this era of high-meat and low-meat diets, the perfect banana It’s already “unexpected”. Even in healthy people’s poop, the color is not fixed. But when sick, the color of the poop changes to fivecolor Sixcolors are up.

Red:It is more common with blood in the stool, including hemorrhoids, anal fissures, enteritis, dysentery, tumors, etc. Tumors are getting younger, and middle-aged and elderly people should be especially alert to colorectal tumors . Occasionally, ingestion of dragon fruit can also create a “frightening illusion”.

Black: Generally black and bright stools are mostly bleeding from the upper gastrointestinal tract (stomach, duodenum), which is the so-called pitch-like stool in medicine. But sometimes, taking bismuth preparations or certain traditional Chinese medicines can also make the stool dark, but rarely “shiny”; eating food with animal blood can also make the stool look like asphalt shine.


brown,off-white:It often means that the biliary system is blocked (such as gallstones, biliary or pancreatic tumors, etc.), and you should see a doctor in time.

green:If you don’t eat too many green vegetables, green poop means that bile enters the intestines through abnormal channels.

Healthy poop, three smells

No smell, no smell, it seems to be deeply rooted in the hearts of the people .

Someone’s shit smells bad, but someone’s shit smells so bad that everyone has to go out for shelter…

In fact, stool odor is the best evidence of a worsening intestinal environment.

Generally speaking, the stool of a healthy person is not particularly smelly unless Sometimes I eat a lot of meat, but it is often only temporary, and a light diet will recover. If you have a foul-smelling bowel movement every day, you should be vigilant.

1. Fecal odor, < /span>It may be that eating high protein or more meat will increase the incidence of bowel cancer in the long run; span>

2. The stool has a pungent and sour taste, mostly fermentation Sexual dyspepsia results;

3. Burnt black stool with fishy smell, indicates gastrointestinal bleeding and the amount is large;< /p>

4. The rancid smell of meat or fish in watery stools, yes A manifestation of the breakdown of large amounts of blood or mucus in the intestine;

< span>5. Broth-like stool with a strange smell, more common in the intestinesHemorrhagic necrotizing inflammation.

Five signs to be alert to bowel cancer

Through poop, you can also detect the danger signs of bowel cancer in time:


1. Changes in bowel habits. For example, I rarely had diarrhea or constipation before, but recently I have diarrhea or constipation very frequently; or I used to have diarrhea once a day, but recently I have three or five times a day.

2. Continuous bloody stool or black stool for more than a week.  

3. Constipation and diarrhea alternate.

4. Persistent diarrhea.

5. The stool is very fine, and it feels incomplete after defecation.

Once the above abnormality is found, you should go to the hospital for medical treatment in time, and do routine stool and digital rectal examination if necessary , Gastrointestinal endoscopy and tumor markers. And if you want to have a good stomach, a good bowel movement, and a healthy body, you must pay attention to staying away from these unhealthy lifestyles——

img>I wish you all a happy meal

Stretch healthy!