People sleep three times, and their lives are thinner than paper! Study of 3 million people: Sleeping more than 8 hours increases the risk of death

“Use the most expensive eye cream to stay up late at night.” This sentence describes the sleep conditions of many Chinese people.

According to the “2022 Chinese National Healthy Sleep White Paper” jointly released by China Sleep Research Association and other institutions, 44% of 19 -25-year-old young people stay up late until after midnight, poor sleep has gradually become a common pain point for young people.

How many people have experienced this?

When I wake up in pain every day, I cry in my heart “I must go to bed early tonight!!”

The result waits until night After lying in bed, there are all kinds of “real fragrance”:

“I will sleep when I finish this video”

“I fell asleep in seconds after playing this game”

It was already one or two o’clock in the morning when I recovered.

Sleep is closely related to human health and longevity.

1. You may be fooled by the “8-hour sleep theory”

Data released by the World Health Organization show thatabout 27% of the world’s population suffer from sleep disorders. Long-term lack of sleep can damage blood vessels and brain health, affect normal life, and easily cause or aggravate cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, diabetes, obesity, depression, Alzheimer’s disease and other diseases.

In the past, many experts have been advocating the “8-hour sleep theory”, believing that 8 hours of sleep every night is healthy. This theory has also been widely recognized by people.

So how many hours of sleep do you need to sleep every night for your health? In response to this question, a study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) in 2021 gave the answer.

Researchers from the National Cancer Center of Japan selected 322,721 people to participate in the study, participating The respondents were from Japan, China, Singapore and South Korea, with an average age of 54.5 years and 55.3% (178,542) of women.

According to the daily sleep time, the participants were divided into 6 groups: 5 hours or less, 6 hours, 7 hours, 8 hours, 9 hours hours, 10 hours or more. During the follow-up period, there were 19,419 deaths in men and 13,768 deaths in women.

The results showed that the number of women who sleep for 7 hours is the largest, accounting for 33.8%, while the number of men who sleep for 8 hours is the largest, accounting for 35.1%. 7 hours of sleep was the lowest for all-cause, cardiovascular, and other-cause mortality in both men and women.

Simply put, people who slept 7 hours a day had the lowest risk of death from any cause, and slept Too little (<5 hours) or too much sleep (>10 hours) significantly increased the risk of death.

Sleep experts point out that the amount of sleep varies for different groups of people: Teenagers should ideally get nine hours of sleep a day, 18- Adults aged 64 need around 7-8 hours of sleep, while those over 65 need around 6.5-7.5 hours of sleep.

When is the healthiest time to sleep?

A prospective cohort study published in the European Heart Journal by a research team from the University of Exeter, UK, found that The prime time to fall asleep is between 10-11 am, as falling asleep during this time is associated with the lowest risk of cardiovascular disease.

Second, people sleep three times, and their lives are thinner than paper!

In addition to the length of sleep that affects health, some bad sleep habits also endanger human health.

1. Sleeping late

A research team from Keele University, UK, published in “American Heart Disease” The results of a cohort study in the Journal showed that too much sleep was associated with increased cardiovascular morbidity and all-cause mortality.

Researchers reviewed 74 cohort studies, including 3,340,684 participants, and found that sleep duration was associated with risk of cardiovascular disease and all-cause mortality. Font curve, people who slept more than 8 hours were at higher risk of cardiovascular events and all-cause mortality.

Among them, 9 hours of sleep per night was associated with a 14% increased risk of all-cause mortality; 10 hours of sleep was associated with a 30% increased risk of all-cause mortality;11 hours of sleep was associated with a 47% increased risk of all-cause mortality.

2. Upside down sleep

Tianjin Zhao Wei, deputy chief physician of University Teda Hospital, said that early, delayed or reversed sleep time is a circadian rhythm disorder.

Common symptoms include difficulty in falling asleep, difficulty in maintaining sleep and daytime sleepiness Over time, is prone to induce cardiovascular, gastrointestinal, metabolic, cognitive and emotional diseases, resulting in impaired learning, work and other functions.

3. Emotional Sense

A study in the Journal of Neuroscience showed that, Falling asleep with an angry mood exacerbates negative emotions, because sleep strengthens memory, especially emotional memory. span>

So, don’t go to bed immediately when you are angry, otherwise the angry mood will recover more slowly.

Third, “falling back to sleep”, is it a sign of good sleep quality?

Most of the sleep disorders are insomnia and difficulty falling asleep, then Some people lie in bed and fall asleep within five minutes. Does that mean the quality of sleep is high?

Introduction by Li Taoping, Director of the Respiratory and Sleep Center of Southern Hospital

span>Most people who fall asleep quickly may be at risk for sleep apnea syndrome (SAS).

If you fall asleep from bed If the time to fall asleep is less than 5 minutes, is a short sleep latency period, indicating that the person is in a state of drowsiness and lethargy, which is sleep One of the common symptoms of apnea syndrome (SAS). So , does not mean that falling asleep quickly means good sleep quality.

What should I do to improve sleep quality?

1. Do not eat or exercise 2-3 hours before bedtime

for dinner Too full or eating before going to bed will lead to increased gastric acid secretion and increase the burden on the stomach. And exercise will make the brain in a state of excitement, which in turn affects the quality of sleep.

2. Take a shower or soak your feet 1-2 hours before bed< /span>

Take a bath 1-2 hours before going to bed to raise your body temperature and relax your muscles. When you go to sleep, your body temperature just drops, which can help you fall asleep. Soak your feet with 40℃-42℃ warm water before going to bed, which can promote blood circulation, accelerate metabolism, and help improve sleep quality .

3. Choose comfortable bedding

made of synthetic satin, polyester and other materials The finished bedding cannot expel moisture, which will make people sleep hotter. It is recommended that products should be choose with perspiration-wicking and breathable materials such as pure cotton and wool fabrics.

If you are allergic to dust or mold, it is recommended to use anti-allergenic mattresses and bed covers, and wash them frequently.

4. Keep the sleeping environment dark and dark

Before going to bed and while sleeping, if Exposure to light inhibits the secretion of melatonin, which in turn affects sleep quality.

If light leaks from windows in the break room, blackout curtains can be installed; Do complete shading, and you can also wear a shading eye mask when you sleep.

Sleep plays an important role in human health. Sleeping too long or too short can harm your health. In addition to sleep time, pay attention to sleep time, sleep habits, and sleep quality.

#Yao Zero Zero Plan#


[1]Svensson, T., Saito, E. , Svensson, A. K., et al. (2021). Association of sleep duration with all-and major-cause mortality among adults in Japan, China, Singapore, and Korea. JAMA network open, 4(9), e2122837-e2122837.< /p>

[2]”A person sleeps three times and his life is thinner than paper”? What are the three senses? These kinds of abnormalities may be because the body is “calling for help”… Popular Science China, 2022-04-06

[3] Take 1 minute to measure your sleep quality, 12 ways to save various “sleepless” Good”. Life Times, 2019-05-29

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