Party Representative’s Demeanor | Lei Zhiying: “Abdication will not retreat”, wholeheartedly protect the health of the people

Gu Yu, Chengdu is about to bid farewell to spring and welcome summer.

On April 21, the sun was shining brightly. As usual, Lei Zhiying came to the Jiajia Central Health Center in the eastern new district of Chengdu early. After a short preparation, she led the colleagues of the respiratory rehabilitation team into the ward for Regular inspections.

Since stepping back to the second line in December 2016, Lei Zhiying has devoted herself to respiratory rehabilitation and geriatric care of patients with chronic respiratory diseases. She is good at nursing and health care of common and frequently-occurring diseases in respiratory and geriatrics. Management, providing pulmonary rehabilitation to patients is only a small part of Lei Zhiying’s job.

▲Representative of the 14th Party Congress in Chengdu Lei Zhiying

Keep the original intention and fulfill the mission

< p>To protect the health of the people wholeheartedly

Joined Jia’s family since 1984 Since the Central Health Center, Lei Zhiying has worked here for 38 years. For Lei Zhiying, being a doctor is not only a profession, but also his lifelong ideal and pursuit. Although he has been sticking to it for 38 years, the former Lei Zhiying also doubted his life choices.

In July 1984, Lei Zhiying graduated from Neijiang Health School and became a nurse in Jiajia District Health Center. “The conditions of the hospital at that time were very difficult and the equipment was poor. The ward was just a row of low-rise and broken tile-roofed houses. It could not keep warm in winter, and could not shelter from the sun and rain in summer. When the wind blew, the house would be full of dust.” In addition to the difficult hardware conditions, the nurses The number of people is also seriously insufficient. It is necessary to administer injections and infusions, manage 45 hospital beds, clean and disinfect sterile items, and be responsible for the work of the operating room. For Lei Zhiying, who has just entered the health system, everything in front of him is far from what he imagined.

“In addition to the hard work, nursing was also a profession that was despised at the time. All kinds of things made me feel confused, and even had the idea of ​​whether to change careers.” However, this scene in front of Lei Zhiying The fog was foggy, but it disappeared because of one thing.

In the middle of a stormy night, a young mother hugged her dying baby and cried, “Teacher, please save my child, he is dying.” Lei Zhiying was in a hurry. , and immediately joined the doctor on duty for rescue, but due to his poor venipuncture technique, the venous access could not be established for more than an hour, and finally the doctor on duty completed the venipuncture. “Although the child’s mother didn’t blame me, I still felt extremely guilty and guilty deep down in my heart.” Looking back on the past, Lei Zhiying burst into tears.

Since then, Lei Zhiying began to re-examine her life and set good medical care work as her lifelong goal. She began to practice venipuncture skills hard. “After I became the head nurse, many patients asked me to help with transfusion because of my good venipuncture skills.” Lei Zhiying said with a smile.

During his long nursing career, Lei Zhiying has devoted more hard work and sweat than others, and has also been well received by patients and staff in the hospital. “One flower alone is not spring, and a hundred flowers bloom in spring to fill the garden.” In 1997, Lei Zhiying served as the director of the Nursing Department, and successively served as secretary of the Youth League branch and director of the Women’s Working Committee. She has made an indelible contribution to the construction of the hospital in the process of establishing the “First Class A”, “Baby Friendly Hospital”, “Second Class II”, “Provincial Civilized Unit”, “Second Class Class A” and “High-quality Medical Service at the Grassroots Level”. .

The 16-year journey of being a nurse is a road that requires dedication and dedication, and a healthy road forged with love. Lei Zhiying has kept his original intention and shouldered his mission.

“Abdicate but not be”

Positive Promoting the construction of respiratory disciplines in the Eastern New District

In December 2016, Lei Zhiying resigned from the leadership However, she still takes a highly responsible attitude, insists on “abiding but not resigning”, abandons the “second-line” thinking, maintains a “first-line” status, gives full play to her residual heat, actively participates in the construction of the hospital’s respiratory discipline, and gives full play to her communication and coordination ability and rich experience. With clinical nursing experience, he is committed to the implementation and promotion of the “Internet of Things Hierarchical Diagnosis and Treatment Project for Chronic Respiratory Diseases in Jiajia Area”. “Although I have taken a back seat to the second line, I still hope to be able to apply what I have learned, give back to patients, give back to the hospital, and give back to the society.”

The statistics of Jiajia Central Health Center in 2021 show that patients with respiratory diseases account for the whole hospital About 42% of the patients, Lei Zhiying chose this direction, hoping to provide patients with better medical services. Lei Zhiying has published 7 papers in national journals, 1 patent, and presided over and participated in 1 scientific research project of Chengdu Municipal Health Commission.

As the representative of the 14th Party Congress in Chengdu, Lei Zhiying was full of excitement and anticipation. In addition to Beiguang’s honor, Lei Zhiying also felt deeply responsible. “After the party congress is over, I will apply to the hospital as soon as possible, give a lecture to everyone, and convey the spirit of this party congress.”

In the past few years, Chengdu citizens have had more and more perceptible and beautiful experiences – more and more sports space at their doorsteps, more and more beautiful ways to go home and work; The sky is clearer and bluer; there are more and more tertiary hospitals and good schools around. Lei Zhiying said that in the days to come, gratitude should be used as a driving force, and he hoped to contribute to the health system of the young Eastern New District through his own construction of respiratory disciplines.

Red Star News reporter Zhang Xiaozhou

Editor Guan Li Photo courtesy of the interviewee