Parents, please check yourself! The child is frequently sneezing and coughing, it may be…

The last two days of the May Day holiday will continue to be sunny in Wuhan

The temperature is rising day by day

The highest temperature tomorrow (4th) Exceeding 30℃

prone to pollen allergy in spring

Also may induce asthma

Asthma is not terrible

But if it is not detected in time, take Treatment

It is also a deadly killer…

7-year-old boy returns from spring with a sudden asthma

Recently, 7-year-old Rui Rui (pseudonym) and his parents Go out on an outing together. After returning home, he began to sneeze and have a runny nose. The family thought it was a cold at first, but the symptoms worsened, and he also experienced chest tightness and panting. Rui Rui’s parents took him to the ENT department of Wuhan Central Hospital immediately. After the doctor’s examination, it was found that Rui Rui had typical allergic rhinitis, complicated by allergic asthma.

Guo Bei, deputy chief physician of the Department of Otolaryngology of Wuhan Central Hospital, introduced that allergic rhinitis is easily treated as a cold because the symptoms of allergic rhinitis are similar to those of a cold. diseases such as asthma.

Warning signs of asthma in children

1. Repeated coughing for more than a month, mainly in the morning and at night. The cough is often irritating dry cough with little phlegm.

2. Irritant dry cough is easy to occur after exercising, inhaling cold air or eating cold drinks.

3. Repeated chest tightness, aggravated during cold or after exercise.

4. Allergic to certain smells (such as decoration smells, toilet cleaners, perfumes, styling mousse, etc.), sneezing and coughing.

5. Allergic to seafood, some tropical fruits, some drugs, or intolerance to eggs and milk powder in infancy (often manifested as crying, vomiting, diarrhea, severe and repeated eczema , no weight gain).

6. Have allergic rhinitis symptoms such as frequent sneezing, runny nose, nasal congestion, and nasal itching, often manifested as nose shrugging, nose rubbing, and nose picking.

A 16-year-old girl eats bamboo shoots to induce asthma.

A 16-year-old girl, Xiao An (pseudonym), lives in Wuchang. Not long ago, she suddenly felt that her symptoms had worsened, she always had difficulty breathing, gasped involuntarily, lay in bed at night, and even felt suffocated, so she could only sit and sleep. After a series of tests, she was diagnosed with bronchial asthma.

The doctor analyzed that Xiao An started intermittent dry cough half a year ago, which may be because of asthma attacks from time to time, but he did not pay attention to it. Allergens must be identified to reduce the risk of future disease.

“Every day at school and at home at two o’clock and one line, parents pick up and drop off on the road, wear masks tightly, have not been exposed to common allergens such as pollen and pet hair, and eat regular meals.” Xiao An’s mother Tell the doctor that the bamboo shoots have been burned several times at home recently, and Xiao An likes them very much.

The hospital has also received cases of allergies caused by eating bamboo shoots before. The doctor concluded that Xiao An may be allergic to some components in the bamboo shoots, and ingesting too much can cause asthma. Asparagus. Recently, Xiao An’s condition has been stable, and her asthma has not recurred.

Doctors reminded

People often think that eating mango, pineapple, seafood and other foods is easy to induce allergies, and they are highly vigilant about them; Said that many foods may trigger allergies, leading to exacerbation or recurrence of the disease.

Therefore, when trying new ingredients, don’t ingest a large amount of food suddenly, try a small amount and several times to confirm that you are not allergic before eating in moderation; if you find signs of allergies, you should avoid eating such new ingredients.

There are these common misconceptions about asthma


is a fluctuating chronic airway inflammatory disease

The fluctuation is mainly reflected in

wheezing symptoms can be “suddenly stopped”

may be relieved on their own

This makes many patients misunderstanding

Thinking that it can be relieved without treatment, they give up treatment

This makes asthma worse and more frequent

In addition

for Asthma cognition, and these common misunderstandings

Myth 1: Asthma is a childhood disease, and people will gradually get rid of it as they grow older.

False! Asthma can occur at any age (children, adolescents, adults, and the elderly).

Myth #2: Asthma is an infectious disease.

False! Asthma It is not contagious. However, viral respiratory infections (such as the common cold and the flu) can cause asthma attacks.

Asthma is often associated with allergies in children, but rarely in adults Caused by allergies.

Myth 3: People with asthma should not exercise.

False! When asthma is well controlled, the patient is able to exercise and even become a professional athlete.

Myth 4: Asthma can only be controlled with high doses of hormones.

Wrong! Asthma exacerbations are usually controlled with low-dose inhaled corticosteroids, but standard treatment is required. Only a minority of patients with severe asthma require high doses of inhaled corticosteroids and multiple additional treatments.