Panax notoginseng can activate blood and remove blood stasis, clear blood vessels, nourish liver and protect liver. Why do you have no effect when you eat it?

Aunt Xu, who has been retired for 5 years, has no work pressure and has gained weight. During the physical examination, she was found to have high blood lipids.

Some time ago, when she was chatting with her old best friend, she heard the old best friend talk about the topic of old age body management, one of which caught the attention of Aunt Xu.

The old girlfriend told Aunt Xu that the elderly are overweight and prone to high blood lipids. Eating walnuts can help clear the impurities in the blood vessels, help maintain blood circulation, and maintain the blood vessels and the body play a better preventive effect.

So from then on, Aunt Xu went to the market to buy several boxes of walnuts, eating 5-6 walnuts every day for several months. However, when the community organized residents’ physical examination, the results showed that Aunt Xu’s blood lipids did not drop but rose.

Aunt Xu is very puzzled. She has reduced her intake of greasy food, so why can’t her blood lipids go down. After inquiring about Aunt Xu’s eating habits, the doctor told Aunt Xu that it is likely that she ate too much walnuts every day, which led to the accumulation of body fat.

Aren’t eating walnuts good for the body? How can eating more walnuts cause the problem of high blood lipids?

1. Harvard study: a handful of walnuts a day can help prolong life

walnuts are rich in nutrients , is one of the “big four” dried fruits in the world. According to traditional Chinese medicine records: walnut is warm in nature, sweet in taste, non-toxic, and has the functions of invigorating the kidney, strengthening the stomach, and nourishing the mind.

Modern experiments have also confirmed that walnuts are rich in protein (14.9g/100g) and fat (58.8g/100g), of which linoleic acid and linolenic acid are the main ones. In addition, it also contains carbohydrates, dietary fiber, carotene, vitamin E, potassium, manganese, calcium, phosphorus, iron, etc.

Published in Nutrients, an analysis of 93,340 adults from Harvard University with a 20-year follow-up found that compared to those who did not eat walnuts, a weekly More than 5 servings of walnuts (28 grams per serving, about two or three walnuts) was associated with a reduced risk of all-cause mortality14, a 25% lower risk of cardiovascular disease, and increased life expectancy by approximately 1.3 years.

However, the researchers also emphasized that this study is an observational study, and further research is needed to confirm the conclusion. Nonetheless, this finding is strong evidence that walnuts contribute to human health.

Second, can eating more walnuts really help the brain? Don’t underestimate these benefits

One of the most famous functions of walnuts is to “replenish the brain”. Many parents will start to supplement their children with walnuts when their children are young. Brainstorm?

Long-term consumption of walnuts does have certain benefits for brain health and cognitive function. Walnuts have strong antioxidant capacity, the nuts are rich in vitamin E, the brown skin contains polyphenols, and also contains linolenic acid, which can convert DHA in the body and improve the cognitive ability of the brains of infants and the elderly.

But it should be noted that the use of walnuts is beneficial but not “brain-boosting”. After a person’s intelligence reaches its peak at the age of 20-30, it is difficult to improve it again. It is unscientific to want to increase IQ in the short term through walnuts.

Of course, in addition to improving cognitive ability, these benefits of walnuts cannot be ignored

1. Doffer”

A study in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology found that 30-60g of walnuts per day can significantly reduce inflammation and prevent cardiovascular disease.

2. Prevention of diabetes

Dr. Lenno Arab and his research team from the University of California, Los Angeles, USA, conducted a test on 34,000 participants A survey study found that participants who regularly ate walnuts had a significantly lower risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

3. Improve gut health

A study published in the Journal of Nutrition from the University of Illinois shows that eating walnuts can lead to beneficial effects in the gut Bacteria increase and reduce microbial production of stimulating bile acids, which have a positive effect on the health of the gastrointestinal tract.

Third, should walnuts be eaten in the morning or in the evening?

Although walnuts have many functions, the time to eat walnuts is also very particular.

Walnuts contain a lot of fat, and poor control of eating time and amount can increase the risk of obesity. The best time to eat walnuts is after breakfast, or about two hours after breakfast. Breakfast is the time when energy is most needed. Eating walnuts at this time can meet the energy consumption of the day.

Walnuts have many benefits, why do some people hurt their health after eating them?

Walnuts are high in fat and energy, so they are not suitable for obese people. In addition, fat digestion requires the consumption of bile for emulsification, so it is not suitable for patients with liver disease, gallstones, and infants.

In addition, don’t eat moldy walnuts. Walnuts are mildewed, the taste will become very bad, and they will also produce mycotoxins, which are harmful to the body.

If you want to eat walnuts healthily, pay attention to the following 4 points:

Eat 2-3

According to the recommendation of the dietary guidelines for Chinese residents, eat 10 grams of nut kernels every day, as a snack, it is about the size of two or three walnuts.

Eat Now

Walnuts will increase their chances of contacting with oxygen when they are opened, thereby promoting oxidative deterioration, so walnuts are best eaten now .

Try to choose plain/light roasted

Choose less processed walnuts and try to eat plain or lightly heated walnuts in the oven.

The more astringent the skin, the more nutritious it is

The brown skin of the walnut kernel contains a variety of phenols and flavonoids, which will carry a bitter and astringent taste, and the taste is about astringent. , the stronger the antioxidant capacity.

Eating walnuts has a positive impact on health, but it is also “expensive” and “moderate consumption”, and for people with poor digestive function, Walnuts are not the only way to prevent oxidation. You can supplement them by eating other vegetables and fruits without being too “superstitious” about the efficacy of walnuts.


[1] “The nutritional value of walnuts is valued, and six walnuts have been certified to “help improve memory”. Health Times. 2018-12-17


[2] “Eat walnuts can “cure” 7 diseases, don’t underestimate the magic of a nut”. Life Times. 2017-03-13

[3] “Eat More Good walnuts! Clinical study confirms that eating walnuts can improve gut microbes and reduce low-density cholesterol and secondary bile acid levels |