pain! pain! pain! How can major things such as “head” be neglected

Expert in this issue

Department of Neurology, Zhongnan Hospital, Wuhan University

Deputy Chief Physician Liu Xi


There was a woman in Canada who was misdiagnosed 23 times in two years. Just because she had a headache, no doctor could find out the cause. She just prescribed painkillers. Later, the woman insisted on a CT scan and it was discovered that it was a brain tumor. !

Headaches are not necessarily migraine headaches. Small pains and illnesses cannot be ignored, nor can they scare oneself. What kind of flat headache should be paid enough attention to? Let’s learn about migraine together~


Is a headache a brain tumor or a migraine?

Director Liu: Headache is indeed the first sign of a disease. Not just brain tumors, but many other diseases have similar symptoms to migraines.

Brain tumor symptoms

Brain tumor symptoms are headache symptoms that progress as the brain tumor increases in size Sexually aggravated, this is the characteristic of headache caused by brain tumor.

Symptoms of a migraine

A migraine is characterized by a headache that may go away on its own after an attack.


How to identify a migraine?

Director Liu: Migraine can be divided into migraine with aura and migraine without aura. Migraine with aura is called typical migraine, and flat headache without aura is called common migraine. There are four phases to a headache attack:

The first prodromal phase

may be a day or two before the onset, Even for a few hours, it will have some discomfort, such as yawning, neck pain, bad mood, very irritable, easy to lose temper.

Second stage aura

The eyes will see flashes, it is possible to see things, and there is a little blind spot of vision , There are some aura symptoms of numbness on the face and numbness in the limbs.

The third stage of attack

Both temples are painful, afraid of light and noise, nausea and vomiting.

The fourth stage of recovery

After the headache is over, there will be some fatigue, the spirit is not very good, and then gradually improve.


Migraine Triggers

Director Liu: Migraine causes are: Many, irregular life, staying up late, high work pressure, irregular diet, severe weather changes, colds and colds, and girls’ menstrual period can also cause migraines. There are also some foods that can cause migraines, such as:


In metabolism, tyrosine is produced, and tyrosine is the culprit The culprit, because migraine headaches are associated with decreased platelet monoamine oxidase activity, then eating cheese rich in tyrosine may cause the amino acid to be less easily broken down.

Red wine

Ethanol in alcohol has a certain dilating effect on cerebral blood vessels, and flavonoids in it may induce periodic migraine headaches. Patients should not drink red wine.


There is too much salt in it, and the sodium in it can cause blood vessels to constrict, increase blood pressure, and cause migraines.


Chocolate contains Large amounts of phenethylamine and tyrosine can cause migraines.

Coffee, tea

Coffee and tea can upset the balance of nerve activation in the brain and increase the excitement of migraines.


Be careful with migraine headaches and endure big problems

Director Liu: If migraine occurs frequently and repeatedly, if you do not seek medical attention, it will cause emotional anxiety and depression, affect sleep, memory, concentration, and even increase the risk of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular. In particular, headaches can cause fever and confusion. Epilepsy, language disorders, etc. must be treated in time, and sometimes early intervention is the best prevention.

Interactive Questions of the Day

Is it true that washing your hair too hard will cause migraines?

(Hubei Satellite TV Diet and Health Exchange)

Source: Beiqing Network