Overcome heat and prevent heatstroke

[Source: Shaanxi CDC]

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As the temperature gradually rises, high temperature warnings have been issued in many places across the country and the high temperature mode has been turned on. In my country, when the daily maximum temperature reaches or exceeds 35°C, it is called high temperature, and the high temperature weather process for several consecutive days (more than 3 days) is called high temperature heat wave. High temperature weather affects people’s normal life. The national high temperature heatstroke and death mainly occur in July and August. People need to prevent high temperature heatstroke when they eat and travel daily.

In hot weather, if you feel dizzy, vertigo, headache, nausea, chest tightness, irritability and other symptoms, it may be heat stroke. Heat stroke is generally divided into two types, one is high temperature and high radiation, which is commonly known as “dry and hot” days; the other is high temperature and high humidity, that is, the common “humid and hot” days in summer, the human body cannot sweat normally, Heat stroke due to increased blood flow to the skin.

Here are some tips for preventing heatstroke


< span>wearing

Summer wear should pay attention to the principles of heat insulation, sun protection, ventilation and ventilation. Wear a cool hat, parasol, light-colored light clothes, and try to use cotton, linen, and silk fabrics for clothes when going out. Some special operating groups have been engaged in high-temperature labor for a long time, and should choose shoes and socks that are light, prevent heat radiation, facilitate ventilation, and perspiration. It is not easy to cover the exposed face and neck, upper arms and calves, and sunscreen is required.


Diet and Drink

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The high temperature in summer, the water in the human body volatilizes more, some trace elements in the body will be taken away with the evaporation of water, and the osmotic pressure in the body will lose stability. When drinking boiled water, add some salt or drink salted tea water, which can supplement the lost salt in the body, so as to achieve the effect of heatstroke prevention. Food to add enough protein, such as fish, meat, eggs, milk and beans. Eating a lot of cold drinks is easy to suffer from heat stroke, because the sudden drop in the temperature of the human body will affect the normal operation of various systems.



Huoxiangzhengqi water, pills and capsules have It is one of the commonly used medicines for summer heatstroke prevention. In addition, the commonly used medicine for summer heatstroke prevention is Rendan, which can relieve symptoms such as headache, dizziness, and nausea caused by high temperature. If available, honeysuckle, wild chrysanthemum, pale bamboo leaves, cogongrass root, mint leaves and other single-flavored Chinese herbal medicines can be used, decoct with water.



The high temperature consumes a lot of energy, and it is easy to feel tired. Adequate sleep can relax the brain and body systems and help prevent heat stroke. When sleeping, be careful not to lie beside the air conditioner outlet and electric fan, so as not to suffer from “air conditioning disease” and “heat cold”.

Source: Sanitation Institute

Review: Chang Wenhui

Editor: Liu Qing

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