Over 380,000 people die of liver cancer a year

The husband and wife were both diagnosed with liver cancer.

A few months ago, 42-year-old Xiaolin often experienced symptoms such as palpitation, nausea and vomiting, and belching every time he eats. heart.

At the same time, his wife Xiaoli also developed similar symptoms. One day, when Xiaoli was cleaning, she suddenly suffered severe pain in her lower abdomen, and large beads of sweat fell from her face.

This time, the two people went to the hospital for examination, and they found out the middle-advanced liver cancer, and both husband and wife were suffering from cancer.

The husband and wife are puzzled. They have no family history of cancer. Why would they develop liver cancer? After talking with the doctor, the doctor believes that the reason for their induction of liver cancer is inseparable from the wooden chopsticks that have been used in the kitchen for more than ten years.

1. The latest cancer data: the number of deaths from liver cancer reaches 388,800 a year

2022 The latest cancer report in China is updated in 2016. Since cancer data takes time to collect, organize and verify, the results of this report use the latest and most representative data from the country in 2016, covering a population of about 380 million.

The report data shows that in 2016, there were about 4.064 million new malignant tumor cases and 2.4135 million cancer deaths in my country. That equates to 10,000 diagnoses every day, and about 7 new cancers are diagnosed every minute.

The risk is higher before and after the age of 60. Cancer cases are in the 60-64-year-old age group, with the most people in the 50-54-year-old age group. In general, men have higher morbidity and mortality than women, but women between the ages of 20 and 49 have a higher incidence than men.

In 2016, the number of deaths from liver cancer was 388,800, and the number of males reached 288,800. In particular, males aged 15-59 suffer from cancer, with the highest number of deaths due to liver cancer.

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Second, in addition to tobacco and alcohol, be careful with these “carcinogens” at home

There has been a lot of popular science on the damage of alcohol to the liver. And the safe dose of alcohol is 0. The less alcohol you drink, the less damage alcohol can cause to your liver.

In addition to alcohol, there are some “carcinogens” hidden in life.

First of all, few people may notice the damage of drugs to the liver. As the saying goes: drugs are poisonous. The liver is involved in the metabolism of drugs and the breakdown of toxic substances. Some chemotherapeutic drugs, antibiotic drugs, anti-tuberculosis drugs, etc., including traditional Chinese medicines such as Polygonum multiflorum and Baixianpi, all have a certain risk of drug-induced liver damage, so medication must be prescribed by a doctor.

Secondly, rotten and moldy fruits and moldy cutting boards are also one of the carcinogens. Moldy fruits contain aflatoxin, which is 68 times more toxic than arsenic, which can damage the liver and cause serious harm to the human body. . Aflatoxin often survives in high temperature, corruption or moisture, and long-term use of cutting boards may also become its hiding place.

In addition, poor quality sesame paste, expired or spoiled cooking oil, bitter nuts, moldy peanuts, etc. all need attention and should not be eaten.

Third, if you have these symptoms when you wake up in the morning, it means your liver is injured

Many people have been investigated Liver cancer, I think it is impossible, in fact, the body has already hinted to you early. Just like the two couples in the case, they just chose to ignore them. When you wake up in the morning, if these symptoms appear, you should be alert to whether the liver is damaged.

1. Urine color is too yellow

Urine is occasionally yellow, usually due to drinking too little water, sweating too much, or eating rich carrots Caused by vegetarian food, etc. If the color of the urine is too yellow for a long time, it is necessary to consider whether it is caused by a disease. In general, yellow urine due to hepatobiliary disease is the most common. Such as acute chronic hepatitis, bile duct stones, liver cancer and other diseases.

2. Pain in the right upper quadrant

When the liver changes, it will cause the liver to enlarge, and the patient’s liver area may feel pulling and painful. The degree of pain is generally different, mostly manifested as persistent pain in the right upper quadrant or middle upper quadrant, distending pain or tingling.

3. The ankle has edema

The edema caused by liver damage is called liver source Sexual edema, often in severe liver disease. Hepatogenic edema often presents with edema on the ankles on morning rise, with no abnormality in the face and upper extremities.

4. Bad breath, dry mouth and bitterness

If you don’t have bad living habits, if you still have bad breath and dry mouth for a long time after getting up in the morning, take Watch out for liver disease. Because abnormal bile metabolism may cause dry and bitter mouth, certain diseases can cause bad breath, such as liver disease. When the liver is damaged, the levels of ammonia and urea nitrogen in the blood increase, which can cause bad breath with a distinctly putrid smell.

Extended: How painful is liver cancer?

80% of people find out that they have liver cancer at an advanced stage, and when liver cancer is at an advanced stage, the prognosis is worse.

Severe cancer pain will cause general discomfort, emotional tension, anorexia, sudden weight loss, and severe malnutrition.

Nausea and vomiting are common due to side effects of treatment, or invasion of cancer cells. Liver cancer will also lead to a large amount of ascites, and the ascites will be pumped more and more.

The patient’s resistance is reduced, and the slightest carelessness may lead to infection. When pathogens such as viruses, bacteria and fungi enter the body, the disease will be aggravated, and symptoms such as high fever and coma may follow.

In addition, breathing gradually became difficult, and there was extensive bleeding in the gums, subcutaneous oral cavity, and digestive tract… This may be a pain that only those who have experienced it can understand.

The liver is an important organ of the human body and deserves our attention. Stay away from those carcinogens in life, don’t eat moldy fruits, use chopping boards and chopsticks for a long time, etc. in order to save money, seek medical attention as soon as possible in case of abnormal conditions.


[1] “China’s latest cancer report released: people in these regions and ages are at higher risk”. Life Times. 2022-03-17

[2] “80% of liver cancers are related to viral hepatitis! Don’t do these 4 “liver-injuring things” again! “. Eat three meals a day. 2019-08-24

[3] “How painful is it to get liver cancer? Each one is unbearable for life! 》. Family Doctor Online. 2022-03-21