Osteoporosis increases vertebral fracture risk

Yi Xiaofeng, Gao Weida

Recently, 75-year-old Aunt Zhang always felt severe pain in her chest and back after getting up in the morning, and her symptoms worsened when she coughed and breathed. Especially when I turned over and sat up, I felt “excruciating pain”, and I didn’t even dare to walk on the ground.

Aunt Zhang came to the hospital for treatment. The doctor found that the old man had obvious percussion pain and tenderness in the lower thoracic and lumbar spine, which was considered as osteoporotic vertebral compression fracture. Further examination showed that 6 vertebrae of Aunt Zhang’s thoracic and lumbar vertebrae had wedge-shaped changes, 5 of which were acute compression fractures. The bone mineral density measurement results showed that Aunt Zhang suffered from severe osteoporosis.

Lei Nanwei, Director of the Second Department of Orthopaedic Surgery and Pain Department of the Second Hospital of Harbin, said that the consequences of osteoporotic vertebral compression fractures are very serious, which will cause patients with intractable back pain, accompanied by There is a decrease in cardiopulmonary function and gastrointestinal dysfunction. After a patient has a vertebral fracture, due to pain, bed rest, and reduced activity, the “stock” of their own bone mass is often further depleted. Persistent bone loss, combined with kyphosis, can shift the patient’s center of gravity forward, significantly increasing the risk of refracture of the spine and other fractures.

Not only that, fractures and pain can also affect the patient’s mobility, and severe vertebral compression fractures, especially multiple vertebral fractures, may severely “shrink” the patient’s original height and reduce the risk of injury. Affect the patient’s lung capacity and lung function. In addition, kyphosis will aggravate the compression of the rib arch on the abdomen, making the patient feel full, and the appetite will decrease. Over time, the patient may suffer from malnutrition.

To eliminate the hidden danger of fractures, there are 3 suggestions to pay attention to. In winter, the road is easy to freeze and become slippery, and the elderly are more likely to fall and be injured. If a fracture occurs after a fall, and the elderly do not detect it in time, it is easy to bury the hidden danger of secondary injury, and may even develop into a hidden fracture.

Regarding how to actively prevent osteoporotic vertebral compression fractures from the source, Director Lei Nanwei gave the following three suggestions:

First, a correct understanding of bone Porosis. Patients should understand the relevant knowledge, and at the same time master self-assessment methods and correct rehabilitation exercises, such as learning to self-assess pain, correct breathing and cough and expectoration.

Second, maintain a good lifestyle. Eat a balanced diet, get more sun exposure, quit smoking, quit drinking, and avoid excessive coffee and carbonated drinks. In addition, try not to use or reduce the use of drugs that affect bone metabolism.

Third, active exercise therapy. Exercise therapy includes muscle strength training, aerobic exercise training, balance and coordination function training, etc. For older adults, low-intensity daily activities and physical activity are recommended.