Online consultation, offline medicine delivery, Jinan opened a green channel, and isolated at home and received medical insurance reimbursement medicine

Qilu Evening News Qilu One Point reporter Zhao Qinghua intern Ni Haoyu correspondent summer

On the afternoon of April 1, Mr. Wang, a citizen of Jinan, received the news that his unit building was sealed off. announcement of. As a hypertensive patient, the family did not have enough antihypertensive drugs, which made him a little nervous. After learning that the medicine could be delivered to his home through online consultation, he quickly placed an order and successfully got the medicine he needed the next day. Mr. Wang told the Qilu Evening News reporter on the phone that it is very convenient to buy medicines online and be reimbursed by medical insurance.

It is reported that in order to reduce the gathering of people and reduce the risk of epidemic spread, Jinan City relies on the Shandong Province Internet Medical Insurance Big Health Service Platform to carry out online consultations, chronic disease refills, medical insurance settlement, delivery to the insured people in the city. Medicine door-to-door service. Recently, a green channel has been opened for personnel in the centralized isolation area, closed control area, and control area, so that drugs can be ordered on the same day and delivered the next day.

Isolate at home, use medical insurance reimbursement drugs

Open the green channel, order on the same day and deliver the next day

“Your medicine is here, I’ll leave it for you at the door of the unit. Can you come down and pick it up later?” The SF Express courier told the citizen Mr. Wang over the phone.

Mr. Wang, 33, suffers from familial high blood pressure and needs to take antihypertensive drugs for a long time. “We can hold on without a meal, but when the medicine is stopped, the body can’t stand it.” When Mr. Wang, who was isolated at home, discussed with his family how to buy antihypertensive drugs, his wife remembered that she had learned about Shandong Medical Insurance Great Health Internet Hospital before. Online consultations and home delivery of medicines are available.

Afterwards, Mr. Wang opened the applet, bound the medical insurance electronic certificate, and selected experts from the Internet Hospital of Qianfoshan Hospital in Shandong Province for consultation among the 12 hospitals of his choice. After learning about Mr. Wang’s basic condition, the doctor prescribed 5 boxes of valsartan capsules for him, which is the dosage for one month. Afterwards, Mr. Wang completed the online payment. The total drug price was 122.6 yuan. After reimbursement by medical insurance, the personal payment was 59.04 yuan.

“The online operation is very simple, and there is no need to submit complex materials. The consultation is free, and there are 4 free orders for drug delivery.” Mr. Wang, who logged on the online consultation platform for the first time, expressed his experience very satisfied. He told the Qilu Evening News reporter that although he was isolated at home, there were property staff and volunteers who sent vegetables, fruits and other daily necessities.

A reporter from the Qilu Evening News learned from the Jinan Municipal Medical Insurance Bureau that in the past few days, the Jinan Municipal Medical Insurance Bureau has made every effort to regulate supply and prices, initiate temporary adjustments to medical insurance payments, promote Internet + services, and relax prescription settlement policies. Guarantee the medical security needs of Jinan citizens during the epidemic.

In response to the requirements of epidemic prevention and reducing the gathering of people, Jinan City, relying on the Shandong Province Internet Medical Insurance Big Health Service Platform, provides online consultation, chronic disease refills, medical insurance settlement, and door-to-door medicine delivery services for the insured people in the city. . Wang Bo, director of the treatment and security department of Jinan Medical Security Bureau, introduced to the Qilu Evening News reporter that in order to reduce the risk of the spread of the epidemic, a green channel has recently been opened for personnel in the centralized isolation area, closed control area, and control area, so that orders can be placed on the same day and delivered the next day. up.

Optimize handling and make every effort to ensure drug supply

Reduce prices and reduce the burden on the masses

It is understood that with the further strengthening of social control measures, the number of centralized isolation areas, closed control areas, and control areas has increased, and the number of people involved has increased. In order to ensure that patients will not be affected by the cost of medical treatment, and that the hospital will not be affected by the payment policy, the Jinan Municipal Medical Insurance Bureau has strengthened the implementation of the medical insurance policy and safeguard measures to escort the prevention and control of the epidemic and the public’s medical treatment.

Starting from March 21, the charge standards for nucleic acid testing of the new coronavirus in Jinan’s disease prevention and control institutions will be lowered. Among them, the price of a single test for a single person will be adjusted from a maximum of 40 yuan/time to 28 yuan/time, and mixed tests The price is adjusted from a maximum of 10 yuan/time to 6 yuan/time.

Jinan City implements free treatment for confirmed patients, asymptomatic infected persons, suspected and observation persons, and cancels the restrictions on the medical insurance catalogue. Ritonavir Tablets, Ambavirumab/Romisevirumab Injection and Qingfei Paidu Granules), as well as antigen detection items and detection reagents are temporarily included in the scope of medical insurance payment. The personal burden is partly borne by the finances.

Jinan City implements the green channel network policy for epidemic prevention and control drugs and medical consumables, and guides medical institutions to implement the emergency procurement mechanism for prevention and control drugs and medical consumables. As the supply of goods continues to be sufficient, the price of new crown antigen detection reagents has dropped from 16.8 yuan per person to 8.8 yuan per person.

In addition, Jinan’s medical insurance system implements the “no-meeting” service, and improves service methods such as “online application, handheld application, postal application, appointment application, and help agency”, effectively reducing the number of people traveling to and from public transportation and business halls Aggregate infection risk. Relying on the identity authentication and online payment functions of medical insurance electronic certificates, some medical institutions in Jinan have opened the mobile medical insurance settlement function for the whole process of medical treatment. go all the way.” Since March 21, the city has processed more than 5,000 offline medical insurance transactions and 800,000 online transactions, with a non-face-to-face processing rate of 99.4%.

For patients with chronic diseases such as hypertension, diabetes, coronary heart disease, etc., the “long prescription” reimbursement service is implemented, and the consumption of a single prescription is relaxed to 12 weeks. For patients with uremic dialysis and tumor radiotherapy, the cost of multiple treatments can be settled at one time, reducing the time for waiting for medical treatment and running errands.