One year later, there are 2 new coronavirus deaths in China

The two new deaths were previously mild cases.

Writing | Wan Shunshun

Source | “Medical Community” Public Account

According to the National Health and Medical Commission, from 0-24:00 on March 18, there were 2,157 new local confirmed cases in 31 provinces, including 1,674 cases in Jilin Province, far higher than the 199 cases in Fujian Province. example. Since March 12, Jilin Province has added more than 1,000 new infections for 6 consecutive days, and the cumulative number of confirmed cases reported in this round of epidemic exceeded 10,000.

Among them, the news of “two new local deaths in Jilin Province” in the information bulletin aroused everyone’s attention as soon as it was released. The last time there was a new crown death case in China was on January 25, 2021, more than a year ago. For the whole year of 2021, the total number of deaths from the new crown in China is only 2.

This afternoon, at the press conference of the Joint Prevention and Control Mechanism of the State Council, Jiao Yahui, Director of the Medical Administration and Medical Administration Bureau of the National Health and Medical Commission, explained the cause of death of the two new deaths in Jilin. The disease itself of the two people’s new coronary pneumonia is not serious, it is mild, and the direct cause of death is caused by the underlying disease.

From March 1 to 18, more than 29,000 cases of new coronary pneumonia were reported nationwide, affecting 28 provinces. The local epidemic is in the developing stage. Many provinces are facing the prevention and control of the Omicron epidemic in many cities and cities at the same time. The prevention and control situation is severe and complicated. Epidemic prevention policies must adhere to the general strategy of “preventing imports from abroad and preventing rebounds from within” and the general policy of “dynamic clearing” and unswervingly.

The deaths were all mild, combined with serious underlying diseases

On March 18, among the 1,674 new local confirmed cases in Jilin Province, there were 1,654 mild cases, 10 ordinary cases, and 10 severe cases. The two new deaths were previously mild cases.

“The disease of the two people’s new coronary pneumonia itself is not serious, it is light, and the direct cause of death is caused by the underlying disease.” This afternoon, Jiao Yahui, director of the National Health Commission’s Medical Administration and Hospital Administration, introduced, There were two new deaths in Jilin, one of them was 87 years old, and the other one was over 60 years old, both of whom had serious underlying diseases. One of them has not been vaccinated against COVID-19.

The 2 deaths are as follows:

Death case 1, male, 65 years old, complicated with chronic renal failure-uremia, nephrotic syndrome, renal amyloidosis, coronary atherosclerotic heart disease and other basic diseases. During the treatment in the hospital, the patient suddenly appeared unresponsive without any incentive, breathing deeply, and the rescue was invalid, and he died clinically. Causes of death: hyperkalemia, severe metabolic acidosis, hypoglycemia, acute non-ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction.

Death Case 2, male, 87 years old. After falling on March 11, 2022, he developed weakness in both lower limbs and slurred speech. He went to the local hospital for treatment. Later, due to a positive nucleic acid test, he was transferred to Jilin Central Hospital for treatment. The patient suffered from underlying diseases such as cerebral infarction, hypertension, and lumbar trauma. During the treatment in the hospital, the patient suffered sudden dyspnea and cardiac arrest, and the rescue failed and died. Cause of death: acute massive pulmonary embolism.

Currently, the new coronary pneumonia in Jilin City is the Omicron strain, and its main clinical manifestations are fatigue, headache, muscle aches, sore throat, cough, and runny nose. From the perspective of global cases, due to the influence of chronic diseases and basic diseases, the risk of severe illness and death of the elderly after contracting the new crown virus is much higher than that of young people and children. According to relevant statistics, the average age of death of new crown patients is over 70 years old.

Jiao Yahui suggested that for the elderly, it is necessary to strengthen the treatment of underlying diseases, increase nutrition, and enhance immunity. He calls on elderly friends to eat reasonably, strengthen exercise, and actively vaccinate, and vaccinate as soon as possible. Strengthen the needle.

On the same day as the death cases, the first batch of 21 new coronary pneumonia patients in Changchun City, Jilin Province, were cured and discharged at Jilin Provincial Hepatobiliary Disease Hospital.

500 nursing students retrograde to the front lines

Nucleic acid testing is being carried out in all parts of Jilin Province to quickly “find out” positive infections as soon as possible. Starting from 12:00 on March 18, three rounds of nucleic acid testing have been carried out in Jilin City. Jiutai District of Changchun City has adopted the method of “knock on the door” to fully launch the sixth round of nucleic acid testing.

According to the “Beijing News” report, due to the shortage of nucleic acid testing personnel, on March 17, the second-year nursing students of Jilin Liaoyuan Vocational and Technical College received a notice to urgently sign up for volunteer expeditions , about 500 students entered the front line for nucleic acid testing in batches; on March 18, another group of students set off.