One size fits all! The ultra-convenient electronic health card is also arranged in Liangshan, Sichuan

Cover reporter Yu Ting

To go to a hospital, you have to get a medical card. After a period of time, you have accumulated a lot of medical cards. For a long time, the residents of Liangshan Prefecture in Sichuan have had such troubles in the process of seeking medical treatment. In order to comprehensively promote the promotion and application of electronic health projects for residents in Liangshan Prefecture, further optimize the process of diagnosis and treatment services, deepen the “Internet + medical service” convenience and benefit services, and continue to improve people’s medical experience and satisfaction, on the afternoon of March 15, Liangshan Prefecture residents electronic The launching ceremony of the health card convenience service application was held in a state hospital. In the future, residents of Liangshan Prefecture will be able to use only one “electronic health card” to achieve “one code common use” for all links before, during and after the diagnosis.

At the launching ceremony, participants watched the operation video of residents’ electronic health card. Peng Jun, President of the First State Hospital, reported on the renovation of the resident electronic health card in the hospital, the functions of the electronic health card, and the application prospects. Shi Yilushi, Secretary of the Party Group of the State Health and Health Commission, informed the construction of residents’ electronic health cards and arranged for the deployment of the next stage of work tasks.

It is understood that the electronic health card is a “health ID card” generated in accordance with the unified national standards and has the function of identification. “, can solve the tedious problems of traditional medical treatment such as “one hospital, one card, repeated card issuance, coexistence of multiple cards, and incompatibility with each other”, facilitate residents to obtain continuous medical services and free basic public health services, and dynamically grasp the full life cycle of personal electronic health records, It is convenient for people to seek medical treatment and self-management of health.

The construction of the health and convenience service application project based on residents’ electronic health cards in Liangshan Prefecture was officially launched in 2019. At present, the construction of the first phase of the project is being accelerated, and the tertiary hospitals in the state are fully launched. Among them, Zhouyi Hospital and Xichang People’s Hospital have completed the basic work and can realize various application scenarios required by the “Implementation Plan”. The State Women’s Planning Center has completed the transformation of the card usage environment and the joint commissioning of “Healthy Liangshan” access, and is ready to go online. The Second State Hospital has completed the transformation of the card-using environment, and is carrying out the transformation of the access interface of “Healthy Liangshan” and the joint debugging of the scene application at the same time. ;The State Hospital of Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine has completed the transformation of the card environment, and is in the process of transforming the interface of “Healthy Liangshan”.

The 5 third-level hospitals in Xichang City and the third-level and above hospitals in the Anning River Basin must be online before the end of March. Medical institutions above the second grade must be online before mid-May, and other second-level and above hospitals must be online before mid-June. At the same time, it will continue to increase the card issuance rate and public participation, accelerate the progress of infrastructure construction such as the state-level electronic health card management service information system, and refine application scenarios such as epidemic prevention services, convenient medical services, and convenient health services, so as to effectively serve the general public. Provide more convenient and faster medical and health services.

After the launching ceremony, the participants observed and experienced the electronic health card application and medical treatment process in the outpatient registration office of the first state hospital, the department of traditional Chinese medicine and other departments.

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