One side conditioning, upper heat and lower cold, deficiency not replenished, cold hands and feet but repeated anger

The picture below is a typical upper heat and lower cold. The heart and lung areas are red, indicating that there is heat in the body, and the lower energizer and kidney area are white and greasy, indicating that there is cold in the lower energizer and kidney.

Then “upper heat and lower coldness” have What is the situation?

Symptoms of a “fever”

1. Facial prone to red sores, breakouts and pimples

2. Eye pain, redness, dryness

3. Palpitations, tinnitus

4. Sore and itchy throat

5. Breath Fever< /span>

< span>6. Dry mouth and tongue easily

7. Repeated mouth ulcers, swollen gums, tonsil inflammation

8. Insomnia and dreams, difficulty falling asleep, and night sweats easily

Symptoms of “Xiahan”

1. Fear of cold, cold hands and feet

2. Soreness and weakness in the waist and knees

3. Diarrhea after a cold abdomen

4. Lack of menstrual flow, dysmenorrhea

5 . Palace cold, body cold

6. Delayed period

7. Thin Leucorrhea

8. Frequent urination

9. Unformed stools

The overall feeling is that the upper body is whirling and burning, and it is extremely cold below the navel.

The best state at this time is to let the heart fire Go down, warm the lower body, and the kidney water goes up, moisturizing the upper body. Only in this way will yin and yang be balanced, the heart and kidneys will be blended, and water and fire will be beneficial.

You can drink it like this when it is hot and cold.

Imperata Root, Motherwort, Poria, Dendrobium, Lycium barbarum, Xinhui Orange peel, pear slices

Immatura Radix: heat-clearing and diuretic< /p>

Motherwort: regulate menstruation and clear heat


Poria: Water and Dampness

Dendrobium: Yiweishengjin

Lycium barbarum: nourishes the kidney and nourishes the lungs

Xinhui tangerine peel: dampness and phlegm

Pear slices: moisturizing and moisturizing

This recipe does not mean simply clearing away heat or warming yang, because simply clearing away heat will aggravate the pathogenic cold in the body, and simply supplementing warm Yang will cause the upper part to get angry, so for the conditioning of upper heat and lower cold, it is necessary to use both heat-clearing and cold-dispelling.

I am @Ha’s Medical Heir< /a> Zhang Jijin, if you have #Chinese Medicine# #gynaecology# #women’s health# questions, you can leave me a message below, and I will answer them one by one.