One picture to understand | What are the changes in the new version of the new coronary pneumonia diagnosis and treatment plan?, March 16. According to the website of the Jilin Municipal Health and Health Commission, from 0-24 o’clock on March 15, 393 new local confirmed cases (including 18 asymptomatic infections were converted into confirmed cases) were added in Jilin City. ). Among the new cases, 381 were mild, 11 were common, and 1 was severe. The above cases are all those who were screened for positive infection of the new coronavirus nucleic acid during the control period. On March 15, after consultation with the municipal medical treatment expert group, they were diagnosed as confirmed cases. Among the newly confirmed cases, 1 was in Jiaohe City, 2 in Huadian City, 1 in Yongji County, 1 in Panshi City, and 1 in Shulan City.

376 new cases of local asymptomatic infection were screened for the positive infection of the new coronavirus nucleic acid during the control period. On March 15, the city’s medical treatment expert group was consulted and diagnosed as asymptomatic infection. Among them, there is one case in Yongji County.

During the period from 9 to 24:00 on March 15, 192 new local confirmed cases and 350 new local asymptomatic infections were added in the city.

The above infected persons were all tested positive for the new coronavirus nucleic acid during the control period, and the itinerary will no longer be announced.