“One person, one policy” Binzhou fully carries out the diagnosis and treatment of confirmed cases

Dazhong.com Poster News reporter Li Leilei Zhang Shuang Guo Feng reported from Binzhou

As of 16:30 on March 15, there were 38 confirmed cases in Binzhou, and no There are 36 cases of symptomatic infection, and all the patients are isolated for treatment and observation in designated hospitals. What is the current situation of Bincheng Municipal Hospital as the designated hospital for treating patients diagnosed with new coronary pneumonia in the city? On the afternoon of March 15, a reporter from Dazhong.com and posters came to Bincheng Municipal Hospital to learn about the situation.

Ouyang Xiuhe, deputy head of the Municipal Epidemic Prevention and Treatment Expert Group and Chief Physician of the Municipal People’s Hospital, was interviewed by reporters p>

“The symptoms of the confirmed cases currently admitted are relatively mild, the early vaccination has played a good role, and the treatment is relatively simple; if the asymptomatic infection does not have persistent symptoms after treatment, it will soon be discharged from the hospital Transfer to the isolation point. According to the situation reported by the medical staff, all the patients admitted to the hospital are in good condition.” Ouyang Xiuhe, deputy head of the municipal epidemic prevention and treatment expert group and chief physician of the Municipal People’s Hospital, told reporters.

It is understood that Bincheng Municipal Hospital, as the designated hospital for the treatment of patients diagnosed with new coronary pneumonia in the city, has a total of 240 beds. Through the previous transformation, the function has been continuously improved, and its medical conditions and technical strength are very strong. And there are a large number of medical staff with high diagnostic and treatment capabilities. Relevant departments have also made a lot of investment and purchased a large number of rescue, monitoring and observation equipment and drugs, which can fully and fully guarantee the treatment and rescue of all patients and asymptomatic infected persons.

During the current epidemic disposal process, Binzhou has made every effort to carry out the diagnosis and treatment of confirmed cases, and implemented the “one person, one policy” treatment plan. The expert team is on duty 24 hours a day and pays close attention to the development of the disease. “Medical staff will judge the condition of each patient and propose different treatment plans for each patient. I believe this targeted treatment plan is very beneficial to the patient’s recovery.” Ouyang Xiuhe said that in the current round of the epidemic After the incident, the Binzhou Municipal Health Commission also organized a strong team of traditional Chinese medicine to enter the ward to cooperate with the treatment.

“After the outbreak of this round of the epidemic, the city health system has also formed a strong hospital infection team, and a dozen experienced hospital infection personnel have entered the ward.” Ouyang Xiuhe told reporters that the hospital infection Control includes two aspects, one is to avoid cross infection between patients, and the other is to avoid the occurrence of nosocomial infection between medical staff and patients. When medical staff enter or leave the ward, nosocomial infection managers will monitor the whole process. “During this process, everyone’s vigilance is high, and the incidence of infection will be reduced.”

During the treatment process, the front-line medical staff also worked very hard. In the hospital’s office, the reporter met Yang Zhandong, director of the medical department of Bincheng Municipal Hospital and commander-in-chief of the hospital’s medical treatment team. Due to the high-intensity work for several days in a row, Yang Zhandong’s face showed a trace of exhaustion.

Yang Zhandong, director of the medical department of Bincheng Municipal Hospital and commander of the hospital’s medical treatment team, was interviewed by reporters

Yang Zhandong introduced to reporters, “In terms of personnel construction, the hospital is equipped with three medical echelons. According to the needs, the Municipal Health and Health Commission deploys personnel to supplement them in time.” Yang Zhandong said that there are currently about 200 medical staff in the ward. They not only Responsible for the treatment and nursing work, but also to take care of the daily life of the patients, as well as related work such as sanitation in the ward, disposal of medical waste, etc., the workload is relatively large. “Since the outbreak of the epidemic, the time for patients to arrive at the hospital has been relatively concentrated. Generally, after 6 pm, it often takes three or four o’clock in the middle of the night to truly settle the patient.”

With the increase in the number of patients admitted, the medical staff’s The workload is also increasing. At the beginning of the epidemic, some medical staff put on protective clothing and went to work in the ward directly. Some of them were mothers of two children, and it was too late to tell the children and their families. “They couldn’t drink water or take off their masks inside. They overcame many difficulties and took care of every patient. They moved me.” Yang Zhandong said.