One of the “longevity events” in the morning is not drinking water or defecation. Many people may not care about it.

Longevity has always been the common pursuit of people. In ancient times, there was emperor alchemy, and now there is traditional Chinese medicine. In order to prolong life, people are constantly exploring and practicing There are also many methods and methods.

In modern society, people’s living standards have made a leap, and at the same time, they have a deeper understanding of longevity. Level of understanding, longevity is not necessarily just prolonging life, the most important thing is to be able to obtain high-quality life while prolonging life.

In order to achieve this goal, people’s awareness of health preservation is also increasing, although aging is an unavoidable thing, But as long as there is a way to delay aging and improve the quality of life, it is always worth trying.

We often say that the plan of the day is in the morning, and this time in the morning is the best time for health preservation in the day One, after a whole night of rest in the human body, the various functions of the body begin to gradually wake up. Only by using this golden time to learn the correct health regimen can the body be healthier.


What are some healthy habits after waking up in the morning?

1. Drink water on an empty stomach in the morning

After a night of rest, the body needs to undergo a natural metabolic cycle, so after getting up, add a glass of plain water. It has good benefits to promote body metabolism, remove toxins from the body, improve metabolism, and promote gastrointestinal defecation.

And drinking water on an empty stomach in the morning can increase the blood circulation of the skin, maintain better sensitivity, and prevent Some kidney stones, bladder infections, urinary tract infections, etc. have a certain preventive effect. Drink water in the morning, preferably on an empty stomach, before breakfast, but do not drink a lot, it will easily dilute gastric juice and affect the digestion and absorption of food.

2. Regular bowel movements after waking up in the morning

To prevent constipation, the first thing to do is to develop regular bowel movements. The defecation time that meets the physiological requirements is: morning or after breakfast. The dinner of the previous day passes through the digestion and absorption of the stomach and intestines overnight, and forms feces, which are stored in the sigmoid colon. Getting up in the morning will produce a “stand-up reflex”, which increases the peristaltic wave of the colon and increases the pressure in the colon;

breakfast makes The empty stomach is filled, resulting in the “gastrocolic reflex” and increased intracolonic pressure. The increased pressure in the colon will produce the defecation reflex, so that the stool can be passed out smoothly. That is to say, getting up in the morning or after breakfast is the golden defecation time that meets the physiological requirements.

3. Do stretching exercises after waking up in the morning

No matter how peaceful and relaxing you sleep at night, just after waking up, the muscles in certain parts of your body will still be tense, before you get up and go to the ground Doing stretching exercises can fully stretch these muscles.

A short 5-minute stretch should start at the neck and gradually extend to the arms, shoulders, The lower back and calf can not only improve blood circulation and joint health, but also improve the flexibility and flexibility of the human body. After doing these stretching exercises, you will have sufficient energy to cope with the new day.


A “longevity event” in the morning is not drinking water or defecation. Many people may not care about it

By understanding the above, we all know that drinking a glass of water to defecate on time after getting up in the morning is very good for women’s health, but there is another very important thing that is ignored by most people Well, that’s breakfast.

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Maintaining a good state throughout the day, especially the intake of carbohydrates, can be converted into energy to be used by the human body as quickly as possible. For student parties and office workers, it can significantly improve the efficiency of work and study.

Generally speaking, the time between breakfast and dinner the day before is relatively long, usually more than 12 hours, the glycogen stored in the body It has been exhausted, and if it is not replenished in time, it is very prone to hypoglycemia.

When the blood sugar level is lower than normal, there will be hunger, and the brain’s excitability will decrease. Slowness and inability to concentrate, therefore skipping breakfast or the quality of breakfast is not up to standard, which can easily lead to insufficient energy and nutrients, thereby reducing the efficiency of work and study in the morning.

In addition, according to research, skipping breakfast can also lead to insufficient energy and nutrient intake, making it difficult to get from lunch. Sufficiently supplemented with dinner, the lack of energy reduces the metabolic rate, which in turn makes it easier for fat to accumulate in the body. Over time, although the body gradually gains weight, the body is malnourished due to lack of sufficient nutrition.

Therefore, if you want to make your body healthier, stay away from the threat of disease, and better improve your quality of life, in Usually, we must pay attention to the necessity of breakfast, follow the dietary principle of “eat breakfast well, eat full lunch, and eat less dinner” to provide a good guarantee for health.


How to have a healthier breakfast?

1. Time for breakfast< /span>

For many office workers, they have developed the bad habit of staying up late and sleeping late in the morning. The hours are irregular, although no attention is paid to the time of the morning meal.

Research shows that the best time for breakfast is between seven and nine o’clock, as the stomach is already If the food is completely digested, if no food is added, it will cause a large amount of gastric acid secretion, stimulate the gastric mucosa, and bring potential threats to the health of the body.

2. Don’t eat while walking

< p data-track="30">Many people get up late at ordinary times. In order to prevent being late for work or school, they usually buy some food at roadside stalls, such as egg filled pancakes, pancakes and fruits, fried dough sticks , steamed buns, etc., eating while walking, this habit does save time, but it is not good for health.

If you eat while walking on the road, you will definitely gobble up, and you will not have enough blood when you walk. When it reaches the stomach to help digest food, it will cause indigestion. Therefore, everyone should not eat while walking. You can bring food to the company or school, sit down and drink a glass of water before eating breakfast.

3. Eat bland food

< p data-track="33">A greasy breakfast will increase the burden on the gastrointestinal tract and increase blood lipids. If you can’t resist the temptation to eat it once a week, It is recommended that you choose a lighter breakfast, but a nutritious and comprehensive diet should try to eat less fried foods, such as fried dough sticks and soy milk.

For example, you can eat eggs, whole wheat bread, milk millet porridge, fresh fruit or juice every morning Wait.