One month after recovering from Omikron infection, still loses taste? Expert: It will heal itself

(People’s Daily Health Client Reporter Xu Shiyu)

“It’s been a month since I recovered from the Omicron infection, but it still has an impact on my life. I get headaches from time to time, I’m exhausted, and most importantly, I haven’t regained my sense of taste.” An Omicron infected person said on social platforms that after a month of recovery, there are still some sequelae and still have not regained his sense of taste.

In response to the above situation, Li Tong, chief physician of the Department of Infectious Diseases of Beijing You’an Hospital, once said in an interview with a reporter from the People’s Daily Health Client that he had a long-term taste sensation after recovering from the Omicron strain. Decreases are individual cases, and such sequelae will heal on their own. Jin Dongyan, a professor at the School of Biomedical Sciences at the University of Hong Kong and a virus expert, also told the People’s Daily Health Client that this situation is very rare, and there is no symptomatic treatment. Generally, it will fully recover after two months.

Previously, a reporter from Health Times interviewed a number of people infected with Omicron and learned that after being infected with Omicron, the symptoms were low-grade fever, cough, sore throat, drowsiness, and general malaise. Wait, the healing time is about a week, and the manifestation of Omicron in each person is different, which has a lot to do with the individual’s immune system. Most said that no sequelae were found. One patient said that he often felt fatigued after infection. “After recovery, he can still feel physical ‘tired’ and fatigue. It is the kind of fatigue that occurs after a serious illness.”

Li Tong once introduced that some patients will have some sequelae after being infected with the new crown, including decreased sense of taste and smell, decreased lung function, anxiety, fatigue, insomnia, headache, etc., but mainly infected with Del Tower strain or other original strain. The appearance of sequelae is related to the severity of infection with the new crown. The more severe the symptoms, the higher the incidence of sequelae. The virus is weak and the symptoms are mild. The patient mainly presents with respiratory symptoms, and the probability of leaving sequelae is low. If there is no sense of taste or loss of smell when sick, there is a high probability that there will be no sequelae of decreased sense of taste and smell.

However, it cannot be ruled out that individual cases, especially severe patients, have a loss of taste and smell. Li Tong once said that with the extension of time, the loss of taste will gradually ease, and there is no need to intervene in such sequelae.