One cup a day will shrink the brain! Are you still eating these foods that accelerate brain degeneration?

As people get older, their skin becomes more wrinkled, their hair turns white, their memory declines, and they also show inflexibility of hands and feet, insomnia, dizziness, staggering, and unresponsiveness. Many people think that this is a normal phenomenon. Is it inevitable that memory will decline when you get older?

In fact, most middle-aged and elderly people often suffer from memory decline , The lack of flexibility in the hands and feet in the past, tinnitus, insomnia and other symptoms may be related to brain atrophy!

And recently, scientists have discovered a food that often Drinking it, may cause general brain atrophy!

one glass per day Alcohol

Every part of the brain may shrink!

Alcohol is known to be toxic, and a fact sheet issued by the World Heart Federation says there are approximately 230 alcohol-related diseases.

A 19-year tracking study in the United States found that , regular alcohol consumption increases the risk of memory loss and dementia.

Not only that, but a recent study found that long-term high levels of Drinking alcohol has another hit on our brains — brain shrinkage, and overall shrinkage.

In March, a new study from the University of Pennsylvania A large survey study of 36,000 people showed that: Even moderate alcohol consumption can make our brains smaller, and the more alcohol we drink, the more obvious the changes in brain volume.

And while drinking alcohol shrinks the brain, it also accelerates its aging.

Before this, scholars at Oxford University were analyzing many The study also found that long-term heavy drinking can lead to overall shrinkage of gray and white matter in the brain, as well as shrinkage of the cerebellum, and structures such as the hippocampus, amygdala, and hypothalamus are also affected.

The study also concluded: 8 grams per day Alcohol (330ml can of beer) is enough to change our brain.

Therefore, there is no such thing as moderation when it comes to alcohol, and the best thing to do for your health is not to drink, at least for the sake of your precious brain.

In addition to alcohol, daily life is harmful to the brain There is also a lot of food.

Diet is one of the ways to keep healthy. Improve intelligence, while certain foods affect alertness, memory, mood, and the nervous system, jeopardizing brain health.

5 The most brain-damaging foods,

be careful edible!

High sugar + high fat mix p>

The combination of lipoglycosides is the most addictive, and this food affects the brain The stimulation of the reward circuit will be much greater than the simple high-fat food and high-sugar food. And long-term consumption of these foods will destroy the normal intestinalBacteria can also dull the brain.

Typical:Doughnut Butter Cookie Cream Cake Ice Cream

Fast Foods

There is a saying that fast food is like taking drugs.

The high concentration of fat, fruit and grapes contained in fast food Syrups, monosodium glutamate, hydrogenated oils, refined salt, and various additives can have similar effects on the brain as cocaine intake. Eating fast food over a long period of time can lead to decreased activity in the striatum (the area of ​​the brain responsible for emotion and reward).

represents:Crisps Fried Chicken Pizza

< span>Marinated Foods

< span>The sodium content of pickled food is very high, and salt can induce the release of dopamine, which makes people feel happy, so they can’t stop eating. But consuming too much salt can easily lead to health problems such as osteoporosis, high blood pressure, Alzheimer’s, diabetes, obesity and kidney disease.

Typical:Sausage, Salted Fish, Salted Vegetables and Bacon

High-sugar foods

Do you think high-sugar foods will give you energy and satiety? But in fact, people who drank a high-sugar milkshake were more likely to feel hungry than those who drank a low-sugar milkshake.

Research also shows that fructose reduces brain and memory function. On top of that, when sugar sneaks into the body in liquid form (like beverages), it’s hard for our bodies to make good judgments and unknowingly eat a lot of calories.

Typical: Sweet drink Sweets

Refined carbohydrates

Refined carbohydrates release energy quickly, send blood sugar spikes and stay high for long periods of time, stimulate a surge of insulin, and then you’re hungrier. At the same time, refined carbohydrates with added refined sugar, corn syrup, and dextrin stimulate the brain’s reward mechanism, causing more food cravings and suppressing satiety.

Typical: Cookie White Bread White Rice White Mantou

How to Protect Your Brain

80 Can you still have a 50-year-old brain?


Exercise the tongue, slow down brain shrinkage

< p data-track="95">Japanese scientists have found through research that exercising the tongue in life can indirectly stimulate the nerves of the brain and face, thereby slowing down brain atrophy and preventing the aging of facial nerves and muscles. Scientists believe that the human body appears The biggest cause of aging is brain shrinkage, the most notable symptom being a stiff tongue and a dull expression.

Japanese scientists conducted a comparative study on 800 volunteers. One group of volunteers deliberately moved their tongues every morning and night, while the other group did not move their tongues. After such an experiment lasted for about half a year, the scientists found: The group of people who insisted on moving their tongues had significantly more active brain cells than those who did not move their tongues in particular, and their ability to deal with problems was faster than the latter.

< img class="content_title" height="300" layout="responsive" sizes="(min-width: 320px) 320px, 100vw" src="" width="600">

Scientists say: “This The results of a study led us to find a non-food method to slow down brain aging. “Based on this research, Japanese scientists suggest that you can move your tongue every morning and night to activate brain cells and prevent brain aging and brain atrophy!

< p data-track="100">⊙ tongue out

The tip of the tongue is stretched forward as far as possible, so that the base of the tongue feels stretched, and then retracted Roll up and repeat 10 times.

⊙twitch tongue< /p>

With the tongue in the mouth, slowly make 10 full clockwise turns, then 10 counterclockwise turns.

⊙Tongue licking teeth

Put the tip of the tongue gently Hold the upper jaw for 10 seconds, then the outside of the upper teeth for 10 seconds, the outside of the lower teeth for 10 seconds, and the inside of the lower teeth for 10 seconds.

< p data-track="109">This exercise can be done at any time. It can be done in the morning, at noon, or at night. It is generally recommended to do it once in the morning and once in the evening.


Various Nutrients, Brain Supply Station

A new study in the United States shows that if the elderly have vitamin C, D, E, B vitamins and omega Higher levels of omega-3 fatty acids may reduce the risk of developing this disease.

< strong>Vitamin C: Fresh dates, green peppers, kiwi, spinach, hawthorn, citrus, grapefruit, strawberries.

Vitamin E: Nuts such as almonds, peanuts, and walnuts; whole grains such as brown rice, wheat, and oats.

B vitamins: lean meat, eggs, yeast, Beans, such as spinach, cabbage.

Phytochemicals: Including carotenoids, anthocyanins and isoflavones.

Pumpkin, corn, Green peppers, tomatoes; blueberries, cranberries, black cherries; soy flour, soy milk, tempeh, tofu, tofu skin.

Omega-3 fatty acids: Deep sea fish, fish oil, walnuts ,Pumpkin seeds.

Cholines: Brain states and neurons Acetylcholine can promote the excitation of neurons, while eggs and animal liver are rich in choline substances, which can promote the synthesis of acetylcholine.


Black sesame seeds, plus two walnuts< /span>

Wang Shibiao, a Chinese medicine expert who is good at treating migraine and stroke, said that the foundation of brain care is to conform to nature and nourish the heartSoothe the nerves, keep the food diversified, moderate, and balanced, and dietary health care is his magic weapon for brain protection.

Wang Shibiao said that there are two kinds of ingredients for his breakfast all year round, walnuts and black sesame seeds. It is believed that:

Walnut kernels can nourish blood vessels, grow hair, delay memory decline, and have The effect of invigorating the brain and increasing intelligence can assist in the treatment of neurasthenia.

Black sesame is rich in high-quality protein, minerals, vitamin E and precious sesamin, etc. Nutrients that slow down brain aging. Moreover, sesamin has anti-inflammatory effects, can lower cholesterol, and has certain benefits for preventing cerebrovascular diseases.


Active life slows down brain aging Some

for the elderly, it is more often necessary to be conscious Move your hands, use your brain, develop your hobbies, and do some memory training games. Those who have a wide range of interests in life will be more energetic.

In daily life, let patients participate at all times, such as learning to recognize the way when going out, shopping Know the name of the product and calculate the price from time to time, recall the purchases after returning home, write the running account, and complete simple cleaning work independently. If fully cared for life, the patient’s ability to live may degenerate more rapidly.

Finally, don’t forget to exercise, proper exercise can promote the brain to synthesize serotonin, dopamine, etc. Pleasant substances that help fight depression and anxiety.

The elderly can do some farm work, housework, and manual work such as paper cutting and sewing. , so that the brain can be exercised and thinking more active.

Participate in elderly activities from time to time, and invite old friends to go outing, dancing, etc. mental stress.

Source: Global Science, Life Times, etc.