On the 27th, there were 96 new confirmed cases and 266 asymptomatic infections in mainland China

(Fighting against New Coronary Pneumonia) 96 new confirmed cases and 266 asymptomatic infections were added in mainland China on the 27th

China News Agency, Beijing, May 28, according to China According to the epidemic information reported by the National Health Commission on the 28th, there were 96 new confirmed cases of new coronary pneumonia in mainland China on the 27th, including 71 local cases (39 in Shanghai and 18 in Beijing). There were 266 new cases of asymptomatic infections on the same day, including 193 local cases (131 cases in Shanghai).

According to data from the National Health Commission, from 0:00 to 24:00 on May 27, 31 provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities) and the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps reported 96 new confirmed cases. Among them, 25 were imported cases (12 in Fujian, 4 in Guangxi, 2 in Beijing, 2 in Liaoning, 2 in Guangdong, 2 in Sichuan, and 1 in Jiangsu), including 2 who were converted from asymptomatic infections to confirmed cases; There were 71 cases (39 in Shanghai, 18 in Beijing, 4 in Tianjin, 4 in Henan, 3 in Jilin, and 3 in Jiangsu), including 20 who were converted from asymptomatic infections to confirmed cases. No new deaths were reported. There were 3 new suspected cases, all imported from abroad (all in Shanghai).

269 new cases were cured and discharged on the same day, including 18 imported cases, 251 local cases, 16,005 close contacts released from medical observation, and 7 severe cases were reduced from the previous day.

There are 218 confirmed cases imported from abroad (no severe cases) and 3 suspected cases. A total of 18,609 confirmed cases, 18,391 cured and discharged cases, and no deaths.

As of 24:00 on May 27, according to reports from 31 provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government) and the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps, there were 3,099 confirmed cases (including 162 severe cases), and a total of 215,608 cured and discharged cases. There are 5,226 deaths, 223,933 confirmed cases, and 3 suspected cases. A total of 4,065,206 close contacts have been traced, and 197,164 close contacts are still under medical observation.

31 provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities) and Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps reported 266 new cases of asymptomatic infections, including 73 imported cases and 193 local cases (131 cases in Shanghai, 11 cases in Liaoning, 9 cases in Jilin 9 cases in Xinjiang, 7 cases in Shandong, 6 cases in Beijing, 5 cases in Henan, 3 cases in Tianjin, 3 cases in Hebei, 3 cases in Jiangsu, 3 cases in Sichuan, 2 cases in Zhejiang, and 1 case in Yunnan).

1987 cases of asymptomatic infection were released from medical observation on the same day, including 60 imported cases and 1927 local cases; 22 cases were confirmed as confirmed cases on the same day (2 cases imported from abroad); asymptomatic cases still under medical observation There were 17,552 infected people (446 imported from abroad).

A total of 2,067,371 confirmed cases have been reported from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan. Among them, there were 332,221 cases in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (62,129 discharged and 9,375 deaths), 83 in the Macau Special Administrative Region (82 discharged), and 1,735,067 in Taiwan (13,742 discharged and 1,784 deaths).

According to the data of the National Health and Medical Commission, as of May 26, 2022, 31 provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities) and the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps have reported a total of 3,375.898 million doses of the new coronavirus vaccine. (End)