On May 7, Tangshan continued to add zero new additions! Hebei added 1+1!

May 7, 2022, 0-24:00, Hebei Province added a new local novel coronavirus pneumonia 1 confirmed case (Dingzhou); 1 new local asymptomatic infection (Dingzhou). 4 cases were cured and discharged, and 44 cases of asymptomatic infection were released from medical observation.

As of 24:00 on May 7, there are 10 local confirmed cases in Hebei Province; 345 local asymptomatic infections are still under medical observation.

In addition, on May 8

Latin County issued the latest announcement

All markets remain temporarily closed


Le Ting County New Coronary Pneumonia Epidemic Prevention and Control Work HeadquartersNotice on Strengthening the Market Epidemic Prevention and Control Work span>The vast number of residents in the county:At present, the new crown pneumonia epidemic is still complicated and severe. In light of the current situation of epidemic prevention and control, the relevant matters are hereby announced as follows:1.All markets will continue to be temporarily closed, and gathering activities related to market transactions will be suspended , Temporary gathering markets and roadside markets are strictly prohibited. 2. All towns, townships, streets and gardens should earnestly fulfill their territorial supervision responsibilities, maintain the order of market closures within their jurisdictions, and do a good job of publicity. 3. For those who refuse to implement the requirements of the notice or gather people in private transactions and cause the spread of the epidemic, the relevant personnel will be seriously held accountable in accordance with relevant laws and regulations.

This notice will be implemented from the date of publication, and the time for resumption of trading will be notified separately.

Leting County New Coronary Pneumonia Epidemic Prevention and Control HeadquartersMay 8, 2022

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Source: Released by Laoting, Hebei Health and Health Commission

Editor: Song Wei

[Source: Published by Tangshan]

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