On March 20, the activity trajectory of 2 new confirmed cases in Xi’an was announced

This article is reproduced from [Xi’an Release];

At 0-24:00 on March 20, 2 new local confirmed cases (1 mild case and 1 common case) were added in our city, which were found in centralized isolation. . The main activity trajectories are now announced as follows (no public places activity trajectories have been found in the unannounced time period):

Please take the initiative to report to the community, units, hotels, etc. as soon as possible for those who have intersections with the case trajectory announced by our city, and cooperate with various prevention and control measures such as centralized isolation, home isolation, health monitoring, and nucleic acid testing.

We should continue to adhere to wearing masks scientifically, not shaking hands, washing hands frequently, ventilating more often, and avoiding overseas shopping, and try not to go to places with dense crowds and poor ventilation. If you have new coronary pneumonia-related symptoms such as fever, dry cough, fatigue, hyposmia, decreased taste, nasal congestion, runny nose, sore throat, conjunctivitis, myalgia, and diarrhea, do not go to work with illness, participate in social activities, and do not take public transportation. Wear a mask, go to the fever clinic of a nearby hospital as soon as possible to seek medical treatment according to regulations, cooperate with nucleic acid testing and epidemiological investigation, and inform the doctor of activity history, exposure history of risk personnel and imported goods, and physical abnormalities, and do not buy or take medicine by yourself.

Text: Gao Rui, Omnimedia Reporter of Xi’an Newspaper Industry