Older friends, pay attention, after the age of 50, try not to do these 5 kinds of sports, if you don’t do it well, it will hurt your body

Going for a walk in the park recently, Pharmacist Tan really saw that “the master is in the folk”. As soon as I entered the park and walked not far, I saw two people doing handstands on their hands, and they should be over 55 years old. One of them didn’t change his face when he stood upside down, his expression was calm, and there were several uncles beside him who helped to time and cheer. Pedestrians passing by all made a tsk tsk exclamation and cast their admiring glances.

Going further, Pharmacist Tan saw several uncles hanging horizontal bars, as well as uncles who brought their own equipment and practiced push-ups. What impressed Pharmacist Tan was an uncle who was running. Because he met him twice, he felt that the other party was over 60 years old. It was probably because he was running too hot, he rolled up the sports vest and leaked out his abdominal muscles. Yes, that’s right, although Pharmacist Tan didn’t count how many muscles he had, he glanced at it and it was really muscles. This made Pharmacist Tan have to sigh, it is really a master among the people, and your uncle is your “” uncle” after all.

while sighing, Pharmacist Tan also I have to remind older friends about some precautions about exercise. I have to say that with the improvement of people’s living standards and the improvement of health awareness, more and more people, whether young or old, are beginning to pay attention to Exercise. Everyone has practiced “life lies in exercise” with practical actions. Exercise has many health benefits, such as speeding up blood circulation, improving physical fitness, and enhancing the body’s immunity. However, time is not forgiving. After the age of 50, these 5 kinds of exercise Try not to do it, it will hurt you if you don’t do it well.

1. Long-distance running

Long-term running is easy to wear out the joints. In addition, the flexibility of the joints of the elderly is not as high as that of the young, relatively speaking, the risk of joint damage in the elderly is higher during long-distance running. The intensity is also high, and the pressure on the heart and lungs during the whole process is also high. For the elderly who have no basis for exercise, or the elderly with cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, there are uncertain safety hazards, and it is recommended to try it easily.

2. Mountain climbing

Climbing a mountain helps to strengthen the heart and lungs, burn calories, and climb to the top of the mountain. You can overlook the beautiful scenery from a high place, which is very fulfilling. But the disadvantages also exist. Mountain climbing is a weight-bearing exercise. During this process, the knees need to bear a lot of pressure, especially for the elderly who have osteoporosis, rheumatism, and joint diseases. damage.

3. Crunches

Frankly, sit ups It’s a big challenge for some young people. Moreover, with the increase of age, the function of the lumbar spine will also decline. And sit-ups are a very test of the lumbar spine, if not done well, not only easy to damage the lumbar spine, but also easy to cause muscle strain and other problems.

4. Hit the tree

Some older friends choose The fitness method of hitting the tree, I think that by hitting the tree, it can promote the blood circulation of the local and even the whole body, and can also play a massage role. However, the massage effect achieved simply by hitting a tree is not very obvious. In addition, hitting a tree is also dangerous. If you hit the wrong part or the force is too strong, it may also damage the soft tissues of the ribs and shoulders.

If an elderly friend wants to relieve pain through massage, Pharmacist Tan recommends that you go to a professional massage doctor when the cause of the pain is clear .

5. Walk backwards

some older friends I also like to walk backwards in the park, sometimes a few people walk backwards together, chatting while walking. However, after the age of 50, it is recommended that elderly friends do not walk backwards, because considering the decline of the elderly’s physical function and sensitivity, it is easy to trip or lose balance and fall when walking backwards.

But it doesn’t mean that you must not walk backwards. If you have elderly friends, you like to walk backwards. It is recommended to go to places with few people. It’s too fast, it’s best to have someone by your side.

Persistent exercise can help delay aging, but wrong and inappropriate exercise can lead to aging”accelerator”. After all, the “exercise masters” Tan Yaoshi saw in the park are a minority. We hereby remind the majority of elderly friends to exercise according to their abilities and choose the exercise method that suits them.

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