Occurs in sleep, elderly alert to stroke after waking up

Since March, Zhejiang Provincial People’s Hospital has received nearly 20 patients with cerebral infarction, and Uncle Wang, who is nearly 70 years old, is one of them.

Uncle Wang suffered from high blood pressure a few years ago and started taking antihypertensive drugs. During this time, the weather became warmer and blood pressure was better controlled, so I relaxed my vigilance and stopped antihypertensive drugs. A few mornings ago, he planned to go to the morning exercise as usual. As soon as he got up, he felt that his right hand and foot were not responding well. He wanted to call his wife, but found that his tongue was not working properly. Seeing his condition, his wife immediately dialed 120 and sent Uncle Wang to Zhejiang Provincial People’s Hospital.

The receiving doctor immediately started the green channel of the diagnosis and treatment process for stroke (cerebral stroke) after waking up, and took Uncle Wang to complete the cranial magnetic resonance examination as soon as possible. Sure enough, the elderly left cerebral infarction.

“The patient is likely to have a stroke in his sleep.” Zhang Sheng, deputy chief physician of the neurology department of the hospital, said that stable blood pressure is the key to preventing cardiovascular and cerebrovascular events. There are many patients who feel that their blood pressure is normal during the day, and their blood pressure is not too high at ordinary times, so they stop taking the drug on their own. However, nocturnal high blood pressure is a “hidden killer”. People are unaware of the rise in blood pressure during sleep, and many cardiovascular and cerebrovascular events occur quietly at this moment. This is the wake-up stroke that has received more and more attention in recent years.

Zhang Sheng said that when encountering this kind of stroke (cerebral stroke), in addition to identifying it at the first time, it is more important to send it to the hospital for evaluation of reperfusion therapy.

Geng Yu, director of the neurology department of the hospital, reminded that the warm and cold spring can easily cause vasospasm and blood pressure fluctuations. Patients with chronic diseases such as high blood pressure may induce stroke if they take medicines randomly. According to clinical medical statistics, 70% to 80% of stroke patients suffer from high blood pressure. Therefore, you must not stop the drug at will, and if you adjust the dose of the drug, you must obtain the consent of the doctor.

Geng Yu reminded that in the event of slurred speech, numbness and weakness of one limb, sudden loss of vision, blindness, sudden headache, dizziness, etc., you should seek medical attention in time for early detection and early treatment.